Spring 2018 PEG

The quarterly publication of APEGA. This edition features Council Election candidates, AGM & Conference information, Permit Increase Prep Guide, and our feature – Solving the Suicide Mystery.


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The Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta

Hiring Professional Engineers or Professional Geoscientists? We have more than 8,500 qualified candidates. Our job board is exclusive to APEGA members, giving you access to a large pool of candidates with the skills and experience you need. Make your talent search easy and fast. Start hiring now at jobboard.apega.ca

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Contact us for details. jobboard@apega.ca

Learn from the Best in Your Industry! Gain personalized guidance from an experienced Member. Hundreds of Professional Members are waiting to meet you through APEGA’s online matching software. Become a mentee with APEGA’s Mentoring Program. Sign up at www.apega.ca/mentoring .









40 Readings 41 Buzz 46 Branch Calendar 47 Volunteer With APEGA 50 World Watch 65 The Discipline File 75 Member Benefits

9–29 All About Election, AGM, Conference 30 Permit Increase Prep Guide 58 Solving the Suicide Mystery


3 President's Notebook 6 RCEO’s Message 31 Movers & Shakers

SPRING 2018 PEG | 1

The PEG (ISSN 1923-0052) is published quarterly — online — in the spring, summer, fall, and winter, by the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta. Publication of a print version of The PEG ceased with the distribution of the winter 2016 edition. The PEG ’s content relates primarily to APEGA, our statutory obligations, our services to Members and Permit Holders, and the professional development of Members. The magazine also celebrates Member and Permit Holder accomplishments in Professional Engineering, Professional Geoscience, and other areas. The PEG is not a technical, peer-reviewed publication. Although we publish items about accomplishments in research, we do not publish actual academic or scientific papers and presentations, even in summary form. The PEG does not accept advertising. Opinions published in The PEG do not necessarily reflect the opinions or

VOLUME 2 | NUMBER 1 | SPRING 2018 ISSN 1923-0052 Director of Communications Katie Starratt Katie.Starratt@apega.ca Editor George Lee , FEC (Hon.), FGC (Hon.) George.Lee@apega.ca EXECUTIVE TEAM Registrar & Chief Executive Officer Jay Nagendran , P.Eng., QEP, BCEE Deputy Registrar & Chief Regulatory Officer Matthew Oliver , CD , P.Eng. Chief Operating Officer Heidi Yang , P.Eng., FEC, FGC (Hon.) Chief Financial & Administration Officer Sharilee Fossum , CPA, CMA, ICD.D, MBA Director of Communications Katie Starratt BRANCH CHAIRS Calgary Gobind Khiani, P.Eng. calgarybranch@apega.ca Central Alberta Genesh Chariyil , P.Eng. centralalbertabranch@apega.ca Edmonton Kyle Fodchuk , P.Eng. edmontonbranch@apega.ca Fort McMurray Roya Iranitalab , P.Eng. fortmcmurraybranch@apega.ca

policy of APEGA or its Council. Inquiries: George.Lee@apega.ca

COUNCIL President

Jane Tink , P.Eng., FEC, FGC (Hon.) (Okotoks)

President-Elect Nima Dorjee , P.Eng. (Calgary) Vice-President John Rhind , P.Geol. (Calgary) Past-President  Dr. Steve E. Hrudey , P.Eng., FEC, FGC (Hon.), FCAE, FSRA (Canmore) Councillors Natasha Avila , P.Eng. (Calgary) Dr. Jeff DiBattista , P.Eng., MBA (Edmonton) Jennifer Enns , P.Eng. (Calgary) George Eynon , P.Geo., FGC, FEC (Hon.) (Calgary) Darren Hardy , P.Eng. (Calgary)

Dr. Brad Hayes , P.Geol., FGC, FEC (Hon.) (Calgary) Dr. Timothy Joseph , P.Eng., FCIM (Edmonton) RaeAnne Leach , P.Eng. (Grande Prairie) Manon Plante , P.Eng., MDS, CD1 (St. Albert) Jason Vanderzwaag , P.Eng. (Fort McMurray) Claudia Villeneuve , P.Eng., M.Eng. (Edmonton) Emily Zhang , P.Eng. (Calgary)

Lakeland Azam Khan , P.Eng. lakelandbranch@apega.ca Lethbridge Albert Tagoe , P.Eng. lethbridgebranch@apega.ca

Medicine Hat James Johansen , P.Eng. medicinehatbranch@apega.ca Peace Region Youssef Iskandar , E.I.T. peaceregionbranch@apega.ca Vermilion River Dustin Wiltermuth , P.Eng. vermilionriverbranch@apega.ca Yellowhead Colleen Mireau , P.Eng. yellowheadbranch@apega.ca

Susan McRory , LL.B., ARCT Mary Phillips-Rickey , F CA Georgeann Wilkin , RN, LL.B., MBS

Public Members of Council

APEGA CONTACT INFORMATION HEAD OFFICE 1500 Scotia One, 10060 Jasper Avenue NW Edmonton AB T5J 4A2 PH 780-426-3990 TOLL FREE 1-800-661-7020 FAX 780-426-1877

NATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS Engineers Canada Directors Lisa Doig , P.Eng., FEC, FGC (Hon.), MBA

Dr. Gary Faulkner , P.Eng., FEC, FGC (Hon.) Dr. David Lynch , P.Eng., FEC, FGC (Hon.), FCAE, FEIC, FCIC Connie Parenteau , P.Eng., FEC, FGC (Hon.)

www.apega.ca email@apega.ca

CALGARY OFFICE 2200 Scotia Centre, 700 Second Street SW Calgary AB T2P 2W1 PH 403-262-7714 TOLL FREE 1-800-661-7020 FAX 403-269-2787

Geoscientists Canada Director Colin Yeo , P.Geo., FGC, FEC (Hon.)

