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VOL. 18, No 36 • 1 cahier, 24 pages • HAWKESBURY , Ontario Vendredi 6 juillet 2012 • Friday, July 6, 2012
L’art de la course équine
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Meurtre de Joey Faubert 2 ACCUSÉS COMPARAISSENT
613 632-6520
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Page 9
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GRENVILLE-SUR-LA-ROUGE - Maison de campagne rénovée avec planchers de bois et de céramique. située à 2minutes de la nouvelle autoroute 50. Offrant une vue sur la rivière, ce site exceptionnel de 10 acres est doté d’une longue entrée privée vous menant à la maison. MLS8649127
GRENVILLE-SUR-LA-ROUGE - Cinq logements en bonne partie rénovés comprenant des compteurs électriques séparés pour chacun des logements. Une bâtisse propre rapportant d’excellents revenus (27000$bruts). MLS8749382
GRENVILLE-SUR-LA-ROUGE - Récente maison unifamilialed’inspirationvictorienne siseau coeur de laplusbelle subdivisionde la région.Cette rue paisible et sécuritairepour vos enfants estbordée d’arbresmatures. MLS8708252
GRENVILLE-SUR-LA-ROUGE - Grand bungalow sur la plus belle rue de la municipalité. Maison bien éclairée par fenestration généreuse, salle à dîner dans la tourelle. Aire ouverte,grandes pièces, planchers de chêne sélect et de céramique, salle de bains avec bain doubleetdouche indépendante. MLS8506240
Grenville-sur-la-rouge - Chalet saisonnierenbor- duredu trèsbeau lacCraig.Bâtimentde2 chambres construit toutprèsde la rive cequin’estpluspermis aujourd’huide sebâtiraussiproche. Mls8641782
BROWNSBURG-CHATHAM - Rare bungalow en bordure de l’Outaouais pour un prix inférieur à 200 000 $.Venez rapidement visiter et faire une offre sur cette propriété qui vousoffreunparcmarinderrièrechezvous.Attentionamateurs debateaux,depêched’été commed’hiver. MLS8754044
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w w w . g i l l e s d r o u i n . c a w w w . g i l l e s d r o u i n . c o m
Une primeur d'envergure nationale à Alfred A LFRED
C’était un grand jour pour plusieurs alors que se tenait la première course de chevaux de format 5/16 depuis 15 ans en Ontario. L’événement, qui s’est déroulé le 1 er juillet sur le site du Cedar Shade Campground à Alfred, a attiré quelques centaines de spectateurs, un excellent dé- part assurent les organisateurs Philippe Trudeau et Sylvain Péladeau. Ce dernier indiquait que son père, Jacques Péladeau, rêvait de bâtir une telle piste depuis long- temps. «Ça fait 20 ans que mon père en parle. Quand Philippe est arrivé et qu’on s’est mis à parler de chevaux, je lui ai dit d’ac- cord, je construit la piste mais tu t’occupes du reste. » Philippe Trudeau a une longue expé- rience professionnelle comme jockey et s’y connaît très bien en élevage de chevaux. Il a un faible pour les races S tandardbred et Trottingbred. Son père, Yves Trudeau, bien connu dans le monde équin, a lui aussi donné un bon coup de pouce pour démarrer cet am- bitieux projet. Et comme il y a toujours une femme derrière un grand homme, les con- jointes des organisateurs, Isabelle Labbé et Josée Péladeau, ont une grande part qui leur revient dans le succès connu. Dimanche dernier, les gens ont ainsi pu assister à ces fameuses courses mettant en vedette les plus beaux sujets de la race Trottingbred. Les compétiteurs sont venus d’aussi loin que Mont-Laurier pour parti- ciper à ce circuit, premier d’une série qui se
Pour être fixé sur la situation, il est préféra- ble de contacter le 613 679-4447. Pour obtenir plus d’information, contactez Phi- lippe Trudeau à l’adresse : p.trudeau@standardbredevolution.comou visitez le site http:// La foule a pu apprécier le savoir faire des jockeys dans ces courses attelées. En mortaise, le commentateur Danny Émond. Photos : Chantal Quirion
