Russell celebrates its heritage
displays. A shoemaking display was also set up in memory of the late Lorne Wade. The festival has evolved from the original Riverfest organized by Russell Music Acad- emy, through to an art and music show, and is now an event focused on local his- tory and heritage organized by the Russell Historical Society.
CANDICE VETTER candice.vetter@eap.on.ca
RUSSELL | The Russell Heritage Festival numbers were down this year, with cold, blustery and wet weather a factor. Those who did attend, however, were impressed with the range of interesting subject mat- ter presented in Russell Village on Sep- tember 22.. Activities were centred around the Keith Boyd Museum (old Church and Fire hall buildings) and Concession Street. Veteran Charles Hunter of Russell Meadows Re- tirement residence spoke regarding the Second World War, Bruce Straby held a gramophone demonstration at the muse- um, Ron Bernard and Della Meness of the Pikwakanagan First Nation displayed their Algonquin Awareness Exhibit. As well, bronze sculptor Gary Briggs dem- onstrated parts of the bronze casting pro- cess, Gary Scharf gave free horse-drawn wagon rides up Concession Street, Victoria’s Quilts quilters quilted in the museum, a blacksmith showed how to use a forge, and several local service organizations set up La campagne annuelle Centraide Prescott- Russell a officiellement été lancée le lundi 16 septembre. L’objectif: 230 000 $. La campagne se déroulera jusqu’en décembre, ce qui devrait permettre à la communauté de mobiliser des bénévoles, qui récolteront des dons, selon l’organisme. Entre-temps, Centraide Prescott-Russell emménagera dans ses nouveaux locaux, au 134, rue Main, à Hawkesbury, le 1er novem- bre. «Nous sommes déterminés à atteindre cet objectif, qui est réaliste, puisque l’an dernier nous avons atteint un montant to- tal de 230 000$», a rappelé le président du
Photos Candice Vetter
Top photo, left: Harry Baker of the Russell Historical Society pres- ents Ron Bernard, council mem-
NEW LOCATION • NOUVEAU LOCAL Claudette Pitre RMT Head to Sole Massage Therapy 1769, route 900 (ch. St-Albert), St-Albert, ON 613 987-3000
ber for Pikwakanagan First Nation near Golden Lake, with a small version of the Russell Township flag. Bottom photo: Mary Inglis staffed the Russell Village Women’s Institute booth at the Keith Boyd Museum in Russell as part of the Russell
Heritage Festival. Above, members of Victoria’s Quilts worked on their current quilt project, which will be provided to a cancer patient.
Centraide fixe un objectif de 230 000 $
conseil d’administration de l’organisme, le maire de Casselman Claude Levac. Centraide Prescott-Russell appuie finan- cièrement des organismes sociaux et com- munautaires provenant des huit munici- palités de la région de Prescott et Russell, qui offrent des services prioritaires pour les familles, les enfants, les personnes âgées et les personnes ayant des limitations phy- siques, intellectuelles et mentales. En 15 ans d’existence, Centraide Prescott-Russell a redistribué plus de deux millions de dol- lars pour des projets prioritaires et pour maintenir des services importants dans la communauté.
WDMH has just completed a new Strategic Plan and we want to share the details with our local communities. Come and hear about recent successes and our short and long-term plans for the future. Please join us for one of two Community Ambassador events tak- ing place in October to learn more: MORNING SESSION EVENING SESSION Thursday, October 3 Thursday, October 10 7:45 am 7:00 pm Winchester District Memorial Hospital 566 Louise Street R.S.V.P. by October 1 to Chris Barkley at 613-774-2422, ext. 6350, or cbarkley@wdmh.on.ca -somehow separated a bit at the bottom: We would also be pleased to come and share the WDMH story with your organization or group at your convenience. Please call Chris for details. just completed a new Strategic Plan nd we want to share the details with our local communities. Come and hear about recent successes and our short and long-term plans for the future. Please join us fo ne of two Community Ambassador events taking place in October to learn more: MORNING SESSION EVENING SESSION Thursday, October 3 Thursday, October 10 7:45 am 7:00 pm Winchester District Memorial Hospital 566 Louise Street R.S.V.P. by October 1 to Chris Barkley at 613-774-2422, ext. 6350, or cbarkley@wdmh.on.ca We would also be pleased to come and share the WDMH story with your organization or group at your convenience. Please call Chris for details.
Photo fournie
Le président du conseil d’administration de Centraide/United Way Prescott-Russell, Claude Levac; Rachelle Fredette et Suzanne Lavigne de la Banque alimentaire de Bour- get; Pamela Fox de 100%Actifs; Jennifer Cuillerier de UCLC, Bien se nourrir pour mieux apprendre; Lisette Thibault de la Banque alimentaire Bons Voisins d’Embrun; l’agente administrative, Centraide/United Way P-R, Julie Gaulin; Gilles Fournier du Groupe Ac- tion pour l’enfant, la famille et la communauté de Prescott-Russell. (à l’arrière) Joanne Ledoux-Moshonas, de l’Association canadienne pour la santé mentale; Hélène Anstey de la Banque alimentaire de L’Orignal; Anne Jutras des Centre Novas; la vice-présiden- te du conseil d’administration de Centraide/United Way Prescott-Russell, Karine Mil- lette.
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