Leadership in Action – AUNZ English – 201701


Ian & Karen Muntelwit Queensland Executive Directors, one day at a time

about our goals for the month. We write it down, stick it on our fridge, make commitments to ourselves, our support teams or the corporate office. But as the month wears on, we lose sight of these goals, and allow ourselves to make excuses. So when I heard about the daily accountability call to help focus our team on what we are going to make happen today—not tomorrow—I jumped at it,” says Ian. Conducting a daily voluntary ‘zoom’ call whereby attendees commit to exactly how many calls they will make, how many overviews they will show, and how many enrolments they will put through that day, has had a profound effect on their business. Ian explains “It’s easy to put things off, and say you’ll get to it later. So when you set a goal of ‘I’m going to show someone an overview today’ it makes you think ‘oh, I better go and find someone today! Not tomorrow, not next week, not next month—today!’ “ Changing your mindset and creating a daily habit is all it really takes to turn things around. Doing this in a team environment which is both fun and supportive can mean all the difference. ” The results were almost instantaneous. One such success story came in the form of Ian and Karen’s personal enrollee Karen Madsen, who after advancing to Director 2 in March 2014, had spent the last two years stuck. “Karen came to me and said something that blew me away —she said that she had made the decision to give her business the priority it deserves,” says Ian. “She then committed to doing at least one thing for her business every single day, even if it was just to make one appointment.” Advancing to Director 3 in October of this year, Karen’s example has inspired the rest of the Mackay team to re-focus and make their businesses a daily priority. As the team in Mackay continues to grow and dominate the Leadership in Action magazine, Ian and Karen continue on their mission of providing families with happier, healthier homes. “This is just the beginning for us—we will achieve Executive Director in early 2017. But we won’t stop there—this business is a business for the ‘little guy’ and we want to help as many other 'little guys' live the lives they have imagined.”

In July and September of this year, newly advancing Senior Directors 5 Ian and Karen Muntelwit gained two new reasons to grow their Melaleuca business; the birth of their first grandchildren. “To see your children become parents themselves is a truly fulfilling moment. You see life from a new perspective. Its a wake up call that each day counts. We were in a new cycle of life and I didn't want time or financial constraints to limit us enjoying time with our grandson and grandaughter,” explains Karen. “The urgency to build our Melaleuca business had new meaning.” Finding inspiration in a BEST series CD while driving from MacKay to Rockhampton, Ian explains how they have set the wheels in motion towards Executive Director. “So often we talk


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