poursuit le 28 juillet avec la deuxième com- pétition du programme officiel. Il y avait 16 chevaux d’inscrits pour cette première com- pétition où la foule a applaudi le savoir faire des jockeys. Comme promis, l’animateur profession- nel Danny Emond était sur place et s’est dit ravi d’animer cette journée. « Je ne voudrais être nul part ailleurs. » Passionné, il racontait qu’il a commencé à animer à l’âge de cinq ans en regardant le journal. À 19 ans, il débutait sur le circuit professionnel où il est toujours actif à l’âge de 45 ans. Lorsque l’Hippodrome de Mon- tréal a fermé en 2009, c’est une partie de lui qui est morte en même temps, confiait-il pour illustrer combien ce sport fait partie de sa vie. Le public d’Alfred a donc eu droit à une prestation professionnelle à tous les
niveaux. D’ici la deuxième course, une clinique se tient cette fin de semaine, le 7 juillet, au Cedar Shade Campground sur l’art de la course équine. Un professionnel du do- maine sera sur les lieux. L’activité s’adresse à tous et les chevaux sontfournispourcetatelier.L’undesgrands objectifs des promoteurs est de communi- quer cette passion pour la race Trottingbred et peut-être, de voir un jour un élevage se constituer dans la région. Quant au deuxième départ le 8 juillet, il se tiendra dès 13 h au Cedar Shade Campground du 530, chemin Péladeau à Alfred. Le coût d’entrée est de 5 $ et donne accès à la baignade dans l’ancienne car- rière. Si jamais il pleuvait abondamment, les organisateurs devront annuler la course.
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ACTUALITÉ Comparutions pour le meurtre de Joey Faubert L'ORIGNAL
Les trois jeunes hommes, eux, demeu- rent derrière les verrous. Ils comparaîtront par vidéoconférence, le 18 juillet. Nico Joseph Soublière, 20 ans de Greely et Cody Henry, 19 ans d’Ottawa sont accusés de meurtre au premier degré et de complot. Pour sa part, Martin Lamoureux, 18 ans, de St-Isidore est accusé de meurtre au second degré et de complot. Deux jeunes filles de Stormont Nord comparaîtront à la fin d’août pour complot. La salle, quoique petite, était bondée et plusieurs proches de la victime et des accu- sés étaient présents lors ce cette audience. La porte-parole de la PPO, la sergente Kristine Rae faisait par ailleurs observer qu’il est très rare qu’une enquête donne des résultats aussi rapidement. « L’équipe d’enquête a été très efficace et c’est tant mieux pour la famille qui vit quelque chose d’aussi difficile », soulignait- elle lors d’un point de presse devant le tribunal. Plus d’un site ont été perquisitionnés dans le cadre de cette enquête qui se pour- suit. Il n’est pas exclu que la liste d’accusés s’allonge. Quant au mobile du crime, de même que les conclusions de l’autopsie, la PPO de- meure muette pour ne pas nuire au déroulement judiciaire. Certaines de ces informations étant des éléments de preu- ves. Les enquêteurs, sous la direction du dé- tective Dan Nadeau, sont toujours installés dans les locaux de l’école pour t accueillir des témoins. Le public est également invité à communiquer avec la PPO via le site : ou de communiquer avec le déta- chement de Hawkesbury au 613 632-2729.
Deux accusés de meurtre prémédité, un autre de meurtre non prémédité et trois jeunes filles accusées de complot, portent ainsi à six le nombre de personnes impliquées dans le meurtre de Joey Faubert. Le jeune homme de 24 ans de St-Isidore a été trouvé sans vie derrière l’école élémen- taire catholique de St-Isidore, samedi dernier.
