
Discover our Annual Report and the amazing projects caried out by our nonprofit partners!

Annual Report 2023

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Think Human Foundation is an endowment fund created in 2019 to support trusted nonprofits focusing on climate resilience or quality educational projects. About Think Human Foundation

Think Human entities in 2023

40 Ambassadors

20 Nonprofits

27 Countries

6928 Beneficiaries

Concentrix's commitment to funding Think Human Foundation underscores its profound

desire to empower and give back to communities where it operates.

© 2024 Concentrix Corp. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary. © Excellence ruralités



In 2023, resilience was at the heart of our philanthropy discussions. Resilience in the face of climate change, resilience in the aftermath of earthquakes in Turkïye and Morocco, and resilience in the communities around us - all of which we want to support as best as we can. Despite the challenges, we have remained steadfast in the core mission of Think Human Foundation, facilitating access to quality education for communities facing difficulties. It has also been a year of change. We have renewed Think Human Foundation board of directors since Dec 2023 and I would therefore like to extend my heartfelt thanks to Olivier Duha, Helena Guardans, Vincent Bernard, Dominique Chatelin, and Sandrine Asseraf for their dedication and generosity to the Foundation in the last 3 years. We have also decided to broaden our scope of action to include projects focusing on resilience to climate change, starting in 2024. Our network of Concentrix game- changer ambassadors are deeply involved, and our nonprofit partners are undertaking positive, impactful actions within communities to strengthen skills and resilience.

Philip Cassidy New President of Think Human Foundation

Together, we can make a difference to empower and give back to our communities.


© 2024 Concentrix Corp. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary.

Where did we come from …

Our new board of directors … and where do we go

Our history

“I am dedicated to steering the strategic direction of the Foundation in order to achieve its objectives and beyond, to make the most positive and meaningful impact in the Foundation's key areas of focus: climate resilience and quality education for communities with limited opportunities..”

In 2017, Shared, Think Human was the very first philanthropic entity to the business with a budget of 50k€ per year.

Philip Cassidy President, THF

Think Human Foundation is an endowment fund co-founded by Webhelp and Olivier Duha. A budget of 3M€ is donated for 10 years to support education and inclusion.

“The challenges are immense! I’m really excited to be part of this adventure . As the People Solutions Lead at Concentrix, it’s very rewarding to also be able to look at how we can support external communities.”

Think Human Foundation created a network of 30 ambassadors to seek out the right nonprofit opportunities and recruited volunteers to support the projects. These game-changers are staff from Concentrix who gave their time to support THF impact

Diane Hanson Board Member, THF

“We look not only at the quality of the projects, but also at the seriousness and calibre of the nonprofits we work with to guarantee results. It's a real opportunity to support the communities that surround us, and to contribute as individuals too.”

Think Human Foundation operated in 21 countries across the globe, impacting communities.

Jane Fogarty Secretary, THF

Shared, Think Human and Think Human Foundation reached 6928 beneficiaries in 27 countries focusing on educational projects. Concentrix and Webhelp combined their forces. The Group became Concentrix and increased its engagement and funding to empower communities

Meet our Investing Committee who ensures that THF funds are optimized and secured: • Monica Egger, Concentrix SVP, Financial Planning & Analysis • Martin Doyen, Investment Principal at GBL Concentrix Shareholder


© 2024 Concentrix Corp. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary.

Our new vision

The new vision of the Think Human Foundation is to enhance a more inclusive and sustainable world, by building climate change resilience and facilitating access to quality and relevant education for communities with limited opportunities.

Quality education is one of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), but it is also crucial to achieving five other goals: no poverty, good health and wellbeing, gender equality, decent work and reduced inequalities. In 2024, the THF has enlarged its scope to include climate- change resilience projects to support the key climate SDGs. Climate change is one of the biggest threats to humanity. The communities around us need to get ready to face the consequences of climate change and we want to provide the right resources to be prepared and take positive action.


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Why we are taking action

Every year, 100 million hectares of rich, productive land are degraded . (source UN Goal 15) We aim to promote resilience, knowledge and action in the face of climate change. In 2024, we will achieve this by supporting projects that protect biodiversity, provide access to renewable energy, improve soil quality, plant sustainable crops and support agricultural and ecological practices.

