
Look up “hunter-gatherer” and you

Samaritans fromSt-Isidore who help others


by donating items they discover while

of civilization.

sorting through debris at garbage dumps.

However, we also know that there are

Nice story, but it did not sway Alfred-

many hunters and gatherers in today’s

Plantagenet council. When the couple

sophisticated society.

sought permission to scour the Curran

Needproof? Ofcoursenot. Theevidence

landfill for reusable items, the municipality

is right there in front of us at the garage sale.

scrapped the idea. Municipal regulations

Yard sale transactions reveal much

forbid salvaging.

about us.

The contractor who manages the landfill

Hunters and gatherers

For example, do you take garage sales

sorts recyclable materials which are sold to

seriously? Do you spend every summer

a recycler who pays themunicipality for the

minute getting more stuff you will never

They seek trophies at bazaars, auctions, flea

American version. The pursuit of antiques,


use? Are you are a dragger or a dragee? Do

markets, antique shops, rummage,

collectibles and “classics” is entertaining,

The St-Isidore gleaners have come across

you spring out of bed before dawn every

liquidation, clearance, bankruptcy sales.

as is the various renditions of Antiques

doors, a bedroomset, pet food and clothing.

Saturday morning, loaded with loonies?

Some pick up leads by regularly reading

Road Show.

Some of these items have been turned over

Or are you one of those who allow


Yet, scavengers do not get the same

to people in need or charities.

themselves to be dragged to sales because

Anyway, as long as consenting adults

respect as bargain seekers.

But the municipality will not waive its

you want to watch hockey on TV all year

are involved and no laws are broken,

For one thing, scavengers do not pay

no-salvage rule and is shooing anybody

long? Do you believe that line to the effect

gathering previously-enjoyed objects is a

anything for the objects they obtain, and for

else who might be tempted to dump dive.

that in some cultures it is an insult if you do

fine, time-honoured pursuit. But you cannot

another thing, in most cases, these

Yes, the days of unfettered access to a

not haggle before reaching a deal? If you

let this take over your life, and you cannot

scroungers are breaking the law.

pile of garbage are long gone.

have never heard that line, you have never

become a scavenger.

From time to time we report on the

Garage sales, bargains and junk may not

been around a serious garage sale attendee.

As we recently reported, for too many

ongoing campaign against blue box

be the most burning issues of the day. But

Veteran garage sale buyers know that

people in the Far East, the reality TV show

scavengers, illicit pickers who pilfer

once in a while, isn’t it fun to talk trash? COMMUNITY

the art of acquisition is complex and

“Hoarders” reflects their reality. We also

valuables from recyclable material


noted that the approach to dealing with

containers before they reach the regional

The wily weekend hunter stalks the

hoarders is softening. Hoarders, who must

recycling centre.

Jail Bird Exercises

unsuspecting vendors, circles the prey

Try out easy aerobics at the L’Orignal

not be confused with collectors, tend to

Curbside scavengers have been a pain

while at once feigning disinterest and

Old Jail Tuesdays from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30

amass, and attach great value to, worthless

ever since the recyclable waste collection

stealthily appraising the value of the ware

p.m. June 19 to August 21. There is no

items, such as envelopes, cardboard boxes

service began in Hawkesbury, Champlain



or empty soup cans. Eventually, they can

and East Hawkesbury about three decades

in the neighbourhood, the hunter pounces,

Contact Monika Vogel (613-678-6603).

become a menace to themselves and others.


prepared to haggle.

In some cases, the clutter could become

Now, we could admire the blue box

Trunk Sale

The dance begins, buyer softly jousting

Mark your calendars. Saturday, June

lethal as itmay rapidly become a fire hazard.

raiders for their initiative. But scavengers

with seller until a mutually satisfying

9 Grenville Elementary School, 184 rue

At one time, authorities would bring in a

seek out the most lucrative materials, such

conclusion is reached.

Principale, hosts a trunk sale, $5 car

dumpster and evict the hoarder. (Hoarders

as metals. By doing so, they deprive the

The beauty of this transaction is lost on

wash, bake sale and barbecue. To sell

tend to be tenants.) But now, in Prescott-

taxpayer-financed recyclables sorting

those who loathe negotiating and just want

your items, rent a space for $15. Reserve

Russell, the response has evolved. Agencies

program of potential revenues.

to get it over with. OK, it is much simpler to

with Sherrill MacDonald (819-242-

intervene with the understanding that

A Hawkesbury by-law stipulates that

immediately pay whatever the vendor


eviction is not always the best course of

nobody is allowed to pick over or remove

demands. Truth be told, most people who

action and that hoarders have mental health

blue box contents without the permission

Alexandria Flea Market

hold garage sales will accept almost any

The fourth annual Alexandria Flea


of the municipality. In effect, once the item

offer. The reason they hold a garage sale is

Market, Craft and Yard Sale will be held

Alas, the softer approach is not being

has been placed at the curb awaiting pick-

that they want to rid themselves of things

rain or shine Saturday, June 16

taken with those who scavenge.

up, only an authorized garbage or

they no longer want.

beginning at 9 a.m. For information call

Pickers are celebrated in shows such as

recyclable collector can touch it.

Serious hunters and gatherers do not





– you guessed it – “Pickers,” which is so

Landfill sites are also off-limits. We also

limit themselves to yard sales, of course.

good that it has both a Canadian and

recently related the story of Good


Hawkesbury (Ontario)

10 000 $ comptant à gagner

Un(e) gagnant(e) seulement

ASSEMBLÉE GÉNÉRALE ANNUELLE L’Hôpital Montfort vous invite à prendre part à son assemblée générale annuelle. On y abordera les réalisations et les défis de la dernière année, et le rapport annuel, En route vers l’excellence , y sera distribué. Bienvenue à tous! Date : Le mercredi 20 juin 2012

Au profit des oeuvres du Club Richelieu de Hawkesbury

250 billets seulement! Billets : 100 $ chacun

Heure :

18 h – Accueil 19 h - Début de la rencontre

Tirage le 22 juin 2012, à 11 h 45 au 1100, rue Aberdeen, Hawkesbury, ON

Où : Hôpital Montfort salle 1D211 713, chemin Montréal Ottawa, Ontario Information : 613-746-4621, poste 2000 • hopital montfort .com

Billets disponibles auprès des membres Richelieu Roger Duplantie 613 632-4155 - Gilles Drouin 819 242-8424

Permis n° M704914

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