The Pandemic Issue


No. It’s true and a lot of engineers suddenly feel their in- herent need to solve this as a problem. They’re not scien- tists and it’s not building a bridge over a big river. But we’re dealing with something that is very hard to solve because we don’t understand the problem yet. I think scientists are usually first analyzing the problem and trying to understand what the problem actually is before you can even think about a solution.


I think we’re still at the understanding the problem phase.


Exactly. And going back to the French group paper, that promised such a result and that was interpreted as such by a lot of people including presidents, but it’s a very rare thing to find a medication that will have a 100% curation rate. That’s something that I wish the people would understand better. We all want that to happen, but it’s very unlikely and very unprecedented in the best of times. I would second that and also say that the world needs to better value the work that people like Elisabeth and others are doing. Because we’re not going to get to a better answer if we’re not rigorous about scrutinizing the literature and scrutinizing the methodology and scrutinizing the results. It’s a relatively new phenomenon that you’re able to do this at any scale at all, and even now it’s at a very small scale. Elisabeth mentioned PubPeer and I’m a big fan — also full disclosure, I’m on their board of directors as a volunteer — it’s a very powerful engine for readers and journal editors and other scientists to discuss issues. And Elisabeth has used it really, really well. I think we need to start giving credit to people like that. And, also creating incentives for that kind of work in a way that science hasn’t yet. Yeah. I quit my job to be able to do this work. It’s really hard to combine it with a job either in academia or industry because we’re looking for or criticizing papers and it’s hard when you are still employed to do that. I try to make it about the papers and do it in a polite way, but still it’s a very hard job to do if you have a daytime job and a position and a career to worry about. Because if you’re critical of other academics, that could actually mean the end of your career and that’s sad. They should be more open to polite criticism.




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