Office Infrastructure Manual

Operations Manager 1. What steps do you take to ensure that the work you delegate is successful? 2. How do you respond to very angry customers? 3. How do you respond to very angry employees? 4. Do you always make decisions on your own without the help of others? In which situations do you seek other’s help for decision-making? 5. Can you tell me about a time when you discovered a more efficient way to do a work task? 6. Give me an example when you had to present complex information in a simplified manner in order to explain it to someone. 7. Give me an example of a time when you had to put your point across to a person or group which were reluctant to hear. 8. Can you describe a typical day in your present job? 9. Tell me about a time when you had to go above and beyond the call of duty in order to get a job done. 10. Do you prefer working with others or alone? 11. Tell me about a time when you experienced a failure and how you reacted to it. 12. What are you looking for in a company? 13. What are your strengths? 14. We all bring short comings to our positions, what are your weaknesses and what are you doing to become stronger? 15. Looking back, have you done your best work? 16. What do you look for when you hire people? 17. Have you received any awards or recognition that you're particularly proud of? 18. How many hours do you typically work? 19. How do you measure your own performance? 20. Tell about the supervisor you most enjoyed working with and why. 21. What experience have you had with inventory control and ordering? 22. Relate an occasion when you held your own opinion, and tried to obtain the opinion of others and why was this action important? 23. What do you do to show someone else that you are paying attention to them? General Manager 1. How do you describe your leadership style? 2. What is your definition of Quality Assurance (QA), and who should be responsible, for QA? 3. Tell me about some of the people who have become successful as a result of your management. What was your role in their development? 4. Tell me about a work incident when you were totally honest, despite a potential risk or downside for your honesty. 5. How have you improved as a manager over the years? 6. What do you know about our company? 7. On a scale of 1-5 for tasks you must accomplish on any given day, where would you

MOLLY MAID Office Infrastructure Manual Copyright  2015, Molly Maid, Inc.

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