

communautaire community link Le lien The Vankleek Hill - The Seventh-day Adventist Church The Seventh-day Adventist Church at 5372 Hwy 34 in Vankleek Hill - Basement Sale -June 4 & 11, 9am to 1pm. We are accepting donations of Clothing, Household articles, Toys, Tools, Books, etc... For pick- up call Joelle at 613-307-1640 Danse en ligne et sociale Organisée par le club Le Réveil de Fournier le samedi 20 mai à 19h30 à la salle municipale La Nation à Fournier. Musique et animation avec Gisèle Adams et Dave. Le festival «Découvrez Jessup’s Falls» Organisé par EscarpAction Jessup’s Falls le samedi 13 mai de 10h à 18h au 6560, chemin de comté 17 (1 km à l’est du pont Jessup’s Falls). Entrée gratuite et activités pour jeunes et moins jeunes. Les profits iront au fonds de protection de l’escarpement Jessup’s Falls. Club Lions Lefaivre 12 e tournoi de golf des Lions de Lefaivre, le 21 mai 2017. Ce tournoi est organisé au profit des bourses d’études du Club Lions de Lefaivre et de la Fondation de l’Hôpital Général de Hawkesbury, campagne Accès 2018. Contact : 613-679-4123 Filles d’Isabelle Ste-Bernadette Soubirous Réunion mensuelle le 16 mai au sous-sol de l’Église St-Alphonse. Réservation : 613-632-4782 Rencontre des familles Larocque - Roquebrune. Tous les descendants d’Augustin Larocque et de Scholastique Desjardins, les ancêtres des Larocque de la région, sont invités à une rencontre qui aura lieu le dimanche 21 mai au Centre communautaire de Chute à Blondeau. Renseignements : Guy Larocque au 613-363-2810. 125 e anniversaire de la paroisse Saint- Joachim de Chute-à-Blondeau. Bazar de Lefaivre Le bazar pour la paroisse de Lefaivre, le 28 mai, 13h, à l’église. Un souper sera servi au Centre communautaire à 16h30. Info : Jacques Lavoie au 613-679-4261. Club de patinage artistique de Hawkesbury Assemblée générale pour le Club de patinage artistique de Hawkesbury, le lundi 29 mai 2017 à 19h, à la salle communautaire du Complexe Sportif Robert Hartley. cpahawkesbury@

Building dialogue for a shaping project

and continues to do so to this day. As an example of continuous improve- ment, the proposed cement plant will con- sume 40 per cent less fuel than its competi- tors using obsolete technologies, making the plant highly efficient. At the heart of these improvements are the adoption and imple- mentation of strict regulatory frameworks in industrialized countries and the integration of technologies respectful of the environ- ment that improve the energy efficiency of cement operations while minimizing impacts. For these reasons, it is important to know that the proposed cement plant in L’Orignal is designed to meet and exceed these high environmental standards. After its construc- tion, the cement plant will have one of the lowest environmental impact of all operating cement plants in North America. In the development of our state of the art plant, we want tomake a clear and unequi- vocal commitment to the public and local authorities: not only will we host regular meetings on theme-based topics that matter to the community but we will also establish a Community Liaison Committee with a mandate to work with the community and promote dialogue. Over the coming months, we would like to host round-table meetings on themes corresponding to the concerns expressed by the community members. These round- table meetings will provide Colacem and community members the opportunity to

interact, identify the issues and to discuss them. Following the series of activities men- tioned above, we are calling upon commu- nitymembers to get involved to put in place a Liaison Committee that will collaborate with ColacemCanada during the initial phases of construction, during operations and into the future.This is part of Colacem’s commitment to ensure that it is engaging with stakehol- ders throughout the process.The committee would bemade up of communitymembers and various stakeholders, representative of the interests of L’Orignal. Finally, we would like to highlight that even though we see significant opportunities and benefits with this project, including an initial investment of $225 million dollars, annual local purchasing estimated between $5 and $6 million per year, and job crea- tion (200 during construction and 300 long- term), we also are mindful of the concerns raised throughout the project approval pro- cess. ColacemCanada aims to contribute to making the places where it operates more livable, by creating economic, cultural and social values. This objective is also true for our project in L’Orignal In conclusion, we want to reaffirm our commitment to working in an open, trans- parent, and collaborative way with the com- munity.

Letter to the editor, This Thursday evening, at the Vankleek Hill Arena, a public meeting will be held to consider a proposed amendment to the Of- ficial Plan of the United Counties of Prescott and Russell, to agree for a land use desig- nation change which would allow for the implementation of the Colacem Canada Cement Plant Project, located on the north side of County Road 17, approximately 4.5 kilometers west of the Village of L’Orignal, in the Township of Champlain. We are aware that some community members are taking a stand against the proj- ect by raising, among other things, concerns about its potential environmental impacts. We are the first to recognize the need for good communication, and we intend to proactively communicate to the community and the stakeholders the opportunities and issues of our project, and create a space for building dialogue that favours listening, exchanging and learning together. Colacem believes in the importance of respecting the regulations and procedures put in place by the Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change (MOECC) and local authorities. We understand and respect the con- cerns expressed by community members, as their views may be informed by past ex- periences with the industry. However, the cement industry has significantly reduced its environmental impact in recent years

Marc Bataille Plant director

Eight Dance Company march to end bullying

Publié le mercredi par • Published on Wednesday by: La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc. Imprimé par • Printed by: Imprimerie Prescott et Russell, Hawkesbury, ON # convention : 0040012398

Some 150 people marched along with the Eight Dance Company to raise awareness about bullying in school. Amy Willett, founder and owner of Eight Dance Company, was thrilled with the outcome. “We raised over $3000 but we are not done yet since more donations are coming in.” The dance company will be performing in the Canadian Heritage Festival held in VankleekHill on Sunday, theMay 21, where they will be acceptingmore donations.The money raisedwill be used to buy friendship benches for schools and parks.The benches will be rainbow coloured and the idea is to have children who feel lonely or sad to sit on the bench and wait for someone to go sit with them. AmyWillett’s objective with the project is to make sure that all local kids don’t have to play alone. —photo Maxime Myre

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