Mardi, alors que les trois jeunes hommes accusés de meurtre comparaissaient à la Cour de justice de l’Ontario, à L’Orignal, on apprenait qu’une sixième personne avait été arrêtée la nuit précédente en relation avec cette affaire. Cette dernière, une mineure de Greely dans la région d’Ottawa, a aussi été tra- duitedevantletribunal,accuséedecomplot. Celle-ci a été remise en liberté condition- nelle en attendant la suite des procédures judiciaires. La victime Joey Faubert de St-Isidore. facebook
Photo Chantal Quirion
Martin Lamoureux de St-Isidore est accusé de meurtre non prémédité et de complot.
vision optimale. performances maximales.
Le Centre d’accueil Mon Chez Nous et la Villa St-Luc sont fiers d’ajouter à leur équipe Hélène Viau comme responsable des relations publiques. Venez me rencontrer, je serai fière de vous acceuillir et vous faire visiter nos charmantes suites : Mon Chez Nous, Nous avons une suite disponible avec vue sur la rivière S. Villa St-Luc, Suite (2 chambres à coucher) pour couple.
Contactez moi, Hélène Viau Tél.: 613 679-4475 ou 613 678-9028
93, rue Maple, bur. 2 Grenville (Québec) J0V 1J0 819 242-3749
Police warn of
thieves targeting cars
about any criminal matters, call Crime
Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 or call the
Hawkesbury O.P.P. at 613-632-2729.
sewage plan
Persons giving tips to Crime Stoppers that
Thieves had little trouble lifting items
lead to an arrest may be eligible for a cash
from vehicles parked at residences on
reward. Crime Stoppers does not subscribe
Aberdeen Road south of Vankleek Hill
to Call Display. Your call will stay
anonymous and your presence won’t be
None of the targeted vehicles was
needed in court. Tips can also be sent via
locked, reports the Hawkesbury Ontario
text message and e-mail. For more
Provincial Police detachment. The crooks
Argenteuil-Papineau-Mirabel MP
took electronics and personal belongings
Mylène Freeman has presented a
from the vehicles. Anyone with
motion supporting Gore Township .
information about the thefts is asked to
Mayor Scott Pearce’s proposal to
Alexandria break-in
call Constable Luc Dénommée at 613-632-
provide financial help to homeowners
June 12 Stormont- Dundas-Glengarry
replacing defective septic tanks.
O.P.P. officers responded to a report of two
The public is reminded that an ounce of
While she is amember of the Official
individuals breaking into the basement
prevention is worth a pound of cure. The
Opposition, the NewDemocratic Party
apartment of a building on Main Street,
way to discourage a thief fromvictimizing
member is confident the proposal will
Alexandria. Cindy Dabena, 47, and Gary
your property is to eliminate or reduce
win the support of the other parties.
McGillvery, 65, both of North Glengarry,
opportunity. This is where persons can
Since the motion was tabled in the
were charged with break and enter. They
protect themselves most. Another means
House of Commons June 22, debate on
are scheduled to appear August 8 in
of protecting yourself is to have good
the plan will not take place until the
Alexandria court.
communications with your neighbours.
winter session.
More information is available on the OPP
Her Motion M-400 suggests that the
Mylène Freeman is confident her
website at in the resources
Region tries
House back the suggestion that the
federal government, in cooperation
36 charges
Canadians do not benefit from the services
In the week of June 25 to July 2, the
of municipal sewers; they use an individual
the possibility to set up a plan, similar
to attract
septic installation for their residence.”
to one suggested by the Canadian
responded to 340 occurrences and laid 36
She notes that problems caused by faulty
Federation of Municipalities, that
would help improve individual septic
more boaters
three break-ins and 16 thefts, and
and public health troubles. Leaks could
conducted 14 RIDE initiatives, charging
contaminate drinking water sources and
fairness and protecting the
two drivers.
bodies of water. Poor water quality could
environment and public health.
Rollover leads to injuries, charges
drive away tourists, and lead to potential
June 26, at 8 p.m., police received a call
health problems if people consume
are unfairly treated in the allocation of
about a single motor vehicle rollover on
contaminated fish.
funding for such services.
County Road 15 in The Nation.
