

Future of Pitt & Second property PAGE 3

Alaya Riley, une vraie combattante PAGE 5

June 22 juin 2016

V. 6 N. 31

Squaring off against cancer Over 100 cancer survivors, caregivers and family members came together on June 17 in order to participate in Cornwall’s first Relay for Life. PAGE 4

Volunteer Debra Flynn, volunteer Lorraine Sharron, Sophie Lornet, a survivor and volunteer Debra-Lynn Bellefeuille, survivor Pattie Smith, and volunteer Micheline Jean all took part in the Cornwall Relay for Life. — photo Francis Racine

Alaya Riley, une vraie combattante


souvient même pas, Alaya a dû faire face à la leucémiemyéloïde aiguë. «Mes parents m’on dit que le traitement avait très bien été. » Quelques années plus tard, des experts en santé ont découvert une masse sur sa glande thyroïde. « Ils m’ont dit que ce serait trop difficile de traiter lamasse, donc il m’ont enlevé la glande thyroïde, a-t-elle ajoutée, toujours souriante. » Mais le combat d’Alaya ne se terminait pas là. Au contraire, celle-ci a dû se faire enlever cinq côtes. « Ils ont aussi trouvé deux masses sur mes côtes, a raconté la petite. Ils en ont enlevé deux et ensuite trois autres. » Ces diverses chirurgies ainsi que les traitements de chimiothérapie à CHEOn’ont nullement découragé la jeune étudiante. Elle poursuit ses études et est entourée de plusieurs bonnes amies. « Lorsque je ne pouvais pas aller à l’école, un tuteur venait

Elle n’est âgée que de 14 ans, mais Alaya Riley, étudiante de l’École secondaire catholique La Citadelle, B déjà fait face au cancer et ce, à cinq reprises. Mais la jeune fille de Cornwall se considère chanceuse. « J’ai battu le cancer trois fois en tout, a-t-elle affirmé. C’est grâce à mon grand frère. C’est lui qui m’a fait don d’une partie de sa moelle épinière. » C’est au tendre âge de deux ans que la petite Alaya est diagnostiquée pour la première fois avec un cancer, soit la leucémie lymphoblastique aiguë. « Il existe deux types de leucémie, la leucémie lymphoblastique aiguë et la leucémie myéloïde aiguë, a fait valoir la jeune fille confiante. » À la suite d’une bataille dont elle ne se

OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Le/The Journal in Cornwall has over 600 sq.ft. of open space for rent on first or second floor. Room for storage.

Central air conditioning. Parking. For more info or a visit, call Roger at 613-938-1433

Alaya Riley âgée de 14 ans, a combattu et remporté T es cinq batailles contre le cancer. — photo Francis Racine

chez moi, donc je n’ai pas manqué trop de matières. » En tout, l’étudiante a passé 10 mois à CHEO. « J’ai passé 240 soirées à CHEO, a affirmé Alaya. C’est beaucoup de temps ça! » Mais de quoi exactement souffre la jeune fille? « Je suis atteinte du syndrome Li- Fraumeni, a-t-elle expliqué. Presque tout le monde naît avec des cellules qui combattent le cancer. Moi, il me les manque. » Le syndrome Li-Fraumeni est un syndrome génétique rare, prédisposant au cancer. C’est donc une forme héréditaire de cancers touchant le jeune adulte et les enfants. En tant que survivante, Alaya se dit honorée d’avoir participé au Relais pour la Vie de Corwnall, qui avait lieu le 17 et le 18 juin derniers au Parc Lamoureux. En effet, la jeune fille et cinq de ses amies, soit Zoe Manson, Alexa Turgeon, Vanessa McPhee, Makenzie Cox et Kaleigh Nicholls ont créé une équipe qu’elles ont appelée la A-Team.

Elles ont ensuite amassé des fonds pour la Société du cancer. « Nous avons créé des bath bombs , des objets que l’on met dans le bain et qui se transforment en bulles, a expliqué Alaya. Notre but était d’amasser à peu près 100 $. À date, nous avons recueilli 500 $. » C’est tout un exploit, puisque les créations de l’équipe se vendaient seulement 5 $! Lors du Relais pour la Vie, la jeune fille a livré un hommage émotif aux gens réunis ainsi qu’aux survivants du cancer et aux individus ayant perdus leur combat contre lamaladie. « Merci de vous être tous rassemblés ici ce soir, a déclaré Alaya, debout sur le stade du parc, les larmes aux yeux. Ça me fait chaud au cœur. J’aimerais aussi remercier ma famille au complet d’être ici. » Sur ce, l’étudiante a mené la première tournée des survivants, sous les applaudissements et les encouragements des gens réunis.

