King's Business - 1968-01

sting of scorpions, not to kill, but rather to torment for five months those who have the mark o f the Beast. “ And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them” (Rev. 9). This is the first woe of the fifth trumpet judgment. U n iv e r s a l it y o f t h e M a r k “ And he (Antichrist) causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads” (Rev. 13:16). It is readily seen that no one-shall be exempt. Of course, there shall be some conscientious objectors, but their fate is described above. Prestige, position, conviction, personal principle—none of these shall constitute an excuse to refuse the mark of the Beast. There will be no alternative but suffering and death. All rulings will be strictly unilateral and final as Satan gives to the Beast his “ power and his seat, and great authority” (Rev. 13:2). The “ one- world” will then have its “ superman,” who will attempt to superimpose his godless ideas upon all. The great will be stripped o f their power; the rich will be robbed o f their wealth; the free no longer will enjoy liberty. The day of good things will have passed for the time, and the peoples o f the earth will be forced into bondage. U n iq u e n e s s o f t h e M a r k Circumcision was a “mark” for the Israelites, even as it was for Abraham, who “ received the sign of circumcision a seal of righteousness of faith . . . ” (Rom. 4:11). The unshaven head was the “mark” of the Nazarite in his separation (Num. 6). The veil was the “mark” of widowhood (Gen. 38:19). The plucking off the shoe was the “mark” of sin­ cerity in a transaction (Ruth 4 :8 ). Separation from the world-system is the “mark” o f a true Christian (I John 2:14-16), without which worship would be a farce. But the “mark” that encompasses within its significance only that which is horrible, is the badge o f the Antichrist, the mark o f the Beast, which brands one consigned to despair, to a living death and to eternal doom. The mark of the Beast, soon to be a common pos­ session o f those left behind after the Church is evacuated from this earth and a familiar sight to all peoples everywhere, will be the trademark of a brutal usurpation both of human privilege and divine rights. It will signal the ultimate o f unspeak­ able brutality. It will forever monumentalize the Devil’s valiant attempt to be supreme. Which will it be for the reader, the mark o f the Beast with its fearfulness through force, or the mark o f the believer with its felicity through faith ?

Hill and beheld the “ devotion” (worship) in which the people were engaging. He said, “ I found an altar with this inscription, TO THE UNKNOWN GOD.” He made it clear that what they were doing was in unmitigated ignorance. He extolled the God of creation as the “ Lord of heaven and earth.” He told them that “ they should seek the Lord, if haply they might feel after him, and find him.” Then, the Apostle firmly reprimanded them, ex­ plaining that “gold or silver or stone, graven by art and man’s device” should never be involved in the matter of worship. He pointed out further that God had appointed a day when He will judge all men in righteousness for these deeds. P e n a l t y f o e R e f u s a l o f M a r k It will become a hard and fast law “ that no man might buy or sell save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name” (Rev. 13:17). Buying and selling are the basic factors in human economics. People cannot long exist if these privi­ leges are revoked. This will be something of the pressure brought to bear on the inhabitants of the earth to induce loyalty to the godless leadership. What hunger will ensue! What misery will result! For a minority will not capitulate, cost what it may : larders empty; tables bare; children crying; par­ ents helpless. This will prove to be the most vicious and the most heartless revocation o f human rights ever visited upon mankind, and it will be 100% effec­ tive. Humanitarianism will give way to cold brutal­ ity. Loyola’s principle of casuistry—that the end justifies the means—will be invoked to the fullest extent. No move to suppress the opposition will be too tyrannical. The laws of that hour will be the wicked desires of the Antichrist. They will be exe­ cuted with unrestrained violence by fanatical offi­ cers as terrified people fall helpless and hopeless victims into their hands. The ultimatum will be terse and decisive — receive the “mark” or suffer the severe consequences. J u d g m e n t f o r A c c e p t a n c e The Lord will counter with His own ultimatum. It is this: “ I f any man worship the beast or his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God” (Rev. 14:9, 10). Whether openly or secretly, actively or passively, those who commit themselves to the wicked policies of the Antichrist and who ascribe unto him, will­ ingly or by force, open acclaim or silent encourage­ ment, will suffer the torment of fire and brimstone. They will have no rest day or night (Rev. 14:11). A plague o f locusts also will be sent, having the



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