Prescott-Russell has embarked on a
Freeman does not specify financing
Investigation revealed that the driver had
study designed to tap into the tourism
details, preferring to give the
A new direction
lost control of his 2000 Volkswagen Jetta
potential of the Ottawa River, and a
government options, such as
and rolled over, coming to rest in a corn
section of the South Nation River, by
guaranteed loans.
field. The driver and a female passenger
attracting more boaters to the district.
Technology will spell the end of the
were transported to the Hawkesbury and
A $44,775 analysis by Plania, a firm
proposal has delighted Scott Pearce,
tourist information booth as we know it.
District General Hospital where he was
with offices in Ottawa and Gatineau, is
who has been pushing the septic tank
With visitors using new ways to get
treated for head trauma, and she was
designed to help the region draw in more
plan for the last four years. When he
information, the conventional kiosques
treated for minor injuries. Martin Jules
boating enthusiasts. The study on the
was a Conservative candidate in 2008,
are undergoing change, Prescott-Russell
Rochon, 29, of County Road 10 in The
Pearce recalls that he got little support
economic development director Sylvain
Nation, was charged with impaired
as a tourist destination is to be wrapped up
for his notion.
driving, dangerous operation of a motor
within 12 weeks. Plania representatives
“Today, after four years of fighting,
The Ontario government is closing
vehicle and driving while under
said during a recent presentation to the
I feel sad to see that despite the support
seven centres across the province.
counties that while the counties offer a
of the Canadian Federation of
However, the government facility near
Dangerous call
water course to boaters, there is “an almost
Municipalities and the Québec
Chute-à-Blondeau, west of the
total absence of riverside development
Federation of Municipalities the
interprovincial border, will remain open.
160 vehicles were checked at Main and
combining the water attractions and the
governments have not done anything
Next year more there will be more
nautical activities.” The study will cover
to help us,” says Pearce.
changes in the way tourist information is
charged for not wearing their seatbelts
the Ottawa River and the navigable section
“I am very happy with the support
shared, Charlebois recently advised
and one was charged for talking on his
of the SouthNation that is connected to the
of Mylène Freeman and she has won
counties council. More and more people
cell phone.
Ottawa. The project is being financed by
my respect.”
are using the Internet and devices such
The solution
the counties through a partnership with
The MP observes that the issue of
as”Smart phones” to collect information.
Police would like to remind the
defective septic pits is not limited to
Some centres have replaced employees
community that if you have information
Development Corporation.
Argenteuil. “More than 25 per cent of
with touch screens.
38 500 copies
Bertrand Castonguay , President, Roger Duplantie , D.G. / G.M.,
François Bélair , Sales & Development, Yvan Joly , Sales director (Hawkesbury), François Leblanc , Directeur (Lachute), Gilles Normand , Production & Distribution Mgr., Julien Boisvenue , Layout & Prepress Mgr.,
Publié le vendredi par/Published on Friday by : La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc. Imprimé par/Printed by: Imprimerie Prescott et Russell, Hawkesbury, ON Bureau Hawkesbury Office: 1100, rue Aberdeen St., Hawkesbury, ON Tel.: 613 632-4155 • Fax.: 613 632-8601 • 1 800 267-0850 Bureau Lachute Office : 52, rue Principale St., Lachute, QC J8H 3A8 Tel.: 450 562-8593 • Fax.: 450 562-1434 • 1 800 561-5738 # convention : 0040012398 Toute reproduction du contenu est interdite à moins d’autorisation écrite au préalable. No content may be reproduced without prior written permission.
Restructuration financière • Consolidation des dettes en un paiement mensuel • Propositions à vos créanciers • Faillites personnelles et corporatives
Consultation gratuite
Syndics et gestionnaires Jane Mitchell, Conseillère
Hawkesbury 300 McGill
Ottawa 800-100 Queen
Avis : En cas d’erreur ou d’omission, la responsabilité du journal ne dépasse, en aucun temps, le montant de l’espace de l’erreur en cause. Attention : In case of error or omission, in no way will the publisher be liable for more than the amount charged for space concerned.