Today, 1 in 4 young people in the world are not in training, education or employment (Source UN SDG report). Access to quality education is key to achieving our sustainable development goals. Alongside our nonprofit partners, we want to help strengthen academic, social and digital skills, and provide a better understanding of the working environment to promote inclusion.

Strategic annual goals for 2024 1. Number of educational training hours:

30,000 15,000

2. 3. 4.

Number of direct beneficiaries: Number of countries supported: Number of nonprofit projects a minimum of 10 on climate resilience)


35 (including

© Save the children SA


Number of trees planted:



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Access to quality education

Social-Emotional Learning Our partners, Concordia in Austria, Foto Colectania in Spain and Glasswing in Guatemala, offer opportunities and extra-curricular activities to engage in a variety of subjects such as arts, sports, photography, and crafts Academic Skills According to UNICEF, ‘Over 600 million children and adolescents worldwide are unable to achieve minimum proficiency levels in reading and mathematics, despite two-thirds of them being enrolled in school. ’ • Excellence Ruralités in France sets up a pilot school with small-class learning methods while fighting against harassment at school • Enseña Perú enhances leadership skills among teachers in rural areas of the Amazon • Albero della Vita in Italy focuses on increasing knowledge in the fields of Science, Technology and Mathematics for children Create bridges with the professional world Our partner, Global Mentorship Initiative ( GMI ) has created an amazing program of 12 one-hour sessions where Concentrix teams and game-changers can become mentors for students who lack knowledge of the business world, training them on artificial intelligence, resumes and career skills.

Digital Literacy Acquiring the right set of digital skills is fundamental for learning and workforce readiness, it's also vital in fostering secure societies • Dignity for Children in Malaysia and Life Project 4 Youth in the Philippines empower young people from excluded backgrounds • Save the Children in South Africa trains young people from secondary school onwards, to prepare them for the risks of the internet and to give them a window into the world Career & Financial Skills By advocating for lifelong learning opportunities, fostering inclusive quality education ensures no one is left behind • Hope and Homes for Children Romania provides vocational training programs for young adults transitioning from the child protection system, equipping them with the skills and resources necessary to pursue employment opportunities. • Junior Achievement in the Nordics and Aflatoun in Latin America focus on entrepreneurship and financial skills • Alliance pour l’education United Way, Education for Employment Working Rite and Genç Basari help develop the skills of the youths to enter the professional world Create the best conditions for learning Optimal conditions in life and work environments are essential for individuals to thrive and maximize their learning potentials. After the earthquake in Turkiye, we were very reactive in renovating 3 schools. • Paje in Portugal renovates foster houses • Colorie ma Vie in Madagascar provides daily support in their foster houses and grants to study to students


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THF nonprofit partners (number of beneficiaries in 2023)

• Algeria & Morocco: Education for Employment: career readiness skills for inclusion (122, 160) • Austria: Concordia : afterschool classes for children in need • Bénin, Sénégal, Ghana: Global Mentorship Initiative: career path (133, 132, 19) • El Salvador, Colombia, Nicaragua: Aflatoun: entrepreneurship ( 692, 107, 179) • Denmark, Norway, Finland, Latvia, Estonia, Sweden: Junior Achievement: entrepreneurship skills and job fairs (149 , 516, 34, ,8, 306, starting in 2024 Sweden ) • France: Article 1: mentorship and career readiness talks (470); Excellence Ruralités: preventing school dropout and harassment (15); Alliance pour l’education United Way: Career talks (156) • Guatemala : Glasswing : extra-curricular activities for social emotional learning (111) • Madagascar: Colorie Ma vie: grants to access schooling (28) • Peru: Enseña Perú: leadership and quality education in Amazonas (1450) • Portugal: Paje: renovating foster houses (8) • Malaysia: Dignity for Children: career and social emotional training (400) • Romania: Hope and Homes for Children: professional integration (9) • Spain: Foto Colectania: social inclusion through photography​ (40) • The Philippines & India: Life Project 4 Youth: English & digital literacy (472 & 38) • Turkiye: Genc Basari: support for digital literacy after the earthquake (650) • South Africa: Save the Children: digital literacy (497) • Turkiye Genc Basari: professional career training Shared, Think Human (number of beneficiaries 2023) • UK: Working Rite: professional inclusion in Scotland (27) Direct Funding (number of beneficiaries 2023)