LOCAL À LOUER Le/The Journal à Cornwall a un espace de 600 à louer au rez-de-chaussée ou au 2 e plancher. Espace additionnel pour

entreposage. Air climatisé central. Stationnement. Pour renseignements ou une visite, appeler Roger au 613-938-1433

Le Journal, Cornwall


Le mercredi 22 juin 2016

Les bénévoles de la région sont reconnus Bernice Patterson, Freda Roberston et Carole Sliepenbeek – auxiliaires à l’hôpital communautaire de Cornwall, Justin Bouchard et Daniel Spooner – les services de police de Cornwall, Mark Cooper, David Graveley, Keith Lefave et Alexander Lefave – les Chevaliers de Colomb de St Andrews , Julie Davies, Patricia Dufresne, Audrey Lummis et Renee Seguin-Lalonde – les Guides du Canada, Heather DeRochie et Helene Terriah – le Club Kinette, Jeanne Gagné, Jeanne Plouffe, Gilberte Richer, Anita Landriault, Martha Smith-Roy et Nicole Thuot - Centre Charles-Émile-Claude, Allan Gilfillan, Tannis Girard et Joan Paquin – la société du Cancer, Sheila Jasmin et Denise Samson – Carefor, Dale Juhasz et Robert Juhasz – l’aide à l’enfance de SD et G, Linda Knight – la Fondation des maladies du Cœur, Michael Mahoney, Gailand Poaspst, Paul Poirier, Richard Shaver, Paul St- Pierre et Scott Wilson – le Club Kinsmen, Ashley McCool- VagabondTheater ainsi que Karen Quinn – St. Andrews Catholic Women’s League. La bénévole Louise Bédard, de L’Orignal, a prononcé un discours le 14 juin dernier, dans le cadre d’une soirée de distinctions pour le service bénévole. — photo Francis Racine


« Les bénévoles de notre pays forment le cœur de nos communautés! » C’est ce qu’a déclaré Louise Bédard, membre de la société historique de L’Orignal et elle-même bénévole depuis 18 ans, lors de la soirée de distinctions pour le service bénévole de 2016. Cette cérémonie avait lieu dans la salle de conférence du Best Western, le 14 juin dernier. C’est là que 130 bénévoles de Stormont, Dundas et South Glengarry (SD et G) et de Prescott-Russell avaient tous été invités par le ministère provincial des Affaires publiques et de l’Immigration, afin de recevoir un médaillon commémorant leur acharnement. « Les distinctions pour services bénévoles nous donnent la chance de reconnaitre les bénévoles du pays, a expliqué l’ancien ministre provincial des Affaires publiques et de l’Immigration, Michael Chan. Ils jouent tous un rôle vital dans leur communauté. Ces médaillons servent donc à les remercier pour leurs contributions. » Mme Bédard a été choisie afin de livrer une allocution aux gens réunis dans la grande salle. « Vous êtes tous des gens précieux, a-t-elle fait valoir. Sans vous, nos communautés seraient bien différentes. » Les bénévoles reconnus viennent d’Alexandria, Long Sault, Cornwall, Hawkesbury, Morrisburg, Williamstown, Green Valley, Winchester, Iroquois, Vankleek Hill, Crysler, Chesterville, Dalkeith, Maxville, Finch, Rockland et Saint-Isidore. Parmis les bénévoles de Cornwall; Simia Anum – Parade des Nations, Claire Bonneville, May Julien, Isabel Legault,

OFFRES D’EMPLOI La Fromagerie coopérative St-Albert, chef de file dans la production fromagère dans l’Est ontarien, revient en force avec des installationsmodernisées, une capacité de production améliorée et une volonté de fer de produire les meilleurs cheddars au pays. Dans ce contexte, la Fromagerie est actuellement à la recherche de personnes désirant joindre ses rangs dans les secteurs décrits ci-dessous. Nous sommes présentement en recrutement pour les postes suivants :

