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Seniors are advised to exercise cau- tion when answering unfaimilar phone numbers. These confidence-fraud scams accounted for the highest reported losses in seniors in  BDDPSEJOHUPUIF$BOBEJBO"OUJ'SBVE $FOUFS $"'$  In these kinds of scams, criminals pose as family members or attorneys representing them and contact their marks by telephone to request bail money. A family member has been arrested, the criminals say, and needs IFMQUPHFUPVUPGKBJM0ODFUIFCBJMNPOFZ has been promised, criminals arrange for a courier or rideshare driver to pick it up in person at the victim’s residence, and it is never seen again. 5IF011VSHFTQFPQMFUPCFDBVUJPVT BT it is almost impossible to track the money down once it has left the victim’s hands. Be careful when posting online, as information from social media can be used to convince potential victims that the caller knows them. Caller ID is not always reliable as there are tools that can disguise one number as another in a contact list. Be wary of calls that require immediate action without talking to UIFGBNJMZNFNCFSJORVFTUJPOàSTU/FWFS give information or money to someone known just from online contact or by phone. Always meet them in person to verify their identity. Anyone with information regarding any DSJNJOBMBDUJWJUZTIPVMEDPOUBDU UIF011 at 1-888-310-1122 or Crime Stoppers at

Les escrocs se font passer pour des petits-enfants afin de toucher la corde sensible des victimes et de leur faire oublier les failles de leur histoire -photo de Teona Swift

been the target of a scam, should contact QPMJDFPSUIF$BOBEJBO"OUJ'SBVE$FOUSFBU


1-800-222- 8477. Visit www.CrimeStoppers. ca for more information. Anyone who has

Susan McArthur veut agir pour l’avenir des gens de Glengarry–Prescott–Russell : Mettre en place le Plan de rétablissement du Canada afin de créer des emplois.

Financer des infrastructures modernes : internet, transport en commun et logement.

Défendre les minorités francophones et appuyer les producteurs agricoles locaux. Autorisé par l’agent officiel de Susan McArthur

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