London-Tucson 2022

BOOK REVIEW “This is a sprawling story, covering from a time before the American Civil War until after its conclusion. We start in Kentucky, learning about Rory and his desire to become a doctor. His father is greatly opposed to this and demands that his son take over the family’s hemp farm operation. Rory’s world is upended when his entire family is killed in a freak accident. Other key characters come into the novel, and the stories of these four main characters interweave and coalesce. It all breaks apart again for everyone once the Civil War starts. The book is neatly divided into halves; the first half of the story takes us up to the point of the Civil War, and the second half is about the Civil War with a brief amount of information about their lives after this. I find it interesting that an English woman has written this book. The four main characters in this book, as well as those added along the way, were fascinating to watch as they first lived their pre- war lives and then became a part of the struggle of that era. I enjoyed this view of the American Civil War written by someone who sees it as a time of historical interest, unlike American authors who tend to see it more emotionally, as the effects of the Civil War still ripple through American society today.” –Jamie BJ Mar 24, 2019


EC Magazines | London-Tucson Edition 2022

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