Le gouvernement ontarien a célébré les contributions de plus de 11 000 bénévoles au cours de 54 cérémonies de distinctions, organisées à travers la province entre les mois de mars et de juin. Les distinctions reconnaissent des personnes qui, partout en Ontario, donnent de leur temps à des organismes comme la Croix-Rouge canadienne et les Guides du Canada, et participent à des projets communautaires bénévoles, par exemple l’organisation de foires scientifiques, la plantation d’arbres, des activités aidant les personnes âgées à rester actives ou encore l’accueil des nouveaux arrivants. des quelque 40 000 soldats de l’Amérique du Nord Britannique qui ont servi au sud de la frontière. À la fin de la Guerre d’indépendance en 1783, des dizaines de milliers de loyalistes avaient quitté les colonies américaines pour s’établir au Québec et dans les Maritimes. Mais près d’un siècle plus tard, des dizaines de millions d’entre eux ont retraversé la frontière pour participer à la Guerre civile américaine. Les Gris et bleus veulent ériger le monument à Long Sault, près de Cornwall, où les villages engloutis par la voiemaritime du St-Laurent ont été reconstitués.

Employés à temps plein & temps partiel

Pour obtenir plus de renseignements sur ces postes ou sur la façon de soumettre votre candidature, visitez le . Vous trouverez ces informations sous l’onglet « La Fromagerie », puis « Offres d’emploi », ou envoyez votre c.v. au

PRODUCTION TEMPS PLEIN • Journalier de fabrication et d'emballage Doit être disponible l'après-midi, le soir et les week-ends. Horaires variables. RESTAURATION TEMPS PARTIEL • Commis général de cuisine • Plongeur

Les gris et bleus et la Guerre civile américaine


La date limite pour soumettre votre candidature est le 30 juin 2016. Gamme d'avantages sociaux concurentiels.

De passage à Lachute le 12 juin pour le Salon de l’arme et du militaria, les membres des Gris et bleus de Montréal, une compagnie de reconstitution historique, ont sensibilisé la population à leur projet de monument en l’honneur des soldats canadiens ayant pris part à la Guerre civile américaine. En collaboration avec la Lost Villages Historical Society, les gris et bleus veulent ériger un obélisque de 14 pieds de haut et des monuments commémoratifs en l’honneur


The Journal Cornwall


Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Le CSCE célèbre son 25 e anniversaire

Cornwall historic jail The historic Cornwall Jail, attached to the United Counties Building onWater Street, is now open on weekends, from 11 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. This year, prison costumes will be available for those who want the full inmate experience. Also, the Governor’s house has been partially furnished. Information: 613-936-0280. Café-Causerie L’équipe psycho-sociale invite les femmes à se joindre à leur rencontre mensuelle de bavardage et de plaisir. L’activité permettra d’échanger sur divers sujets dans une atmosphère de détente. Les rencontres auront lieu au bureau de l’Équipe psycho-sociale, au 610, avenue McConnell. Information : Josiane Briand-Pilon au 613-938-7112, poste 232. Free Clerical Training Course Tri-County Literacy Council is offering a free clerical course that focuses on aspects of office procedures in preparation for entry-level positions. Experience with Microsoft Office products and the Internet will be beneficial. The training is suitable for a variety of learners including those planning to enter the school environment after a prolonged absence and people changing careers. For information or to register: 613-932-7161. Moccasin Model Club The Moccasin Model Club at St. Mathews Lutheran Church, starting at 7:30 p.m. All model railroad enthusiasts are welcome to attend. Information: 613-936-1660. Smart City Toastmasters Smart City Toastmasters Club offers the opportunity to learn communication skills and gives a practical leadership experience in a positive environment. Meetings are on the 1 st and 3 rd Wednesday of eachmonth at the St. Lawrence College, room3520. Friends of Vets The Friends of Vets support group meets on the 1 st and 3 rd Thursday of every month at 7 p.m. at 780 Sydney Street. There is parking in the back of the building and the coffee is free. communautaire community link Le lien The

L’heure était à la fête, le 16 juin dernier, lors de l’assemblée générale annuelle du Centre de santé communautaire de l’Estrie (CSCE). En effet, on a profité de l’occasion pour souligner le 25 e anniversaire du CSCE. « Le Centre de santé communautaire de l’Estrie célèbre cette année un jalon important de son histoire, 25 ans au service des francophones de l’Est ontarien, a fait valoir le directeur général du CSCE, .BSD Bisson. Nous profitons de l’occasion pour souligner le dévouement et le travail exceptionnel du personnel du CSCE. » On reconnaît, ci-dessus, certains des anciens présidents du conseil d’administration, soit Gérald Samson, André Vigeant, Paulette Hébert et Raymond Chartrand. — photo Francis Racine