2 | PEG SPRING 2018

President’s Notebook


Member Inductions Remind us of What our Professions are All About BY JANE TINK, P.ENG., FEC, FGC (HON.) APEGA President

Since last April, when I began serving you and the public as APEGA President, I have had the privilege of being involved in APEGA Professional Member Induction Ceremonies held in Calgary, Edmonton, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat, Cold Lake, and Lloydminster. For those of you who haven’t had the opportunity to attend one of these ceremonies, let me set the scene. Each new inductee, after receiving a pin and a copy of our oath, stands. The oath is then recited aloud as a group. I have included the oath with this column. It is a great reminder of what it means to be a professional member of APEGA, and I encourage you to read it. HOW TO KEEP CURRENT AND COMPETENT APEGA is the largest association of self-regulated professionals in Western Canada, which speaks

to how much our work affects the public. We each have a professional obligation to participate in the association to ensure that we maintain our competencies. We do this through additional training, including being aware and knowledgeable of APEGA’s professional practice standards, guidelines, and bulletins, and maintaining and submitting our continuing professional development (CPD) hours. If you are confused about what qualifies as CPD or how fill out the forms and maintain your records, please refer the fall 2017 edition of The PEG, How’s Your CPD Doing? , or attend an APEGA seminar on the subject. For permit holders, this obligation includes ensuring that your Responsible Members update their training as required and that your organization develops, follows, and maintains a Professional

I, (Name), by virtue of my training and experience, hereby undertake the responsibilities of a Professional (Engineer or Geoscientist) or Professional Licensee (Engineer or Geoscientist). I will have proper regard for the safety and welfare of all persons and the physical environment affected by my work. I will restrict myself to that which I have adequate knowledge. My reputation shall be based on merit. I shall represent myself without exaggeration. In competition, I will enter fairly and ethically. To those Members-in-Training under my supervision, I am obligated to demonstrate understanding, professionalism, and technical expertise. To the public, I am charged with extending the understanding of the professions. Through all my actions, I will serve society and enhance my knowledge and the dignity and status of my profession.

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President’s Notebook


APEGA is the largest association of self- regulated professionals in Western Canada, which speaks to how much our work affects the public. We each have a professional obligation to participate in the association to ensure that we maintain our competencies.

Practice Management Plan (PPMP) relevant to your organization’s professional practice.

ELECTION AND CONFERENCE SEASON Participating in the association also means participating in its activities, such as the annual election. This is your chance to vote for our new Councillors, a Vice-President, and a President-Elect. The election is already underway—it started on Friday, February 16, and it continues until Monday, March 19, at 12 noon. Take the time to review candidate statements and exercise your right to vote. The election occurs in advance of the APEGA Annual General Meeting , to be held this year in Edmonton on Friday, April 20. This is your opportunity to discuss issues important to the professions, to vote on matters brought forward by Council, and to propose motions for Council to consider. The agenda package will be posted online at least two weeks before the AGM. If you can, I also encourage to attend the professional development portion of our annual conference, held all day on April 19 and on the morning of April 20. We’re offering more than 20 sessions, so this a great way to keep abreast of changes to our professions and to the technology we use in our practices. Have you ever attended the Summit Awards? Capping off the first day of the conference on the evening of Thursday, April 19, the awards are your chance to learn about and celebrate the incredible accomplishments

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President's Notebook


and projects of some of our particularly inspiring members. All conference and AGM events are being held at the Shaw Conference Centre in downtown Edmonton. ASET REPORT MISSES THE MARK During my President’s Visits around the province, I meet with local branch executives, permit holders, and members. This is an excellent chance to hear what concerns exist at the local level and how APEGA may be able to assist. It is also a wonderful opportunity to discuss the changes and challenges affecting our professions at the local, provincial, and national levels. Recently, the Association of Science and Engineering Technology Professionals of Alberta (ASET) released a report entitled Evidence Over Rhetoric: The Case for Amending the EGPA to Benefit all Albertans, January 2018. I encourage all of you

to read the report and watch the video posted on the APEGA website to better understand APEGA’s concerns regarding the complex issue of regulating technologists. The report claims to build the case for ASET to self-regulate technologists without APEGA’s involvement. It adds little of substance to the discussion, however, and it fails to clearly define what ASET self-regulation or technologist scopes of practice would look like. The bulk of what the report calls evidence comes from questions ASET asked of employers and municipalities. Some APEGA members and permit holders, however, have suggested that ASET didn’t present things clearly before setting up meetings. Certainly, ASET’s assumption that declining a meeting was the same as agreeing with ASET’s proposal is, at best, a stretch. APEGA is preparing a formal response to the report, and we’ll post it soon for your review. Watch for the e-PEG in your inbox for a link. This is an important issue and it is one that APEGA—as the regulator of engineering and geoscience in Alberta— takes very seriously. I encourage you to submit your comments and questions through my APEGA address, below.