All our partners work for communities in urgent need, without access to quality education or the skills required to facilitate their social or professional integration. The beneficiaries of these projects have limited opportunities; for example, refugees, with no family support or in a very precarious situation, isolated from the world of work and without qualifications. They are stakeholders in their own development and learning the right skills to increase their autonomy. In 2024, the Think Human Foundation is widening its scope to Climate Resilience projects to widen its impact in supporting communities in the protection of local biodiversity and associated livelihoods, and future bad weather events. Projects which started in 2024 • Greece: Sistech: education for refugee women • Italy: L'Albero della Vita: Science and technology workshops • Morocco 2024: Marrakech Entraide: renovation of a school after the earthquake

(THF and Share, Think Human)


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Funding Details

Our impact in education



Funding(in $)

Our partners submit mid-term and annual reports and our ambassadors meet with them to ensure the follow up of the projects. • 6928 beneficiaries accessing quality education • 27 countries with 20 nonprofits • +200 partner schools • +26 000 hours of training • +300 mentors, teachers or trainers empowered Our partners working on job integration manage to create a real pathway to the professional world. Education for Employment for example, guarantees 89% of job integration in Morocco and Algeria. 100% with Hope and Homes.

Algeria Morocco

Education for Employment

48 676



16 225

Bénin, Sénégal, Ghana

Global Mentorship Initiative

21 634

El Salvador, Colombia, Nicaragua


63 820

Denmark, Norway, Finland, Latvia, Estonia Junior Achievement

64 902


Excellence Ruralités

16 225


Alliance pour l’éducation

16 225


Article 1

21 634

From2024 In 2024, THF will also support projects which: • Strengthen resilience of communities Communities should make choices to ensure food, health, income, shelter, energy, connection to others while respecting the environment. ecosystems. They can manage natural assets with respect for nature or protect ecosystems in a disinterested manner. • Transform environmental awareness into action Communities are aware of the risks through monitoring them and developing green skills to increase capabilities. • Restore ecosystems Communities recognize the value of



15 792


L’ albero della vita

8 112


Colorie Ma vie

8 112


DignityFor Children

11 357

Enseña Perú


27 042



13 521


Hope and Homes

10 817


Foto Colectania

32 451

The Philippines & India

Life Project 4 Youth

119 873


Genç Basari

42 294

Total 558712 Alongside Think Human Foundation, the sisterfoundation under the sponsorship of Fondation de France “ Shared, Think Human” has supported Save the Children in South Africa and Genç Basari in Turkiye. Concentrix also funded directly Working Rite and Serve On in the UK, among many other projects.


© 2024 Concentrix Corp. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary.

Think Human Foundation Managing Team

Think Human Foundation supports projects wherever Concentrix operates and game-changers play an important role in the success of the partnerships. Local teams are involved in the project from the outset to guarantee its follow- up and success. A strong network of 40 Concentrix ambassadors in the world identify the most impactful nonprofits, co-build the projects, support the nonprofit applications on THF community portal and select the most impactful ones.

“I’d like to thank our amazing network of local ambassadors and game-changers who dedicate their skills, commitment and time to help nonprofits and local communities, on top of their day-to- day jobs.”

Mary Bonneaud Lagarde General Manager of Think Human Foundation

Concentrix game-changers all throughout the year can participate in supporting nonprofits, including with the partners of Think Human Foundation. They are encouraged to become Community Givers and can participate in different ways: give time, money, voice and things. Most of Think Human Foundation’s partners will mobilize the game- changers’ time, require them to put their skills into practice, or raise awareness of the issues facing communities in difficulty.

“After 3 years as an ambassador, I’m now joining THF team to support the communication and project management.”

Jacqueline Liwanag-Cuadro Project and Communication Manager

Make an online donation

Make an online donation

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Game-changers can offer nonprofits the opportunity of further funding via Think Human Foundation, to support its goals and increase the positive impact in the surrounding communities.

Give Time Give Money Give Voice Give Things

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Our Partners

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