Publié le mercredi par • Published on Wednesday by: La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc. Imprimé par • Printed by: Imprimerie Prescott et Russell, Hawkesbury, ON # convention : 0040012398

BERTRAND CASTONGUAY Président • President ROGER DUPLANTIE Directeur Général • General Manager FRANÇOIS BÉLAIR

625, ch Montréal, Cornwall, Ontario K6H 1C3 Tel.: 613-938-1433 • Fax.: 613-938-2798

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Le Journal, Cornwall


Le mercredi 22 juin 2016

The property at the corner of Pitt and Second has stood empty for nearly 20 years, following a fire that ravaged the King George Hotel in 1997. The site, which was supposed to house a condominium building, might be acquired by Bourgon Construction. — photo Francis Racine

Future of Pitt and Second property still uncertain


barracks, ballroom and concert hall. It became the American House around 1873; then the Balmoral House at the turn of the 20th century and finally the King George in 1910. Bourgon has already begun work on a feasibility study to assess the best possible use for the landmark ‘First on Second’ site, with an early focus on building first-class office and community space. While the condominium project was generally well-received by the community, too few units have been pre-sold to date to justify a construction start. “The current owners had an exceptional vision; however themarket simply isn’t there for luxury condominiums at that site at this time,” saidMarkell. “We are acknowledging that and moving forward.” Bourgon Construction had been previously involved in the Dominion project as the builder, not as the property owner. The planned acquisition gives the company the control to direct the final development of the site. “The First on Second site offers a tremendous location in terms of visibility and access,” noted Markell. “It has plenty

of onsite parking, with ample additional parking nearby. Our goal is to reinforce recent investments in downtown businesses by bringing people to the heart of the city.” To be included in the Bourgon downtown portfolio are three other downtown

properties that will be prepared for potential redevelopment or sale over the coming weeks. “We have confidence in downtown Cornwall as a business location.”

The future for what was once a staple property on Cornwall’s historic four corners ƐƟůůƐĞĞŵƐŚĂnjLJ͘/ƚǁĂƐĂŶŶŽƵŶĐĞĚĞĂƌůŝĞƌƚŚŝƐ ǁĞĞŬƚŚĂƚĂůŽĐĂůĐŽŶƐƚƌƵĐƟŽŶĐŽŵƉĂŶLJŝƐŝŶ talks to acquire the property, which has been ǀĂĐĂŶƚĨŽƌǁĞůůŽǀĞƌϮϬLJĞĂƌƐ͘ Bourgon Construction is in final negotiations to acquire four primedowntown development properties, including The Dominion condominium project at the corner of Pitt and Second Streets. “We strongly believe in the direction Cornwall’s downtown has taken in recent years, and the importance of a strong downtown to a vibrant community” said Bourgon Construction owner Chris Markell. The property has quite a historically important background, once housing the famed King George Hotel, before it burned down on Valentine’s Day 1997. The King George Hotel was built as a private residence by Dr. Noah Dickinson in the 1820s. It was never used as a home, as his wife died before it could be occupied. Instead, it served as the County Court House,


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The Journal Cornwall


Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Squaring off against cancer Over 100 cancer survivors, caregivers and family members came together on June 17 in order to participate in Cornwall’s first Relay for Life. The event featured several activities and took place in Lamoureux Park, where residents made laps around well into the early hours of the morning. “Relay for Life is the Canadian Cancer Society’s biggest fundraiser,” explained Byron James, senior manager with the Canadian Cancer Society of Eastern Ontario. “We never had a Relay for Life in Cornwall, so we thought we’d host one. Everything is pointing to a second edition next year.” An array of activities took place within the 12 hours. At midnight, organizers held glow run, where glow in the dark paint was thrown on runners in a friendly manner. Volunteer Debra Flynn, volunteer Lorraine Sharron, Sophie Lornet, a survivor and volunteer Debra-Lynn Bellefeuille, survivor Pattie Smith, and volunteer Michelin Jean all took part in the event. — photo Francis Racine

DonovanThompson (Shatekaronhioton) and Corey Fox (Tehonciehtaronweh) from the Mohawk reservation, both displayed traditional songs prior to the start of the Relay for Life. — photo Francis Racine