LINKS How’s Your CPD Doing? Professional Practice Management Plan Be a Voter—Now APEGA Annual Conference ASET Report Scope of Practice Video

Questions or comments? president@apega.ca

SPRING 2018 PEG | 5

Registrar & CEO's Message


There’s a Lot in APEGA for You— But the Public Comes First BY JAY NAGENDRAN, P.ENG., QEP, BCEE, FEC APEGA Registrar & Chief Executive Officer

As a self-regulating organization, our relationship with members is critical to our success. This should not be a major revelation to any of you. We need you as professionals, as volunteers, as voters, as councillors, as branch executive members. We consult with you to incorporate your experience and expertise in our work. We count on you to make crucial regulatory decisions involving your peers. We book you as speakers and presenters for APEGA events. We recruit you to share your love of science and math with young people. Still, you have every right to ask APEGA a fundamental question: what’s in it for me? I encourage you to ask it, in fact. But please don’t expect a single, simple answer, because your relationship with APEGA is multi-faceted and situational. It depends on your willingness and ability to give back to your professions, the stage you’ve reached in your career, the types of tools and support you need, and a myriad of other factors. APEGA strives to be a compassionate regulator. As I addressed at length in my winter message, we have many benefits and programs available to help you develop your career, find a new position, learn new skills, and otherwise add value to your professional and personal life. But more important than any benefit is a different type of service, and we’re all responsible for its delivery. It is service to the safety and wellbeing of the public. To perform this duty properly, you and APEGA must be partners in professionalism. The public interest is our common cause, and it is no trifling matter. If your peers, through the functions APEGA is statutorily required to deploy, find that you’re lacking in your part of this relationship, APEGA acts. In a nutshell, that’s what self-regulation is.

For most of you, that type of interaction will be rare and minimal at most. You will perform your work ethically and competently. You will stay current and dedicate yourself to career-long learning, thereby meeting our continuing professional development (CPD) requirements. You will conscientiously maintain and improve your reputation and good standing. APEGA, meanwhile, will work hard in the background to maintain and improve the value of those letters that appear after your name: your professional designation. That’s a big part of what’s in it for you. We expect a lot from you. And you should expect a lot from us. That’s why we’re always improving the services and processes that give value to your licence. You won’t always notice the actions we take, but you and the public are benefiting from them. As the year gains momentum and the APEGA Annual Conference and AGM approach, let’s look at a small sampling of our improvements and those not-always-visible benefits. I’m also going to use this platform to encourage you to play an active role in self-regulation. Do you think we should be doing a better job? Are voices and perspectives not being heard? Are opportunities being missed? This is the perfect time of year to become a more engaged member. Exercise your right to vote. Attend the AGM. Make use of the professional development opportunities we provide during the conference. Apply for a volunteer opportunity. THE APPLICANT EXPERIENCE Attaining the ethical, experiential, and academic level expected and required of APEGA professionals should not be easy. Serving the public interest demands

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Registrar & CEO's Message


You will perform your work ethically and competently… APEGA, meanwhile, will work hard in the background to maintain and improve the value of those letters that appear after your name: your professional designation. That’s a big part of what’s in it for you.

in clearly defining and assessing their competencies, using 22 competencies grouped in six categories. The CBA approach is well tested and proven by Engineers and Geoscientists British Columbia, and it’s widely recognized as a best practice for examining experience. Our version is in the advanced testing stage, so stay tuned. What’s in if for you? Every applicant’s experience reflects on the APEGA professions. Clarity and efficiency mean less frustration about APEGA, a better APEGA brand, and improved value for your designation. TOWARDS BETTER PRACTICE Many improvements are underway to improve the likelihood that the practices of individuals and permit holders meet or exceed the public’s expectations and needs. Watch for more practice reviews, more

nothing less. The processes themselves, however, should never be an impediment to those seeking membership. We keep getting better in this area. We’ve stand­ ardized and improved academics credentialing for international applicants through World Education Ser- vices. We’ve improved many of our forms. We’re in the middle of improving the processes used by the ultimate decider of an application’s fate, the APEGA Board of Examiners. We’ve made registration information on our website easy to find and comprehend. We’re also very close to launching our competency- based assessment (CBA) system. CBA is a step change in improving the fairness and defensibility of experience examinations, by making the reporting done by potential members more consistent, complete, and comparable. Applicants will take an active role

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Registrar & CEO's Message the Government of Alberta recognizes the work we put into this process, and the research- and evidence-based approach we’ve taken. Rewriting the Engineering and Geoscience Professions Act and General Regulation is now in the government’s hands—what we did is reimagine the legislation and put forth recommendations based on regulatory best practices. Now, we’ll be revisiting our bylaws, so we can propose changes to members and align our bylaws with the changes we foresee in the Act. What’s in it for you? Modernized content and approaches, expressed with more clarity, will give you more confidence in your professional practice. A LOT OF LISTENING We’re in the early stages of improving the member experience in every possible area. We want your interactions with APEGA to work for you and not create frustration and misunderstanding. For the member experience project and many others, we’re listening to members. You’ll see surveys in our electronic newsletters regularly, on everything from how you receive news from APEGA to how you you’d like us to celebrate APEGA’s centennial—it takes place in 2020, which is less than two years from now! What’s in it for you? A chance to be heard and help create an even better APEGA for the next 100 years of service to the public interest. I’ll end this with one more reminder. Please review our candidate materials and vote. Your association is counting on your participation.


