Blue Gold Student Guide



HANDSHAKE Handshake is the career development resource that allows you to search for both on-campus and off-campus jobs and internships during your time in school and upon graduation. You can also find information about on-campus career events, build your profile to connect with potential employers, and find work-study or campus jobs.

You already have an account created; just go to and log-in with your username and password.

We look forward to seeing you at the next CAREER & INTERNSHIP FAIR!

RÉSUMÉ It’s never too early to work on your résumé. Internship opportunities may begin to arise as soon as next summer. Visit our office to learn about how to tailor your résumé to stand out from others.

One great résumé tip is to add every experience into your Handshake profile so when it comes time to build your résumé you can spend more time formatting it rather than writing it. Advisors in the Academic Advising & Career Development Office are always here to help you with this. You can also find some great information here: . THE BIG INTERVIEW Interviewing is perhaps the most important and intimidating aspect of the job search process. Get a head start on preparing for job interviews by visiting unk.biginterview. com . This site allows students to practice their interview skills online, and it’s full of great interview advice.

CAREER FAIR WHY WOULD A FRESHMAN GO TO A CAREER FAIR? When you attend a career fair, you build your personal brand by networking with employers. With many jobs being publicized through word of mouth, these connections can lead to volunteer, internship, or career opportunities. Also, practice makes perfect. By attending early on, you can become more confident when talking with employers and graduate schools. “Each time I attend, I think ‘I’m not really going to have much to say.’ But my last one-on-one meeting was an awesome discussion that made me consider career opportunities I hadn’t thought of before.” - Sarah, Biology Major “Was a great experience and gave me better ideas of where my future can go.” - Mandi, Interior and Product Design Major “The Career Fair is a great experience for students to meet with potential employers. It also allows students to practice professional communication and professional readiness prior to graduation.” - Marissa, Agribusiness Major

1. On a scale from 1-10, I am confident in my major ______ 2. What should you look through in order to become familiar with your degree requirements? _______________________ ____________________________________ 3. I will introduce myself to my academic adviser by _____/_____/______ 4. One thing I will do for my professional

development this year is _________________ ______________________________________.


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