What is
f I 'HE word “guarantee” has been misused until it has almost lost its meaning. But in spite of this, a guarantee is a legal undertaking, and when given by a responsible firm, institution or individual, is a contract collectable by law. Here is a true definition of a guarantee:
“To guarantee any subject of a business transaction is to ma\e one's self legally answerable for its being exactly as represented"
It is in this full legal sense of the word tha t we G u a ra n te e the various features of the Annuity Agreements of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. We G u a r a n t e e :...the prompt and regular payment of interest, as shown in the table of rates below. We G u a r a n t e e :...to the holders of our Annuity Agreements, a certain, definite income for life. We G u a r a n t e e :...the protection of your principal. Your investment is fully safeguarded. We G u a r a n t e e :...to use the money we derive from Annuity Agreements in Gospel work, both in the homeland and in foreign fields. Let us tell you more about this form of “ guaranteed" investment.
Bible Institute of Los Angeles 536-558 South Hope Street, :: Los Angeles, California
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Bible Institute of Los A ngeles 536-558 So. H ope S treet Los A ngeles, Calif.
G entlem en : P lease send me, w ith o u t obligation, y o u r Booklet A A concerning “A n n u ity Incom e A g reem en ts.“
Life Annuity Rates Yield
4 % 5 % 6 % 6Ms% 8 % 9 % 9^%
35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75-79 80-84 85-89
A ddress.
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