practice standards, guidelines, and bulletins, and more rigour in ensuring members meet our mandatory CPD requirements. What’s in it for you? More confidence that your peers are practising in the professional manner you expect of yourself and others. On the subject of professional practice, please allow me a minor digression. I have been able to speak direct- ly to members on several opportunities, which I enjoy immensely. One matter that caught my attention was the point made that some professionals are being taken advantage of, just as they try to get their feet back under themselves during the economy’s gradual recovery. Anecdotally, I have heard that some of our professionals are being employed full time without pay! I am hopeful that this happens rarely, yet even so, we should remind ourselves of two things: it is unethical to take advantage of vulnerable members by having them work for free, and there could well be liability issues in doing so. Short-term work experience at reduced pay and job shadowing, of course, are legitimate tools for employers and members, and I’m not suggesting we get rid of them. But know the difference—don’t rationalize your way into an unethical employment practice. LEGISLATIVE REVIEW Our legislative review has been thorough, consultative, and engaging. I am confident that

LINKS APEGA Conference and AGM Vote Now Volunteer Opportunities Continuing Professional Development Permit to Practice Seminars

Questions or comments? Registrar_CEO@apega.ca

8 | PEG SPRING 2018

NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING In accordance with APEGA Bylaw 16(20) of the Engineering and Geoscience Professions Act, official notice of the 2018 APEGA Annual General Meeting is hereby given.

Friday, April 20, 2018 | 2 p.m. Shaw Conference Centre | Edmonton, Alberta

Luncheon 11:30 a.m. – 1:40 p.m.

Attendance Qualifies for CPD Credit

Further details on the APEGA Annual General Meeting and Conference 2018 appear on pages 26 and 27.

Have your say in how APEGA is governed. Cast your vote in the Council election.

The 2018 APEGA election runs from Friday, February 16, 2018, at 9 a.m. to Monday, March 19, 2018, at 12 noon

APEGA’s secure elections provider emailed you voting instructions and a unique, personal link to your PIN. Your primary email address was used for this message, as it appears in the Member Self-Service Centre. If your primary email address is out of date, please update it now. See story on page 10 for further information.

Your vote, your Council. Take part in this important part of self-regulation.

SPRING 2018 PEG | 9


Cast Your Votes Now APEGA Election 2018 is Underway—PIN Links Sent to Primary Email Addresses

COUNCIL CANDIDATES Members may cast votes for up to four Council candidates.

If you haven’t voted yet in APEGA Election 2018, now is the time to do so. Please learn about the candidates on the ballot and their platforms, then exercise your fran- chise. This is your chance to help elect a strong Council to provide good governance, oversight, and strategic planning for APEGA. Three candidates are running for President-Elect/ Vice-President and 11 are seeking seats as councillors. The election page on our website includes biographic and platform information from candidates, in video and writ- ten form, to help you make your voting decisions. Members have already chosen the new president for 2018-2019. Nima Dorjee, P.Eng., won the President-Elect race last year, so he moves up to president automatically. Polling began on Friday, February 16. You have until Monday, March 19, at 12 noon , to vote. EXECUTIVE CANDIDATES Of the three candidates, the one with the most votes be- comes President-Elect and the runner-up becomes Vice- President. Each term is for one year, but the President- Elect automatically becomes President in 2019, serving a one-year term in that position, followed by a third year on the executive, as Past-President. Members may vote for one Council Executive candidate. • George Eynon*, P.Geo. • Tim Joseph*, P.Eng. • Shawn Morrison*, P.Eng.

• Craig Clifton*, P.Eng. • Jennifer Enns*, P.Eng. • Tim Hohm*, P.Eng. • Walter Kozak*. P.Eng. • Keith McCandlish*, P.Geol. • Jim McCuaig*, P.Eng. • Zobayur Rahman, P.Eng. • Bob Rundle*, P.Eng. • Muhammad Tayyab, P.Eng. • Jason Vanderzwaag*, P.Eng. • Claudia Villeneuve*, P.Eng.

ELECTRONIC VOTING APEGA is using an experienced and secure third party to run the election, Scytl Canada Inc. A unique link to your PIN was emailed to you, by APEGA, as voting began, using the primary email address in our database. I f you did not receive this email, visit the APEGA website now to request a new one, using the Retrieve Your PIN button on the election page. If you have an inactive or cancelled email address selected in our database as primary, you will not have received your link. Go to the APEGA Member Self-Ser- vice Centre and update your information. After that step is completed, you will need to use the Retrieve Your PIN function before you can vote—but it will take up to three business days before Retrieve Your PIN works for you. Scytl Canada is part of a worldwide, industry-leading group that has managed more than 1,700 election tech- nology implementations and 100,000 elections in more than 40 countries.

