2022 Annual Report - El Paso Police Department

El Paso Police Department

Internal Affairs Lieutenant Robert Zavala, Jr. Complaints Reported by IA Cases Investigated by IA Cases Screened by IA Use of Force Incidents - Documented only Use of Force Incidents Investigated by IA Use of Force Incidents 351 75 19 1,517 46 1,563

The El Paso Police Department’s Internal Affairs Division (IAD) is comprised of sworn personnel and civilian support staff that is overseen by the Internal Affairs Commander. These men and women

are responsible for the care of professional police conduct and ensuring the overall integrity of the Department. Internal Affairs assures due process is afforded to all officers of the El Paso Police Department in the discipline process. We are always looking to improve in having a well-trained division and making strides in utilizing technology to enhance investigations. With the arrival of the body worn cameras, our office will utilize this equipment to further enhance and expand our capabilities in bringing fact finding to support outcomes. IAD strives to maintain the public’s trust by giving all complaints received the thoroughness it deserves. “We are the guardians of integrity”

(Documented and Investigated) Cases Resulted in Disciplinary Action



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