Représentation nationale/National representation Sans frais / Toll free : 1-800-361-6890
“A more peaceful time”
118 jobs in, or look for
store at new
“Phil Arber Excellent Events” on Facebook.
The Village of Vankleek Hill returns
to a quieter, more peaceful time in
presenting the 16th annual Horse &
Buggy Parade and Strawberry Social
news for GPR”
Sunday, July 8.
– just horses - on a quiet walk through the
The new Walmart store in
Walmart is moving into the former
village, reminiscent of an earlier, less
Hawkesbury is set to open its doors in
hurried lifestyle.
the Fall.
The daywill begin at the VankleekHill
Some 118 jobs will be created at the
Walmart is scheduling grand openings
The adoption of the new Ontario
Fairgrounds with an ecumenical church
new location, which is being set up in the
at all 39 former Zellers locations across
budget is good news for the region, says
service under the green tent. Six local
former Zellers store on County Road 17.
Canada by January 31, 2013.
Glengarry-Prescott-Russell M.P.P. Grant
churches are participating in the service.
”The store will not be expanded in
Walmart Canada has already hired 900
There will be a noon lunch available to
terms of square footage but it will offer
new employees across the country this year
“This 2012 Budget takes strong action
all, courtesy of the church ladies
fresh food,” says Alex Roberton, Director,
and will add 3,100 jobs by the new year. By
and makes the right choices to grow
Corporate Affairs and Social Media with
January 31 of next year, 94,000 will be
Ontario’s economy, create jobs and protect
The parade will leave the fairgrounds
the company.
employed at Walmart Canada.
the services that matter most to Ontarians
at 1 p.m. sharp. The parade, a quiet clip-
– health care and education,” said the
clop trip around the village, will bring
Liberal M.P.P.
back memories of the time when horses
In Glengarry-Prescott-Russell, today’s
were the only “street noise” and friends
Watch and
passage of the budget ensures:
and family spent quiet Sundays together.
• Moving forward with the planned
expansion of the Hawkesbury and District
Hawkesbury Mayor Robert W. Kirby, of
General Hospital;
slow down
Chute-à-Blondeau, a horseman who has
• Continued implementation of the
competed at the Royal Agricultural
province’s full-day kindergarten program
Winter Fair for many years. The parade
into local schools;
will return to the fairgrounds at
for turtles!
• Renewed commitment to the Eastern
approximately 1:45 p.m., passing the
Ontario Development Fund (EODF) which
reviewing stand where all participants
is creating jobs and stimulating the
Once again turtles have emerged from
economy in the region.
theirwinter hibernation. Many turtleswill
“We have a responsibility to all
attempt the hazardous trek across roads
will begin under the green tent. The last
Ontarians to ensure the province is on
and highways in search of nesting sites.
good footing, that we’re creating jobs and
Unfortunately, a turtle’s shell is no match
over obstacles, will begin at 2:30 p.m. in
protecting the services that matter most to
for motor vehicles and many turtles are
front of the grandstand. This event is
local families —health care and education.
killed on roads every year. Such traffic
open to all horse enthusiasts.
This plan is the best way forward,” said
fatalities are devastating for the turtle
population, as they tend to target adult
females looking for places to lay their
In Ontario seven of our eight species of
turtles have been classified, by provincial
and national authorities, as endangered,
threatened or of special concern. The good
news is that there are about 700 turtle
crossing signs installed on highways
with an object from your car such as a
throughout Ontario, thanks to the
shovel. Another option is to prod a
dedication and efforts of the Turtle
Snapping Turtle across the road with a
S.H.E.L.L Tortue (a registered charitable
long stick. Do not pick up a turtle by the
tail, this may damage the vertebrae.