*endorsed by the Nominating Committee

LINKS Research Candidates

Vote Now Update Your Primary Email Address Retrieve Your PIN

MORE INFO elections@apega.ca 24-hour toll free: 800-661-7020

10 | PEG SPRING 2018

APEGA Election Process




MARCH 19 th 12:00 p.m.

Membership P.Eng., P.Geo., P.Geol., P.Geoph. OR Professional Licensee OR Life Member OR Honorary Life Member

In Good Standing No outstanding financial obligations to APEGA + No current APEGA-imposed sanctions or suspensions + No outstanding CPD hours

9:00 a.m.

Vote Online

ANNUAL ELECTION Each year we elect:

1 st year as President-Elect 2 nd year as President 3 rd year as Past-President President-Elect

1/3 of Councillors*

Term is 3 years Expirations staggered for continuity *Number of Councillors may vary each year

CANDIDATES for President-Elect MOST VOTES = President-Elect

MORE INFO apega.ca/election


2 nd MOST VOTES = Vice-President

Toll free: 800-661-7020

Vice-President is a one-year position

SPRING 2018 PEG | 11


Editor’s Note: Following is the personal statement submitted by the incoming President of APEGA. The name Nima Dorjee, P.Eng., appears on the ballot, but it’s there as information only—he was elected last year. From page 12 onward in this edition of The PEG , personal statements written by candidates for the Executive and Council appear.

APEGA’s Next President

We’ve also posted candidate election videos to help you make your decision.

ELECTED PRESIDENT-ELECT IN 2017 Nima Dorjee, P.Eng., FEC, FGC (Hon.)

Upon graduation, Nima founded EngIT Engineer- ing Services, which specialized in providing E.I.T.s to employers for a short-term basis. In 1995, he joined the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Calgary. Un- der his leadership, the engineering internship program became the largest of its kind in Canada. In 2008, he was recognized with the Schulich School of Engineer- ing’s Champion Award. The YMCA recognized Nima's involvement in hu- man rights by awarding him the Canada Peace Medal in 1997, and in 2007, he received the Calgary Freedom of Expression Award. Since 2008, Nima has devoted his time to projects related to the Dalai Lama’s work on human values. This included working at the private office of the Dalai Lama in India. Since 2011, Nima has served as the President of Project Tibet Society, which is responsible for the resettlement of 1,000 Tibetan refugees from northern India to Canada. Nima was elected the President-Elect of APEGA in 2017. Nima and his wife of 27 years, Dr. Tsering Dorjee, have two daughters.

• Led intern program at Schulich School of Engineering to largest-in-Canada status • Recipient of Canada Peace Medal, Calgary Freedom of Expression Award • More advocacy on behalf of members and APEGA professions necessary Nima Dorjee, P.Eng., was born in a Tibetan refugee settlement in India. Nima has called Calgary home since 1981. He graduated with a bachelor of science degree in chemical engineering from the University of Calgary in 1992. While attending the university in 1989, he was elected President of the 18,000-member students’ union.

APEGA Activities • President-Elect, 2017–2018 • Governance Committee, 2017–2018

• Vice-President, 2015–2016 • Audit Committee, 2015–2016 • Co-chair, Joint Legislative Review Committee, 2015– current • Member, Investigative Committee (2012–present) • Member, Nomination Committee (2011–2012; 2004) • Member, Licensure Task Force (2001–2003)

12 | PEG SPRING 2018


ELECTED PRESIDENT-ELECT IN 2017 Nima Dorjee, P.Eng., FEC, FGC (Hon.)

• Member, Council (2000–2003) • Member (1992–present) APEGA Activities continued

In today’s environment, it is conceivable for a project to have the entirety of its engineering and design work completed overseas (outside of APEGA’s regulatory authority) and only to have the final work assembled in Alberta. So, one of the most important issues facing APEGA today is the challenge of regulating the engineering profession in an era of outsourcing and offshoring. We need to ensure consistent regulation of technical work in engineering and geoscience, regardless of where the work is done. We must find the right balance between adapting to changes in technology and the global economy, and APEGA’s duty to uphold professional and ethical stan- dards to ensure public safety in Alberta. We must seek to become an effective and compassionate regulator. APEGA members work on some of the most com- plex engineering and geoscience projects around the world. They provide technical solutions to some of the most challenging problems society faces. We have a duty to participate in the public debate on the issues that involve our professions, and to inform the public and elected officials of options so that they can make the right decisions to serve Alberta's interests. I believe APEGA must provide the forum in which our members—with their professional and technical expertise—can be heard and engage in discussions with the public to better serve our communities and our province. Our professions’ impact on Alberta and its economy is significant, and we must not be shy in advancing the interests of our members and professions with government. We must engage in greater advocacy work. We must also be mindful of the enormous trust society has placed upon us. I look for your support and look forward to engag- ing you in discussions on these and other matters that concern you and our association.

Present and Past Non-Profit Board Service • President, Project Tibet Society • Chair of Fundraising, APEGA Education Foundation (now APEGA Foundation) • Board Member, Calgary Catholic Immigration Society • Co-chair, International Tibet Support Network • Chair, Engineering Alumni Chapter, University of Calgary • Member, Task Force on Racial and Cultural Diver- sity, City of Calgary • Board, Calgary Multicultural Centre • President, Students’ Union, University of Calgary • Member, Board of Governors, University of Calgary PERSONAL STATEMENT APEGA is the largest professional association in Alberta. We have been entrusted with the privilege of self-regulation and with this comes great responsibility. First and foremost is our responsibility to maintain the public's trust through effective licensing of competent and ethical professional engineers and geoscientists. The economic downturn of recent years in Alberta has been very difficult for many of our members; APEGA must restore and increase membership services to help members. We must work with our permit holders, government, and membership to find solutions to ease the difficulties members face. We must develop closer relationships with other organizations that serve members.