Four cancer survivors spearheaded the initial lap of the Relay for Life; Gerry Dion, Alaya Riley, Michelle Lewis-Crowder and Larry Sharron. — photo Francis Racine

Le Journal, Cornwall


Le mercredi 22 juin 2016

Honoring those who served

ACFO - Centre C-E Claude - 146 Chevrier TAS Convenience Store - 1001 Montreal Rd Food Basics - 1315 Second East No Frills - Eastcourt Mall 711 MAX - 472 Leitch Drive FreshCo - 525 - 9th East Jean Coutu Pharmacy - 5 - 9th East OLCO - 18267 Cty Rd. 2, Glen Walter Shopper’s Drug Mart - Cornwall Square Lotto Centre - Cornwall Square MacEwen C-Store - Second W. & York Short Line Convenience & Video Store - 1300 Second West A-Z Convenience Store - 340 - 4th West Pop Shoppe - 101 Emma C-Store/MacEwen Gas Bar - 5756 Hwy 138 Mitchell’s Variety - 3034 Pitt Mac’s Convenience Store - 1292 Pitt Desjardins Caisse populaire - 840 Pitt Carl’s Smoke Shop - 272 Pitt Food Basics - 960 Brookdale Metro - 1400 Vincent Massey Benson Centre - 800 - 7th West Giant Tiger - 609 Pitt Mac’s Convenience Store - 439 - 13th West disponible Est aux endroits suivants : at these fine places: Is available

Geoff Clarke named acting city clerk The City of Cornwall has appointed Geoff Clarke as acting clerk to oversee the department on an interim basis.The city clerk position became vacant last week, after the City and then CAO Helen Finn parted ways. Clarke will also continue with his regular duties as Human Resources director during this interim period. During the transition, deputy clerk Manon Levesque will assume the daily procedural responsibilities for the clerk’s office with City council.This will include handling the clerk responsibilities during regular council meetings, among other things. “As part of this transition period, we will be reviewing and exploring possible alternatives to the current structure of the clerk’s department within City Hall,” said CAO Maureen Adams. “This review will begin in the very near future.” – Francis Racine A small ceremony, to honor retired members of the Cornwall Community Police force, took place on June 20 at police headquarters. More than 20 retired workers took part in the Retiree Wall unveiling. “In 2012, we were shocked by the sudden death of a young police officer,” explained Josée Lalonde, dispatcher for 17 years and initiator of the project. “To honor him, we had his obituary cut out and posted on a board here at the station. That’s when I realized we needed more to honor the ones who had served our community.” The wall, which contains the name of several retired officers, was unveiled after several months of planning. “The Police Board was happy to help,” said councillor and board member André Rivette, holding back tears. Your names will forever be etched on the wall. I want to congratulate everyone!” — photo Francis Racine



The Journal Cornwall


Wednesday, June 22, 2016

$175,000 of tobacco seized near Cornwall

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Members of the Cornwall Regional Task Force (CRTF) were up early, in the morning of June 2. Working hand in hand with members from Valleyfield RCMP and Sûreté du Quebec, they observed two boats traveling east on the St. Lawrence River at a high rate of speed. The boats landed ashore in the area of Rivière-Beaudette, Quebec. As officers converged to the shoreline area to investigate the activity, they noticed that the contraband had been strewn on shore,and the vessels with their occupants had already departed. During this investigation, 126 bags of contraband fine cut tobacco weighing a total of 1,948 kilograms were seized. The investigation is still ongoing. “We often get asked by the public what is the value of these types of contraband seizures”, said constable Jean Juneau, Media Relations officer with the CRTF. “The estimated value of this particular seizure surpasses $175,000. As you can well imagine, this seizure is a significant loss for whoever organized and paid for the product they never received.” The CRTF is a joint forces partnership that includes the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Ontario Provincial Police, and the Ontario Ministry of Finance. Pictured is Juneau, with the seized tobacco. — supplied photo

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Le Journal, Cornwall


Le mercredi 22 juin 2016

$148,000 Garden Party


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Rachel’s Kids recently organized its annual Garden Party, at the Ramada Inn. The event, which aims at collecting funds for the youths in the community and abroad, raised $148,000. Rachel’s Kids is a charitable organization supported through community contributions, corporate donations and the time of volunteers, which seeks to aid impoverished, neglected and abused children as well as numerous education initiatives, including awarding scholarships and building schools. Rachel’s Kids also integrates with other aid organizations in order to improve the lives of children in need, both locally and globally. Pictured is Joginder Singh. — supplied photo


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The Journal Cornwall


Wednesday, June 22, 2016


INDUSTRIAL MILLWRIGHT Ivaco Rolling Mills LP, a major steel manufacturer in the Hawkesbury, Ontario region, is seeking a qualified Industrial Millwright to fill a vacancy in its Maintenance Department.