If the turtle is injured contact the Rideau
We can all do our part by paying close
Valley Sanctuary at 1-613-258-9480 and
attention to the road and shoulders in
follow their instructions.
these designated turtle crossing areas and
You could look at our website under
near any pond or marsh areas from April
The Emergency section. It is important to
to the end of September. Paying attention
record the exact location where the turtle
to the road can save a turtle’s life or help
was found, so that it can be returned to its
prevent an accident. Over hundreds of
home. If no distinct landmarks are present,
turtles are killed every year in the whole
province of Ontario.
site and then again at the nearest
If you see a turtle crossing the road
intersection. Keep the turtle in a quiet, dry
please help it across. First, make sure that
and cool place during transport and do
it’s safe to help (do not endanger yourself
not provide any food or water for the time
or others by walking into heavy traffic).
Move the turtle in the direction that it is
travelling – this might not be towards the
such as Snapping Turtles who are now on
water. Turtles knowwhere they are going
the list of Special Concern since 2009, have
and will turn around and march right
survived over 60 years in the wild! By
back into traffic if you return them to the
rescuing a turtle you not only help increase
side of the road they came from.
its lifespan, you also contribute to the
preservation of a healthy ecosystem in
the road. Snapping Turtles should be
your neighbourhood.
handled very carefully as they will bite.
They can be safely moved across the road
NOUVEAU @ 159 000 $
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Sometimes a plan comes together;
However, the video has since been
sometimes you look like a fool on
pirated by the Québec Liberal party,
which has produced an ad showing
Firstly, let us applaud the ongoing
Marois, raising a racket by banging two
Prescott-Russell recreational trail, an
guessed it, the result is not flattering.
Sports highlights are perfect for slow
Gearing up
best viewed in real time.
If cycling is the type of activity that
But the Liberals’ propaganda move
did not earn rave reviews, either.
organization to do their part in
The person who shot the video, Guy
a $52,000 Ontario Trillium Foundation
transforming communities into healthy
treacherous for cyclists and pedestrians.
grant to prepare a development strategy
and sustainable places where citizens of
This brings us to the planner’s institute
stop using the images. Plus, the Liberal
for the path.
all ages and abilities have a range of
which is trying to spur a movement to
strategists were chastised for using
At the same time, the Ontario
transportation options. Strong policy
promote “active transportation,” also
negative ads. Of course, this story is
direction and practical implementation
known as cycling and walking.
starting to havemore twists than a road
mechanisms are needed if walking and
their shoulder to thewheel and promote
cycling options are to be appealing,
“active transportation.”
to make non-motorized forms of travel a
interest in a post is to tell people they
acrossOntario communities.
mainstay of daily life throughout Ontario
cannot view it.
start when it was created in 1998 on the
While those objectives are laudable,
practicality often trumps idealism,
was concern among farmers that a new
particularly in rural areas where amotor-
living longer than ever before while at the
use for the idle corridor that cut a swath
powered vehicle is a must.
same time our children’s life expectancy
rapped Marois for demonstrating
through or near their properties would
Still, anymove to encourage increased
will be shorter than our own, according to
behaviour not consistent with one who
create problems for them and their
use of green and healthy modes of
recent public health research. Today, the
aspires to be Premier. Indeed, the video
commits to community building that
the trail has always been there; it has
promoters is to forge closer ties with
strengthens accessibility, contributes to an
contact with her pedals. Besides, as
neighbours in Argenteuil, Papineau and
Charest has noted, it was the PQ who
The trail has been a big cog in the
and collective health. Planning for Active
Speaking of Argenteuil, voters on the
destination. Parallel programs have
the tools to transform each of our
But Marois had quickly regained her
helped make area roads more cyclist-
the nation recently when they elected
friendly, thanks to the paving of about
Roland Richer, of the Parti Québécois, as
healthier communities for us all,” states
Premier should emulate her. Charest
150 kilometres of shoulders.
their newMNA. The PQ and their leader
OPPI presidentMary Lou Tanner.
might want to get out into the street and
However, there are still many
PaulineMaroiswere obviouslydelighted
The Call toAction asks each person and
find out what the masses really think
improvements to be made. Several
about him and his government, she has
capitalize on images ofMarois during the
by-election campaignwent off the rails.