SPRING 2018 PEG | 13

FOR EXECUTIVE George Eynon, P.Geo., FGC, FEC (Hon.)


• Extensive regulatory, board, and governance education and experience • Six years of current experience on Council • Strong belief in maintaining our self-regulatory privilege We need to continue improving APEGA’s regulatory functions and maintain our self-regulatory privilege, manage a serious difference of opinion with the Association of Science and Engineering Professionals of Alberta (ASET), and revise and renew our enabling legislation, the Engineering and Geoscience Professions Act. Given our public safety and public interest mandate, maintaining the self-regulatory privilege granted by the government is a paramount issue. APEGA’s professional members are the best equipped to manage our affairs. That's why our regulatory focus is on the investigation, compliance, enforcement, and discipline functions; together they demon- strate and validate our self-regulatory status and reputation. Revising and renewing our Act is one of our most important tasks, but there is a significant divergence of positions between APEGA and ASET within the one Act, two associations arrangement. ASET’s demand for an independent scope of practice is something we must resolve. These matters require oversight and direction by Council as a whole, but it’s the executive that provides Council leadership and continuity of oversight and direction for management and staff in the months between Council meetings. The Executive Committee needs hands-on, board-level education and experience to work effectively on behalf of APEGA members—I have that, as well as current experience at the Council table. APEGA ACTIVITIES I have six years’ current experience on Council and four years as our Geoscientists Canada Director (President, 2015–2016). I serve on Council’s Governance Committee and its bylaws subcommittee. I served on the Practice Review Board as both a Member and Chair in the past, and performed a number of other volunteer tasks over the years. PERSONAL INFORMATION I came to Canada in 1970, after earning a B.Sc. (London) and teaching high school, to study at McMaster. After earning an M.Sc., I moved to Calgary in 1972 to begin a career in oil and gas. Joyce (a teacher) and I married in 1972; we have two adult daughters and three grandchildren.

Currently, I am the principal of geos • eynon & associates, providing consulting services on energy-related matters (regulatory issues, community and stakeholder relations, board and governance functions). Clients span a spectrum of organizations—governments at all levels, industry companies and associations, and the

public. I do some work with the School of Public Policy, and provide energy literacy short courses for industry, governments, and the public. I also serve on the board of directors of Canadian Society for Unconventional Resources. As well, I have taught at the University of Calgary’s Haskayne School of Business for the last five years. In 2008, cabinet appointed me to the board of the Energy Resources Conservation Board—Alberta’s oil and gas industry regulator. I served through 2013, for the last six months as a hearing commissioner with the Alberta Energy Regulator. For the prior 15 years I provided energy resources consulting and research services with GEOS Energy Consulting, Ziff Energy, Cambridge Energy Research Associates, and the Canadian Energy Research Institute. I spent 20 or so years in oil and gas exploration and development in Canada and internationally, moving through increasingly senior technical, management, and executive positions with a broad spectrum of companies—an international major, and Canadian and U.S. independents and small juniors. This provided me with worldwide experience—in Western Canada, the U.S., the North Sea, Pakistan, Indonesia, and several other countries. AFFILIATIONS AND COMMUNITY SERVICE • Fellow of Geoscientists Canada, and Honorary Fellow of Engineers Canada • Honorary Member of both the Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists and the American Association of Petroleum Geologists. Served on numerous CSPG committees, and as President; and on numerous AAPG committees, as Chair of the House of Delegates, and on the executive committee. • Volunteer at Calgary’s Drop-in Centre, serving meals to clients for over 10 years.



• Members should consider experience and traits when voting • 2018 President-Elect will lead APEGA into centennial year spotlight • A career of recognized excellence in academics, education, and industry consulting Professional association leadership should be built upon transparency, knowledge, ethical honesty, empathy (listening), and the courage to change. I strive to live up to these traits in all facets of my life, including 20 years as a not-for-profit board member. I have served APEGA, the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (four years as Vice- President), and the University of Alberta Faculty Club (as President), and also chaired societies, national and regional technical conferences, and international counselling and advisory groups. I have participated in and led provincial and local OH&S and educational committees and groups. This volunteerism includes extensive experience in restructuring governance, financial oversight, and membership processes, allowing me to see the wheel turn multiple times, nationally and locally. However, leading APEGA requires even more commitment. This is especially true now, as you consider who will be your President to kick off APEGA’s centennial year in the 2019/20 term. A 2019 provincial election approaches, pushing provincial approval of our revised Act and General Regulation to two or three years from now. This APEGA election is about meeting the challenge to lead us into the last stretch of regulatory changes, which must stand us in good stead and protect the public for many years. This endorsement will help assure our continued provincial approval as a self-regulatory body, in an era when the viability of self-regulation in Canada is frequently questioned and sometimes revoked. Our centennial will place APEGA under the spotlight and build government and public expectations. We should use this to clearly show our pride in our professions, demonstrating our adherence to the highest standards of practice, self- regulation, and ethical obligation to the public and our communities. This can be realized through APEGA’s support of meaningful voluntary and other initiatives, and through each of us giving of ourselves. As you consider the candidates before you, also consider what you could do to become more involved as a volunteer, through your branch, through other APEGA- supported events, or even by running for APEGA Council. The commitment of the President-Elect you choose now will span the entire period of strategically planning our centennial activities and ensuring that initiatives target the future and are put on a viable path beyond 2020. These initiatives must extol the traits I hold true, create knowledge and trust with the Alberta people, and provide great benefit to APEGA members. Albertans are aware of our existence, but they are largely unaware of what we do, and of the impact we have as engineers and geoscientists on the assurance of their safety and protection, and the protection of the environment. If there were ever an opportune time to extol our pride and show our province the great works and deeds that we all perform, it is our centennial year.