Applicants must have an Industrial Millwright’s license and will be asked to demonstrate excellent reading comprehension and problems solving skills. Red Seal certification is required.

Experience in a manufacturing environment is an asset.

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Starting salary is $28.61 per hour and we offer a competitive benefits package including a defined contribution pension plan.

All interested applicants should forward their resumes, in confidence, to:


Ivaco Rolling Mills P.O. Box 322, Hwy. 17 L’Orignal, Ontario K0B 1R0 Attention: Human Resources

A & C TELEVISION SERVICE - We repair LED, Plasma and amplifiers. We sell surveillance cameras and used televisions. 10% senior discount. Free estimates. Please call, 613-933- 9232 or 613-932-6366.


NEED CASH NOW? We buy guns, licensed dealer in Hawkesbury. We want your firearms and militaria. Quick, easy and confidential; or 613-632-4848.

(Only candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.)

Le Centre de santé communautaire de l’Estrie (CSCE) exerce un leadership dans la prestation des services de santé communautaire, santé mentale et santé physique dans les comtés de Stormont, Dundas, Glengary, Prescott et Russell. Il est à la recherche de personnes pour combler les postes suivants :

Infirmier(ère) au programme d’éducation sur le diabète Poste permanent à temps complet (35h\semaine) à Cornwall

Pour une description détaillée des postes et des tâches, consultez la section « Emploi » du :

Veuillez faire parvenir une lettre de présentation ainsi que votre curriculum vitae à : Mme Annie Lamirande, agente aux ressources humaines 738, Notre-Dame, Embrun (Ontario) K0A 1W1 Télécopieur : 613 443-9519 | Courriel :

Le Journal, Cornwall


Le mercredi 22 juin 2016

Parks Canada invests in Sir John Johnson House Sir John Johnson House National Historic Site, located in the historic town of Williamstown, is one of the oldest surviving houses presently in Ontario. In a bid at preserving the historically rich property, Parks Canada announced on June 13 that they would invest $450 000 in the house. in particular,” expressed Brent Lafave, president of the Sir John Johnson Manor House Committee. “We are very happy to be working with the dedicated and innovative staff of Parks Canada and look forward to having a strong building fromwhich we will be able to provide exciting opportunities for visitors.” site is the Sir John Johnson Manor House Committee who has a license of occupation from Parks Canada and present visitor experience opportunities throughout the summer. Parks Canada’s investment in the infrastructure at the site will provide an opportunity for the Manor House Committee to invest in new visitor experience opportunities. Developing new and innovative programs and services allows more Canadians, including youth and newcomers, to experience and learn about our history. Investments in preservation, rehabilitation and restoration of our national historic sites will protect our heritage and strengthen their appeal as destinations to celebrate the nation’s achievements.

The investment will focus on major structural and exterior repairs of the building, to assure structural integrity of the Manor House. Work will focus on the building’s foundation and exterior wood elements, roof replacement, and the rehabilitation of windows and doors. “The Sir John Johnson Manor House Committee is historically important to Canada, and of course to this community

The site is well known within the community as theWilliamstown location of the Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry County library.The libraryoffersavarietyof programs and activities for communitymembers of all ages. During the reconstruction, the library will be relocating to a nearby location, and Parks Canada looks forward to welcoming themback when construction is completed. Another tenant at this national historic


EST À LA RECHERCHE DE D’UN(E) CONSEILLER(ÈRE) EN PUBLICITÉ À CORNWALL La personne idéale sera une personne retraitée ou semi-retraitée qui possède beaucoup d’entregent et qui désire arrondir ses fins demois. EXIGENCES : • Posséder de l’expérience dans le domaine de la vente • Être bilingue (français, anglais), écrit et oral