All of this is happening as Québec
Marois “starred” in a video showing
awaits to see what impact the casserole
her taking part in a pot-banging
Seniors benefit from
demonstration in Lachute June 2. The 15-
handlebars, folks.
This could be an exciting ride.
“groundbreaking” program
Plantagenet 1812 – 2012
as the “personal support worker champion”
Senior citizens living in the
at 61 long-term care homes.
Champlain region are starting to see
Each long-term care home in the region
changes in how care is provided in long-
has identified such a champion. The
term care homes, hospitals and the
champions have received special training
community. Through the Behavioural
using videos, mini-lectures and case
Supports Ontario (BSO) Project, new
scenarios to help better serve clients with
services, programs and training are now
conditions such as dementia, delirium, and
being introduced to provide appropriate
depression. Champions work closely with
care and support for an increasing
the 13 new behavioural support outreach
number of seniors across Ontario and
nurses and coach other staff in their homes
their families and caregivers, who live
INVITATION to attend the bicentennial celebration of the village of Plantagenet
to build more capacity and share skills.
INVITATION à la célébration du bicentenaire du village de Plantagenet
and cope with dementia, mental illness
“This project will have a widespread
and/or other neurological conditions.
and long-lasting impact on seniors’ care
First announced by the province last
across the Champlain region, resulting in
August, BSO represents a comprehensive
better health, better care, andmore value for
system redesign that has successfully
dollars. It’s an example of how health-care
broken down barriers, encouraged
providers areworking together in newways
collaborative work, shared knowledge
tomeet the unique needs of some of themost
and fostered partnerships among local,
Le jeudi 5 juillet 2012 Chemin Jessup’s Falls
Thursday July 5th 2012 Jessup’s Falls Road
vulnerable residents of our communities,”
regional and provincial agencies.
says Chantal LeClerc, Champlain LHIN
CEO. Total funding for new behavioural
a new way of thinking and acting,” says
supports in the Champlain region equals
the LHIN.
10h00 : Célébration au cimetière Chesser : Dignitaires et descendants (entrée sur le chemin Jessup ouest près de l’ancienne fromagerie) 11h00 : Dévoilement du Parc Chesser : (chemin de comté 9 sur l’île entre les deux ponts) 11h30 : Goûter léger et dégustation STATIONNEMENT DISPONIBLE AUX DEUX ENDROITS Bienvenue à cet important événement pour commémorer la fondation du village de Plantagenet. Célébration organisée par la Municipalité d’Alfred et Plantagenet en collaboration avec les membres du comité du cimetière Chesser.
10:00: Celebration at Chesser cemetery: Dignitaries and descendants (entrance by Jessup’s Falls Road, west of the former cheese factory 11:00: Chesser Park presentation (county Road 9 between the two bridges) 11:30: Light lunch served PARKING AVAILABLE AT BOTH SITES Your presence will be greatly appreciated at this commerative event for the foundation of the village of Plantagenet. This event is organized by the Township of Alfred & Plantagenet in partnership with the members of the Chesser Cemetary committee.
about $3.8 million annually.
The Champlain Local Health
BSO is a $40 million investment by the
Integration Network (LHIN) has worked
Ontario government.
with health service providers to develop
About 65 per cent of longterm care home
a local action plan. Much of the regional
residents have dementia.
plan has already been put in place.
By 2020, the number of persons with
Thirteen new nurses have been hired to
dementia in Ontario will increase by 40 per
travel to all long-term care homes across
cent to 250,000; 34 per cent of Alternate
the Champlain region and provide
Level of Care (ALC) bed days are occupied
expertise in the development of care plans
by people with dementia.
for specific clients. In addition, four new
R.B.Q. 81017600-00
nurses and two new occupational
therapists were hired to work with
individuals in their homes and in
retirement homes. Planning is also
underway to create a specialized
behavioural support unit at a long-term
RÉNOVATIONS GÉNERALES PORTES ET FENÊTRES Vente et installation Rampes - Mains Courantes d’aluminium 155, rue Simon, Lachute TÉL. : 450 409-1550 / 1551 TÉLEC.
care home in Ottawa.