When I was approached to consider running for President- Elect in 2018, my immediate thought was that there must

be better candidates. The candidates before you are

excellent, and I would be proud to work with any of them. Don’t vote for Tim Joseph or for any candidate just because you know them or because their designation matches yours. Take the time to consider

experience and traits carefully. This election, maybe more than ever before, represents a great responsibility: setting APEGA and its members on a path beyond 2020. EDUCATION AND AWARDS • University of Kent—bachelor of science, chemistry, 1985 • University of Alberta—bachelor of science, 1996, and PhD, 2000, mining engineering • Multiple industry scholarships and institutional awards, including APEGA Gold Medal • 2004 Surface Mining Association for Research and Technology (SMART) Award for contributions to furthering safety and education in the global surface mining industry • CIM–2009 Past President’s Medal for achievements in education; fellowship, awarded in 2009; 2011 Distinguished Service Medal for contributions to the global mining industry UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA CAREER • Associate Dean, Faculty of Engineering, responsible for student and co-op services • Professor of mining engineering • Director, Alberta Equipment – Ground Interactions Syndicate (AEGIS), a mining research consortium of researchers, industry, government, and manufacturers investigating sustainable operational mining practices. • Member, Mining Industry Advisory Committee and many university committees • Trainer of more than 50 highly qualified PhD, M.Sc., and M.Eng. professionals, who have gone on to roles in academia, government, industry, and consulting worldwide ENGINEERING CONSULTING CAREER • James Progithin International Ltd. principal, Responsible Member • 15 years specializing in mining equipment performance evaluations, solutions • Clients worldwide in mine operations, mining equipment manufacturers • Mine engineering design for improving operations, tools • Professional development and short-courses • Expert witness testimony, industry counsel on mining equipment designs


FOR EXECUTIVE Shawn Morrison, P.Eng., FEC, FGC (Hon.)

PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES • American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Pressure Vessel and Piping Division, Design and Analysis Committee (2008 to present) • ASME, PVP, D & A Technical Program Representative (2014)

• Strong volunteer history with APEGA and greater community • Regulatory work must continue and improve • Other APEGA services are also important in members’ lives Shawn Morrison, P.Eng., was born and raised in Edmonton. After graduating from Bonnie Doon High School, he started working as a process operator at Celanese Canada and continued there during university. He obtained a bachelor of science degree in mechanical engineering in 1980 from the University of Alberta. After graduation he worked for Canadian General Electric, followed by Dillingham Construction, where he obtained his designation. Shawn then worked at Syncrude Canada Ltd. in various roles in Fort McMurray for the next 14 years. There, he started volunteering with APEGA’s Fort McMurray branch and for the community. A more challenging career awaited in Calgary—and more APEGA opportunities. Serving on Council was a humbling experience Shawn enjoyed. Volunteering for APEGA commit- tees and events identified the incredible depth and breadth of our professions. When Shawn attended Member Induction Ceremonies, he learned of the knowledge base and experi- ence continually joining APEGA. Life Member Ceremonies revealed amazing things our members have accomplished. The volunteer bug had bitten, and Shawn was elected to a second APEGA Council term. Among his duties were serving on at least three committees a year. The most rewarding was the Finance Committee, which Shawn chaired for two years. Being fiscally responsible while providing regulatory activities and member services is a challenging task for APEGA staff. During this time, Shawn’s career proceeded on a number of Alberta megaprojects. The technical opportunities and challenges led Shawn to volunteer for a committee of the American Society of Mechanical Engineer (ASME). The Piping and Pressure Vessel Division had a challenging design and analysis sub-committee, which dealt with technical challenges of interest to Shawn. Starting his own consulting firm during this time resulted in some amazing opportunities for work and technical knowledge growth. Travelling to world-class manufacturing locations and interacting with the companies that provided the very complex equipment for many of the mega projects was both rewarding and challenging. Current economic times have slowed down the pace of work on megaprojects. This gives Shawn more time to volunteer for our professional organization.

