Office Infrastructure Manual

8. What aspects of your last job, given the opportunity, you would have chosen not to do? 9. How would your previous supervisor describe you as an employee? How would you describe yourself? 10. What training experience have you had in your previous positions? 11. Looking at the various companies that you have worked for, who had the best training program? Why? 12. How do you determine if an employee is performing well? 13. How do you decide which tasks take priority when organizing your day? 14. Give me an example of a time when you tried your best to work with someone, but the problems still remained. What did you learn from that situation? 15. What is important to you in your work relationship with employees that report to you? 16. What have you done to help your team members perform to the best of their abilities? 17. What kinds of situations or circumstances at work make you feel tense or nervous? 18. In what ways can we help you succeed in this position? 19. What do you regard to be some of your outstanding qualities? 20. As a leader, what skill do you regard to be a current shortcoming that you’re working on to improve? 21. In general, how would you describe yourself? Estimator 1. How would you rate yourself as a salesperson on a scale from 1 to 10? 2. Sell me this pen 3. What do you think this position involves? 4. What types of products/services have you sold and how did you sell them? 5. Tell me about a time when you found a better way of doing something, which proved to be an improvement on the existing system. 6. What skills do use when you need to influence the way other people think? 7. How would you react if I told you your interview so far was terrible? 8. What do you think are the most important skills in succeeding in sales?

9. What motivates you? 10. Why should I hire you? 11. How do you handle price objections?

12. What closing techniques work best for you? 13. Why do you think people buy from you? 14. Why do you enjoy selling? 15. What are some of the things in a job that are most important to you? 16. What do you feel have been your greatest accomplishments? 17. What do you feel have been your greatest disappointments? 18. How do you ensure that your sales goals are exceeded?

MOLLY MAID Office Infrastructure Manual Copyright  2015, Molly Maid, Inc.

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