
Council decides to slow down heritage train ACTUAL I TÉ • NEWS


they want to sell their house and land. Dominique Tremblay, township planning director, said that heritage district designa- tion was not something that happened right away but a review and decision process that would take time for either approval or rejec- tion. She also noted that past discussions with representatives of the province’s Muni- cipal Property Assessment Corp. (MPAC) indicated that heritage designation of a neighbourhood or even a particular house within a neighbourhood has no direct im- pact on the actual value of a building. “!ey (MPAC) just identify that the buil- ding is designated ‘heritage’,” Tremblay said. “It doesn’t increase the value.” She noted also that MPAC changes in assessment value depend on actual impro- vements made to a property or whether a building and/or land has been allowed to deteriorate. She also noted that a heritage designation can also serve as an attraction for some property buyers. “!e (heritage) value is something that is subjective,” she said. Jean Leduc, chief administrative o"cer, noted that the township does need to have a speci#c heritage designation policy in place to allow the municipality the ability to pro- tect potential heritage building sites and lands during future development matters. Council cannot raise the issue of heritage concerns with a developer if it has no o"cial or proper statement regarding municipal

heritage values and needs. While all of council agreed with the re- port’s recommendation for designating the St-Jacques church building in Embrun as a heritage structure under the Heritage Act guidelines, there was general agreement on the need for further review of the idea of creating speci#c heritage districts within the municipality. “Because it’s not on a voluntary basis,” noted Coun. Laurin. “!is all needs to be

optional for the homeowners and business owners.” Council approved going ahead with the process for designating Église St-Jacques as a heritage building and directed administra- tion to prepare a new and extensive public consultation process concerning possible heritage district conservation of a speci#c zone within the township and report back to council on the results.

Église St-Jacques may become the !rst o"cial heritage building under the new heritage designation policy for Russell Township. But council has decided to move a bit slower on the issue of mapping out full-scale heritage districts within the municipality. !e Oct. 19 regular session of council saw a long discussion over the wording of council’s o"cial adoption of a consultant’s report on heritage property policy for the township. Council members have no pro- blems with the concept of preserving Rus- sell Township’s historic features using the guidelines of the provincial Heritage Act as part of the municipality’s overall strategic plan for the future. !e concern is with the idea of designa- ting speci#c portions or neighbourhoods within themunicipality as heritage districts. Councillors Jamie Laurin, Amanda Simard and Cindy Saucier noted that some of the recommendations in the consultant’s report for a potential heritage district designation in the Village of Russell have created concerns for some householders. “Do they have a choice?” said Coun. Sau- cier, adding that there is a perception among some householders that heritage district designation may either a$ect the value of their homes or create future di"culties if Operators of low-income housing units in the Prescott-Russell region will get the financial help they need to maintain their dwellings and provide good housing for their tenants. The United Coun- ties of Prescott-Russell (UCPR) council approved a one-dollar increase in the daily subsidy that the UCPR provides landlords with social housing facilities for eligible resident tenants they have for domiciliary hostels located with Prescott-Rus- sell. The increase from the present per diem of $50 to the new $51 rate will take effect Jan. 1, 2016. The resolution, approved during the Sept. 21 counties council regular session, also states that the UCPR council and staff will review and, if needs be, revise the maximum limit of subsidized residents which might qualify for the per diem as part of the upcoming 2016 counties budget discussions. – Gregg Chamberlain Housing subsidy increase approved

Deux jours en mémoire de Jessica Godin Les journées-bénéfices Jessica Godin se tiendront les 7 et 8 novembre, à la salle communautaire

d’Embrun, de 9 h à 17 h. Afin de souligner le quatrième anniversaire de sa mort, dans des conditions extrêmes, sa mère Nathalie Godin invite, comme à chaque année, les commerçants de la région à louer un espace pour présenter et vendre leurs produits. La population des environs pourra ainsi se faire plaisir tout en contribuant à une bonne cause. Jusqu’à présent, une quarantaine de kiosques seront sur places pour présenter différents pro- duits. Les profits de l’encan silencieux seront entièrement versés, le dimanche 8 novembre, au Groupe de services communautaires Kawabunga qui s’occupe d’enfants ayant besoin de tutorat à l’école. L’an dernier, grâce à cet évé- nement, ce sont plus de 3200 $ qui avaient été remis à Connecting Pieces, d’Embrun, qui s’occupe d’enfants atteints d’autisme. Pour de plus amples renseignements, les intéressés peuvent appeler appelle Nathalie Godin au 613-894-8195 ou 613-443-5541. – Annie Lafortune


Overnight Winter Parking Winter pa regulations are in e!ect as of er 1st until April 1st. Parking is prohibit d b tween 1 a.m. and 7 a.m. Winter parking regulations are in effect as of November 1st until April 1st. Parking is prohibited between the hours of 1:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. Special exemption permits are available for special occasions. Special ex mpti r its are v ilable for spe ial occasions. Vehicle owners interfering with snow or ice removal may be ticketed and/or towed at the owner's expense. Vehicle owners interfering with snow or ice removal may be ticketed /or towed at the owner’s expense.

Stationnement de nuit pour l’hiver Les règlements pour le stationnement d’hiver sont en vigueur du 1er novembre au 1er avril. Le stationnement est interdit entre les heures de 1 h et 7 h. Des permis d’exceptions sont émis pour des occasions spéciales. Les propriétaires de véhicules interférant avec le déblaiement de la neige ou de la glace peuvent recevoir une contravention et / ou être remorqué à leurs frais. Les règlements pour le stationnement d’ iver sont en vigueur du 1er novembre au 1er avril. Le stationnement est interdit entre 1 h et 7 h. Des permis d’exceptions sont émis pour des occasions spéciales. ri taires de véhicules nt vant le déblaiement de la neige ou de la g peuvent r cevoir une contravention et / ou être remorqu s à leurs frais.

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