ASM22 Final Program

The Dark Side of Implants: Complications, Diagnosis and Management

Jim Grisdale, DDS, Dip. Perio, Dip. Prosth

This is a must-course for clinicians surgically placing, restoring and maintaining implants. High success and survival rates are reported in the literature; however, there is an increasing number of complications reported particularly in patients who are at higher risk for complications. If the clinician is better able to identify and understand the different complications, prevention and management can be more effectively performed. Understanding the profile of patients who are at greatest risk for developing complications will lead to providing strategies for early recognition and intervention. Learning Objectives: • To identify patients at higher risk for dental implants and how to correctly diagnose the different types of complications • To recognize the differences between early and late-stage complications and to understand the differences between biological and biomechanical complications • To choose the appropriate management protocol for early intervention and treatment

Course Code:


Room: Time:

718B – South Building

12:30 – 3:00 pm




Dentist; Dental Hygienist; Dental Assistant; Dental Technologist

RCDSO QA Program: Category 2 (3 CE Credits) Fee + HST: Ticketed Free

Dr. Jim Grisdale is a board-certified specialist in periodontics (UBC) and prosthodontics (McGill University) with a part-time practice in periodontics and implant dentistry in Vancouver. He was full-time faculty at Loma Linda University and is an invited lecturer. He lectures extensively in the United Sstates and Canada, and has presented in Asia and Europe. He mentors for periodontal and implant study clubs. Dr. Grisdale has published in the areas of implants, bone grafting and dentin sensitivity.

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