
7.6 以海外会员顾客作为限制地区开放担保人的,该海外会员顾客对其担 保的限制地区开放申请人及申请人直接或者间接推荐的会员顾客或由 该会员顾客设立的推广服务商在限制地区实施的或者作用及于该地区 的一切违规行为产生的后果承担同等责任。 The overseas customer as a guarantor for business development in Restricted Areas shall

assume equal liabilities for the consequences arising from all violations of its guaranteed

applicants for business development in Restricted Areas and of the directly or indirectly

enrolled customers or Service Providers established by such customers of the applicants in

or acting on Restricted Areas.

7.7 以海外会员顾客作为限制地区开放申请人或者担保人的限制地区开放 申请,应当由中国大陆的政策合规团队在美乐家总部进行备案。 The Compliance team of China shall file any application for business development in

Restricted Areas, of which an overseas customer is the applicant or guarantor, to Melaleuca

Home Office for recordal.

7.8 以海外会员顾客作为限制地区开放申请人或者担保人的限制地区申请 经政策合规团队审核批准并备案后,限制地区开放申请人成为限制地 区业务开展人。该批准开放限制地区于次月向限制地区业务开展人及 其市场成员开放。 After the application and the recordal for business development in Restricted Areas, of which

an overseas customer is the applicant or guarantor, is approved by the Compliance Team,

the applicant for business development in Restricted Areas becomes a Business Developer,

and Restricted Areas will be open to the Business Developer and its organization.

7.9 本规则第 7 条为关于海外会员顾客的特别规定。如与本规则其他规定 冲突的,适用此特别规定;如无冲突规定的,适用本规则其他规定。 Article 7 hereof is the special provisions on overseas customers. In case of any conflict

between this Article and other provisions hereof, this Article shall prevail; otherwise, other

provisions shall prevail.

其他 Miscellaneous


8.1 本规则仅供美乐家公司内部使用。未经政策合规团队,任何人不得对外 披露。 The Rules shall only be used for the internal purpose by Melaleuca and may not be disclosed

by any person without the consent of the Compliance team.

美乐家(中国)日用品有限公司 上海市闸北区广中西路 355 号宝华中心 12 楼

电话 : 86-21-26074009 www.melaleuca.com.cn

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