2022 Annual Report - El Paso Police Department


DWI TaskForce


The DWI Taskforce (DWITF) routine deployments focus in areas with a high concentration of drinking establishments in a close proximity to each other, also known as “hot spots.” The goal is not only to stop a drunk driver before they travel our City streets, but also to deter the crime with high visibility enforcement in those areas as well as major corridors of vehicular traffic. Our strategy on holidays with a high concentrations of drunk drivers on the roadways is to work in partnership with the Texas Department of Public safety to bring Troopers within the city limits to assist with DWI enforcement and deterrence. The DWITF also sees the importance of reaching out to the community to spread awareness of the consequences of driving under the influence of alcohol and or drugs. We reach out to our youth and adults in our community through various organizations and schools in El Paso. We also work in partnership with The DWI Drug Court Intervention and Treatment Program, which is a specialized court designed with the objective of changing behavior and reducing recidivism of Driving while Intoxicated. The DWITF also graduated 11 Drug Recognition Experts. These officers went through an extensive and demanding course. This course certifies officers in recognizing impairment of drivers under the influence of drugs. The DWITF dedicated officers will continue their hard work in saving lives on our roadways throughout our city.

Arrests Citations Issued Felony Cases Misdemeanor Cases Hazardous Citations Issued Non-Hazardous Citations Issued Writted Warnings Issued Presentations

948 3,943 97 851 1,477 2,405 1,108 29

2022 Annual Report

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