November, 1938
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
has T h e K ing ’ s B u sin ess had in this enter prise, in arousing interest in the need for training for Christian work and in the re cruiting of the 15,000 students (Day, Eve ning, and Correspondence Schools), who already have received instruction through this institution? God knows! Be a Friend! It goes without saying that the sustained popularity of any magazine is due largely to the personal recommendation that friends make to other friends. T h e K ing ’ s B u si n ess is well known. It ranks high among the leading half-dozen evangelical Chris tian magazines of America. It is not a new and untried periodical, suddenly thrust on an overcrowded market. It is established; it has proved itself. Merely to show this Bible Family Magazine is, in most cases, to obtain a subscription for it easily. THE KING’S BUSINESS needs friends —old friends, new friends. It needs per sons who will see in it a means of engaging in unique and effective gospel work. There are two ways in which you, as a reader, may help to this end: First, you may send your contributions (any amount) to T h e K ing ’ s B u sin ess , des ignating that the money is to be used to send the magazine to some who could not pay for it themselves and in furthering the work of T h e K ing ’ s B u sin ess along evan gelistic lines. Missionaries, native pastors, prisoners in penal institutions—these are only a few who can be made glad through your gift. Many of the Lord’s people, real izing the breadth of this ministry, will wish to include T h e K ing ’ s B u sin ess among the objects to which their tithe money—the Lord’s money—is sent. We are praying that a thousand or more friends will catch this vision of the possibility of witnessing for Christ by means of the printed page, and will send an average of $10.00 a year for this purpose. Will you be one of this number? In the second place, you may assist T h e K ing ’ s B u sin ess (and help yourself and your friends as well), by forming a K ing ’ s B u sin ess club of subscriptions. Special rates are now offered! Liberal commis sions are allowed (which you may retain as earned income, or apply toward some Christian service of your own choice). Please see the inside front cover of this is sue for details. Why not fill out and mail the attached coupon—TODAY? P] You will find enclosed $....__________L- f® be used in your FREE FUND to send subscrip tions to Christian workers, or, at your discre tion, for furthering the work of THE K IN G 'S BUSINESS in other ways. □ Please use the sum of $_________ ______ enclosed to pay for a C LU B of | t e n □ whose names and addresses I attach on a separate sheet. □ Send gift card in my name. THE K IN G 'S BUSINESS 558 S. Hope Street Los Angeles, Calif.
present. Blind and suffering from a cancer, this friend now finds his greatest joy in praying for Biola, that the Light which he so recently has seen, may continually be sent from Biola. Persons wishing to enroll in the Prayer Circle by choosing a stated hour each week to pray for the Institute, may address Miss Braskamp at 558 South Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif. for every effort that is being made to se cure a better understanding and a wider fellowship among the people of God of all denominations; but my own view is that it is to Christians as such, and not to de nominations as such, that we must look for this understanding and fellowship. Chris tianity is not an eclectic religion, but is absolutely unique, an experience which is rooted in a revelation, a fellowship which is based on a faith. [T o be concluded] not stand foursquare on the old doctrines. This evangelical position was not designed nor calculated to make us popular with the masses of Christians, but long years of service have taught us that adherence to the fundamental doctrines of the Scripture and implicit faith in the verbal inspiration of the Word of God would meet the approval of the Lord, and we coveted His favor more than aught else . . . Out of a weekly outline for our Sunday School Teachers' Class grew the little paper we now publish, T h e K ing ’ s B u sin ess .” . In one of the early editorials is this un signed but meaningful comment: “Bible schools have come to stay. The test of a generation has demonstrated this. THEY ARE FOUNDATIONS TO STAND UNTIL THE LORD COMES. The schools of Spurgeon, Guinness, Moody, and Gordon, the great pioneers in the field, have sowed the earth with evangelists, mission aries, home and foreign secretaries, and parish helpers, noted for loyalty to God’s Word, personal holiness, sane and conse crated zeal, and abundant fruitfulness. Great is our opportunity, equally great our responsibility, and equal to both our abil ity if those who can pray, PRAY; those who can labor, LABOR; those who can give, GIVE. . . . The Bible Institute of Los Angeles is preparing to train an army of good soldiers of Jesus Christ able to endure hardship, drilled to wield the Sword of the Spirit and handle the shield and buckler, content with their wages, ready to go where they are sent, to be massed on the foreign field, to garrison post or outpost at home, to do scout and picket duty in all manner of direct evangelism.” T h e K ing ’ s B u sin ess is glad to have been, for well over a quarter of a century, an agent of expression for an institution that presses steadily toward God-given ob jectives. Today—as always—the Institute exists to “drill an army of good soldiers of Jesus Christ.” How large a part, think you, WHAT IS CHRISTIANITY? [Continued from page 372] AROUND THE WORLD WITH THE GOSPEL [Continued from page 371 ]
strength unto the beast”? It would seem so. It appears, indeed, that within the con fines of the territory of the old "beast”—the Roman Empire—the ten toes of Nebuchad nezzar's image are already coming into view. Count the kingdoms that now lie within that territory, and see how near they are to the prophetic number. One thing is sure: The events of the past few weeks con firm the fact that "the toes of the feet [are] part of iron, and part of clay” (Dan. 2:42). Italy reveals the “iron.” France reveals the "brittle clay.” At Munich a few days ago, the world saw iron and clay meet. It was not the iron that crumbled! W e still believe in democracy. We de spise autocracy. "Is life so dear or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?” But God still lives, and "in the days o f these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed " (Dan. 2:44). "The stone of Israel” (Gen. 49:24)—the Son of God—shall fall (cf. Dan. 2:45), "shall save the children of the needy, and shall break in pieces the oppressor . . . He shall have dominion from sea to sea, and from the river unto the ends of the earth . . . All nations shall call him blessed. Blessed be the Lord God, the God of Israel, who only doeth wondrous things" (Psa. 72:4, 8, 17, 18). Furnishing the Institute Infirmary Prayerful effort to maintain the good health of Biola students is a responsibility of the men's and women's superintendents at the Institute. They realize the relation of good health to future effectiveness in Chris tian service. It is inevitable that, in a com pany of young people numbering nearly four hundred, some cases of illness will develop during the school year. At the present time, the facilities for the care of such cases are inadequate. Three rooms are set aside for infirmary service, and every student pays a fee each semester for sick-room care in cases of minor illness. At the close of the last school year, the Institute infirmary received, as the gift of a friend, a hospital bed. The donor saw also the need of further improving the facilities for the care of patients, and an attempt is being made to supply that need. Among readers of T h e K ing ’ s B u sin ess there may be some who have sick-room furnishings which they would like to contribute to the Institute; or they might like to furnish a room in memory of some loved one who has gone to be with Christ. Contributions sent for this purpose to the “Hospital Fund,” Bible Institute of Los Angeles, 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif., will be received gratefully, and will be acknowledged. Biota’s World Wide Prayer Circle In a message addressed to Biola’s World Wide Prayer Circle, Christina J. Braskamp, Secretary, gives a glimpse of the circum stances under which some of the members pray: "A Civil W ar veteran, eighty-eight years of age, is one of the Institute’s prayer war riors and donors. He was converted eight years ago one rainy night in a prayer meeting where only four persons were
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