

Vars Industrial Park water line approved in budget CANDICE VETTER say the costing formula, which is based on $12,000 per acre, will cost each owner, most of whomown several acres, somuchmoney it might put them out of business.

Daniel Gatien, the township’s economic development officer, said the purpose is to encourage new business to move to the industrial park, to make new development easier, and to add value to property in the park, some of which the township is trying to sell. Says Kees Van Mourik of KC’s Restaurant, “Sure, we need new business, but not at the expense of driving out the businesses that are already here.” Chretien said there is still a long ways to go before the project would proceed, including consultation with existing landowners.

EMBRUN l Township of Russell media spokesperson Melany Chretien said that although the proposed water line from the Embrun water filtration plant and wellhead (formerly municipal wellhead) to the Vars Industrial Park is included in the 2013 municipal budget, that does not mean the controversial project has been approved. Business owners in the industrial park have protested the proposal, saying it puts too heavy a burden on existing businesses in the park. They recently spoke at a Russell Township Council meeting and presented a delegation and petition to the council. They

Photo Candice Vetter

This land on the east side of St-Guillaume would be able to be developed if Rus- sell Township’s controversial proposed water line to the Vars Industrial Park goes through. LIMOGES | Water for Limoges is stirring up problems between Russell Township and The Nation Municipality Russell TownshipMayor Jean-Paul St-Pierre hoped that an afternoonmeeting Feb. 14 between him and his counterpart, François St-Amour of The Nation municipality, and their councillors and staff would flush away the irritation. “Our objective is to get La Nation to respond to our concerns in a favourable manner,” said St-Pierre during a special Feb. 13 evening session of township council. But the end result indicates little love resulting from talk about the Limoges water supply setup now and in future. Mayor St-Amour expressed disappointment during a Feb. 19 phone interview. “We didn’t get much results,” St-Amour said. “I got lots of disappointment.” The trouble between the two communities concerns a water and wastewater master plan report that The Nation council commissioned as part of planning for future eco- nomic and residential growth in Limoges. Russell township council and municipal staff complain that they were not given enough opportunity for consultation on the study before it goes to the provincial en- vironment ministry for approval. Limoges sits across the boundary between the two communities and The Nation is responsible for water and wastewater service for the village. Russell Township’s con- cern is that any changes to the water delivery setup for Limoges will affect both future development plans for the township’s side of the village and also neighbouring Emb- run. Jean Leduc, Russell Township chief administrative officer, told Mayor St-Pierre and the rest of township council that his office would have to rush to get comments on The Nation water and wastewater master plan report in to the Ontario environment ministry in time for the Feb. 16 review deadline. - Gregg Chamberlain Troubled waters over Limoges

Allan Rock, au Banquet de la francophonie

ontarien pour obtenir cette garantie. Le Banquet de la Francophonie soulignera la détermination de M. Rock sur le dossier de la désignation. « L’Université d’Ottawa doit en grande partie sa vitalité au dynamisme, à la loyauté et à la générosité de la communauté francophone, a déclaré M. Rock. C’est une chance pour moi de diriger une université aux racines francophones, fière de ses responsabilités fondamentales envers la langue et la culture françaises dans tout ce qu’elles ont de plus puissantes, soit un effet rassembleur. Je suis donc très honoré d’avoir été invité à participer à titre d’invité d’honneur au 15 e Banquet de la Francophonie de Prescott et Russell ». C’est au centre Powers, de Rockland, qu’une centaine d’autres invités devraient prendre part à ce banquet, dont les représentants de nombreuses ambassades. Quatre adultes de la région seront lauréats de l’Ordre de la francophonie de Prescott et Russel et deux jeunes recevront le Prix jeunesse Thomas-Godefroy. Les lauréats des années antérieures seront aussi sur place pour témoigner de la vitalité de la francophonie en Ontario. Les gens ont jusqu’au 3 mars pour se procurer des billets, au coût de 115 $ chacun, en se rendant à l’Académie du Gourmet, à Embrun, ou en composant le 613 443-1700. L’achat de billets peut se faire par carte de crédit ou par chèque.


ALFRED | Le 15e Banquet de la fran- cophonie accueillera, le samedi 23 mars, le recteur de l’Université d’Ottawa, Allan Rock, à titre d’invité d’honneur.

Rappelons qu’en 2012, M. Rock et son administration ont entrepris d’obtenir une désignationen vertude la Loi sur les services en français. En vertu de cette entente entre l’Université d’Ottawa et le gouvernement ontarien, l’avenir des services administratifs et de plusieurs programmes du premier cycle offerts en français seraient assurés. M. Rock et son cabinet ont travaillé de près tout au long de 2012 avec le gouvernement



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