• Respecter les heures de tombées • Être capable de travailler en équipe

• Posséder une voiture et l’utiliser pour le travail • Avoir un horaire flexible pour projets spéciaux RÉMUNÉRATION : Bonne commission DATE D’ENTRÉE EN FONCTION : Le plus tôt possible


IS LOOKING FOR A SALESPERSON IN CORNWALL The ideal candidate is a retired or semi-retired person with excellent interpersonal skills who wants to earn extra money. REQUIREMENTS: • Experience in sales an asset • Bilingual (French, English), both oral and written • Demonstrated teamwork • Respect deadlines

• Possess valid driver’s license and use of vehicle • Time/Schedule flexibility for special projects SALARY: Good commission STARTING DATE: As soon as possible

Seules les personnes retenues pour une entrevue seront contactées. Only those selected for an interview will be contacted.

Faire parvenir son curriculum vitae par courriel à : Send your resume by email to:

The Journal Cornwall


Wednesday, June 22, 2016

YOUR HOROSCOPE for the week of June 19 to 25, 2016


ARIES Whether you are single or not, someone in your workplace makes an advance; this leaves you feeling anything but indif- ferent. You feel a lot of pressure from people around you. TAURUS The summer vacation is finally here. You plan a big trip for you and your family. If you go by car, do not forget to bring a good map or GPS. GEMINI You are proud of your children’s report cards. You find it difficult to refuse them anything when faced with such success. Expect them to ask you for lavish praise and rewards. CANCER If your relationship is in the doldrums, you won’t mince words in order to put the record straight. Your relationship experi- ences a rebound when good feelings are renewed. LEO You might set up your own small busi- ness, which will be profitable for you eventually. Where love is concerned, your soul mate will appear unexpectedly but in a rather discreet way. VIRGO Improving your self-esteem is very important if you want to have a success- ful social and love life. You must learn to live in harmony with yourself. LIBRA If you are on the verge of moving, you realize that you have very little time left. Fortunately, you are extremely efficient and manage your schedule carefully. SCORPIO You have to “play taxi” with your children, who are ecstatic now that the sum- mer break has begun. You succeed in obtaining a loan or negotiating a good price for some sort of purchase. SAGITTARIUS If love has been absent from your rela- tionship for a long time, you do not hesitate to broach the subject with your partner in order to make things clear. CAPRICORN You show lots of initiative with your employer or your loved one. You manage to take charge of things brilliantly and this earns you a lot of respect. AQUARIUS Your new lover gives you a fairly serious commitment. You may consider living together or starting a family. You are also very imaginative this week. PISCES You have a sudden urge to spoil yourself. Your friends easily persuade you to go shopping with them. Take the time to let yourself be pampered as well.


ACROSS 1. Speech defect 5. Shady

45.Move 47.On the briny 48.“____ Misbehavin’ ” 49.Kind of bran 50.Happy 51.Basin 52.Mete out 53.Snaky fishes DOWN 1. Pieces of trees 2. Loaf 3. Tart 4. Movie ad 5. Mound 6. Ruled mark 7. Still 8. Supplemented 9. Arrow shooter 10.So long, in London: 2 wds. 11.Beef dish 17.Pumping ____ 19.Those elected 22.Use scissors on 23.Delay 24.Wallet item

25.Pertinent 26.Mouse’s cousin 28.Coffee container 29.Word of approval 31.Student’s vehicle 32.Bombardment 34.Belongs to us 35.“____ Are There” 37.July, e.g. 38.Specialty 39.Attempt 40.Opera tune 41.Shipbuilding wood 42.Land amid water 43.Make airtight 44.Small boys 46.Enemy

8. Feats 12.Smell 13.Bind


14.Darn it! 15.Stickum 16.Remedy 18.Worship ritual 20.Hew wood again 21.Scribe’s need 22.Atlantic fishes 23.Bodies of knowl- edge 26.Hurry 27.Purchase 30.Freshly 31.Wooden club 32.Dull fellow 33.Hair cream 34.Absent 35.Signs of drowsi- ness 36.Australian birds 38.Supporting 39.Enjoy thoroughly 41.Sightseer


Copyright © 2014, Penny Press


HOW TO PLAY : Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the numbers 1 through 9 only once. Each 3x3 box is outlined with a darker line. You already have a few numbers to get you started. Remember: You must not repeat the numbers 1 through 9 in the same line, column, or 3x3 box.

Le Journal, Cornwall


Le mercredi 22 juin 2016

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