
New reserve fund plan for library board ACTUALITÉ • NEWS

Réélisez | Re-elect Claude Levac Maire de Casselman | Casselman Mayor Au cours des prochaines années Environnement -Mise en œuvre d’un programme pour diminuer les coûts d’électricité des infrastructures municipales. -Collaboration avec la Conservation de la Nation Sud pour maintenir une meilleure qualité de l’eau de la rivière Nation. -La planification et la mise en œuvre d’un système bio-digesteur qui traiterait les eaux usées. Rues et trottoirs -Recommandation pour la construction d’un trottoir sur le coté est de la rue Principale du chemin de fer à la rue Racine. -Le transfert de la responsabilité de l’entretien de la rue St-Isidore aux Comtés-Unis- épargne de plusieurs milliers de dollars. -Resurfaçage de certaines rues en suivant le plan de gestion des actifs. Activités sportives et communautaires -La planification et la mise en œuvre de nouvelles activités sportives et communautaires pour les jeunes et les personnes âgées. Développement économique - En collaboration avec les partenaires impliqués, planifier des stratégies pour encourager des investisseurs à s’établir à Casselman. -Préparation d’un document de travail par un consultant qui permettra à Casselman et à La Nation de collaborer dans un projet de développement commercial ou industriel au sud de l’autoroute 417. -À la fin de 2014, début d’un projet domiciliaire de 629 résidences au nord-ouest de la rivière Nation. Services de sécurité -Diminution d’environ 80 000 $ par année des coûts des services policiers au cours des cinq prochaines années. -Recommandation de gestes concrets pour ralentir la circulation. Gestion -Maintien d’une bonne santé financière de la municipalité. -Amélioration d’une culture de transparence, de responsabilité et de respect. -Diminution du salaire du maire de 30 000 $ à 20 000 $ par année. -Rapports des directeurs de service dans les deux langues officielles. For the next years Environment -Implementation of a program to reduce electricity charges of municipal infrastructures -Cooperation with the South Nation Conservation Authority to maintain a good water quality in the Nation river -Planning and implementation of an anaerobic digestion system for wastewater. Streets and sidewalks -Recommendation for the construction of a sidewalk on the west side of Principal Street starting from the railroad track to Racine Street. -Transfer of responsibility for the maintenance of St-Isidore Street to the United Counties- Thousands of dollars in savings. -Resurfacing of certain streets in accordance with the asset management plan. Sports & Community activities -Planning and implementation of new sports and community ativities for both the youth and senior citizens. Economic Development -In cooperation with stakeholders, plan strategies to encourage investors to settle in Casselman. -Preparation of a working document by a consultant, for the purpose of initiating a partnership between Casselman and The

that the final approval rests with council.” The restructuring resolution approved during the Monday evening council session will create two separate reserve funds for the library board to deal with its present surplus. The first is a $15,000 Working Fund Library Reserve. The second is a Library Asset Management Reserve for the balance of the library board’s surplus. During its Sept. 17 meeting, the board had approved a resolution dealing with the budget process. The resolution stated that “in accordance with what what was agreed with the representatives of municipal ad-


EMBRUN | The Russell Public Library Board will have a new setup to handle its reserve funds, with the blessing of township council. Restructuring of the library board’s re- serve assets received approval during the Oct. 6 regular council session. But a second proposal from the board that could also af- fect the township’s own municipal budget-

Photo Gregg Chamberlain

The restructuring resolution approved during the Monday evening council session will create two separate reserve funds for the library board to deal with its present surplus.

ing process was set aside for further discus- sions with the library board. “The whole thing is to make sure they (library board) get consulted,” said Mayor Jean-Paul St-Pierre, regarding the annual budget approval process.“But I will reiterate

ministration” the use of the library board’s reserves would follow certain approval pro- cedures depending on whether it was part of the annual municipal budget process in which the library board took part or oc- curred outside of the annual budgeting. In both cases, the resolution called for library board approval first of any use of reserves and then that approval would go to the mu- nicipal council for final approval. Jean Leduc, chief administrative officer for the township, told council that admin- istration had talked with library board of- ficials about reserve fund use but nothing was agreed on and that the board’s resolu- tion was based on its own interpretation of the discussion. Council directed administration to ar- range for further talks with the library board to clarify the situation about approval pro- cedures.

Nation in order to partipate in a commercial or industrial project located south of the 417 Highway. -The beginning of a 629 residence housing project North-West of the Nation River at the end of 2014. Security Services -Reduction of police service costs by approximately $80 000 a year for the next five years. -Recommendation of specific solutions to reduce the speed of motor vehicles within the village. Management -Keep the municipality in good financial health.


-Improve a culture of transparency, responsibility and respect. -Reduce mayor’s salary from $30,000 to $20,000 per year. -Senior official reports in both official languages.

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