COMMUNITY VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES • Children’s sports coach and organizer • Shaw Charity Golf Tournament and ATB Financial McKenzie Tour • Various others The Alberta economy appears to be rebounding. The employment and growth opportunities for our professions remain challenging, partially due to forces and constraints outside Alberta. We must therefore focus mainly on activities within Alberta, while closely monitoring the impact of outside forces. APEGA’s regulatory work continues be challenging, especially because of business requirements to compete on the world market. Our members perform many activities that continue to provide safe and corrective services to maintain public safety. Outsourcing design to locations beyond our borders occurs in many economic sectors, but our members are required to ensure that designs are constructed and operated within the safety standards necessary to protect our citizens. APEGA must lead members and help them continue delivering these requirements. Our professions provide world- class solutions to complex technical challenges Our expertise and knowledge are used at home and around the world. APEGA must continue to demonstrate that members perform our work ethically and competently, ensuring the safety and benefit of the public. The privilege of self- governance cannot be taken for granted. Through regulatory activities, APEGA must continue to earn the public’s trust. Permit to practice holders need to be consulted more about their contribution to APEGA’s regulatory role. A question that I often hear is, “What does APEGA do for me?” My response is that APEGA provides a mix of regulatory benefits—and advocacy benefits, from outreach and branch support to member discounts. Members can do their part by volunteering. It provides help and support for many people and organizations. I am especially impressed with the depth and breadth of APEGA volunteer activities. Volunteering with APEGA is always a bonus, but all volunteer activities are fantastic. Helping others and helping the community have always provided me with an extra benefit. Volunteering does not have to cost anything, but typically it provides a huge benefit to someone else.

APEGA ACTIVITIES • Council Member (2008–2011)

Member Nominating Committee, Finance Committee Chair, Member Audit Committee, Life Member Induction Ceremonies, New Member Induction Ceremonies, etc. • Council Member (1999–2002)

• Calgary Branch Member at Large (1998–1999) • Fort McMurray Branch Executive (1995–1997) • Member (1980–present)


FOR COUNCIL Craig Clifton, P.Eng.

• Proven record with engineering and industry associations • Long history of success in family business • Outreach and dialogue will give APEGA a higher public and government profile I hold degrees in chemistry and civil engineering from the University of Regina and the University of Saskatchewan, respectively. Thirty years ago, I began working in the family business, Clifton Associates Ltd., as a laboratory technician. Now, as VP Alberta, I have gained a thorough understanding of the engineering profession, along with its challenges, its benefits, and our role in the economy. I have volunteered with the Consulting Engineers of Alberta (CEA) and was elected to its board (2009), as Vice President (2012), and as President (2013). I worked with government departments to address issues ranging from relationships with Alberta Transportation to coordination with the Southern Alberta Flood Recovery Task Force, which helped expedite damage assessments and design of flood mitigation works. As President, my goals were to enhance the image of CEA, align committees to achieve the goals of the strategic plan, and continue to press for legislated qualifications-based selection (QBS) for publicly funded projects within Alberta. CEA began an outreach program to the Alberta Construction Association, the Alberta Chamber of Resources, the Edmonton Chamber of Commerce, and other industry groups to find common issues to address jointly. My committee alignment efforts helped create a more focused organization, delivering better value to members. I worked with a core group of CEA representatives to educate elected officials and familiarize government personnel on the benefits of QBS. The work on QBS continues and is expected to be completed within the next few years. My time on the CEA board has shaped my view of engineering as a driver of the economy and public safety. This societal benefit goes beyond work done—it is also work enabled. Typically, every $ 1 billion of engineering remuneration results in $10 billion of investment. Work by professional engineers enables investment in and construction of safe, efficient structures and infrastructure for Albertans. In 2012, I was elected to the board of directors of the Alberta Chamber of Resources (ACR). Being involved with ACR has led to a greater understanding of how integrated the resource sector is with the economy of the province and how the orderly and responsible development of

our resources benefits all Albertans. Currently, I am the Transportation Committee Chair for ACR. I recently helped complete a pilot program for a new Alberta heavy module in conjunction with the Construction Owners Association of Alberta and the CEA. The program will decrease capital costs, promote Alberta-based module construction, improve safety,

and facilitate quicker royalty payments to the province. In 2015 I was appointed to the board of the Calgary Construction Association, and I volunteered to help organize the OAEC conference, which helps improve relationships between owners, architects, engineers, and contractors in the construction industry. If elected to APEGA Council, I would encourage council to be more intentional about not only the enhancement of the image and identity of our professions, but to actively engage in public dialogue on topics that affect the professions. I understand that public safety is the mandate of the association, but it should be up to the association to define what a professional engineer is for the public and not other entities. Over the last few years, I feel that there have been times when APEGA should have offered proactive public comment rather than remain silent. Examples that come to mind are third-party accreditation of work that is historically done by a professional engineer (such as an erosion sediment control professional), or the whole pipeline debate that has been happening within the country. I don’t suggest advocating for the pipeline, or any other industry for that matter. That is clearly not in the mandate of the association. However, when the public discussion is so hyperbolic, I feel it is completely appropriate for the association to remind the public that design and construction would be under the supervision of professional engineers, people who have sworn an oath to public safety. Let the public debate be on the social benefit, or acceptable risk, but don’t let it disparage our profession. APEGA works to protect public safety, ensuring the practice of engineering and geoscience are being performed appropriately. Few people know exactly what APEGA is doing to fulfill its mandate. Improved, proactive communication would help. I believe my personal and professional experience could be an asset to the APEGA Council, and I look forward to the opportunity to contribute.


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