What’s more, the LHIN has provided
funding for 26,000 extra hours of care
annually from personal support workers
in long-term care homes.
In fact, the most unique part of the
Champlain LHIN program is the
establishment of a new staff role known
The right to burn
Photo Tish Nicholson
Photo Richard Mahoney
Desneiges Valade has been named North Glengarry Citizen of the Year.
A controversial land-clearing operation on County Road 14 between Concessions 2
Congratulating her during Canada Day celebrations were Glengarry-Prescott-
and 3 in East Hawkesbury Township wrapped up last week. Smoke fromburning piles
of stumps and trees had sparked complaints fromneighbours and prompted the
intervention of the Ontario Ministry of the Environment. While originally the
ministry ordered the burning operation to be delayed until late Fall, the ministry
Turbine debate
later said the burning could resume as long as it did not bother nearby residents.
Farmers are not subject to the rules governing open-air fires, notes East Hawkesbury
Township administrator Linda Rozon. The practice can be controlled but not banned
can be located within two kilometres of a
As the green energy movement
neighbouring property. Some councils
continues across rural Ontario, area
have suggested that setbacks for industrial
municipalities are trying to regulate the
wind turbines range from two to ten
impact caused by solar panels and wind
These restrictions would effectively ban
While the province has recognized that
turbines from most municipalities, noted
generating facilities ought not be erected on
prime farmland, municipal councils note
“We would like to have some kind of
that there is little local government can do
control over this,” allowed Mayor Gary
to mitigate the effects of green-energy
Barton during a recent discussion.
More than 70 Ontario municipalities as
During a recent discussion at Champlain
Township council meeting, administrator
Jean Thériault observed that one
municipality has proposed that no turbine
of the impact of wind power.
Photo Richard Mahoney
Maison de l’Île. It portrays the buildings that once stood on Blackburn Street, now John
was home to one of the largest lumber industries in the British Empire.
ÉSCRH: de magnifiques finissantes
Photo Richard Mahoney
Le bal des finissants demeure une tradition pour les écoles secondaires. Ici on voit quelques diplômées de l’École secondaire catholique régionale de Hawkesbury qui posent pour des photos dans le parc de la Confédération avant d’être transportées par limousine à un hôtel dans les Laurentides.
Soirée des toges pour le Collège Bourget R IGAUD
Soirée des Toges , à l’église Sainte-Made- leine de Rigaud, où plusieurs trophées ont été remis. Ces prix s’ajoutaient aux autres trophées déjà remis lors du Gala Méritas des élèves de 5 e secondaire. Grâce à la contribution de
Au total, 249 finissants et finissantes du collège Bourget ont participé à la grande
En moto contre le cancer
Et hop… les mortiers ! C’est officiel, le secondaire est terminé.
diverses personnes et de certains organis- mes, des bourses ont également été remises aux récipiendaires de ces trophées. Quatre élèves ont remporté les « Gran- des distinctions » cette année. Karolane Lacroix a reçu le « Prix du Lieutenant gou- verneur », accompagné d’une bourse de 500 $ pour son engagement et son rayonne- ment. Mathieu Chamberland est reparti avec la « Médaille du Gouverneur général du Canada », et une bourse de 500 $ pour avoir conservé la meilleure moyenne géné-
rale pendant 5 ans au collège Bourget. Le prix « Fide Et Labore Valebo », d’une va- leur de 500 $, a été remis à Sarah Francoeur pour sa contribution au rayonnement du Collège à l’extérieur. Enfin la « Bourse Pierre Charpentier », d’une valeur de 2 000 $, offerte par Mme Mireille Charpentier, épouse de feu M. Pierre Charpentier, un ancien de Bourget de la promotion 1943, a été attribuée à Samuel Goyette pour son excellence aux niveaux académique, sco- laire et sportif.
Photo courtoisie
Des membres du club d’amateurs de motocyclettes Rolling Thunder , ont remis un don de 500 $, dernièrement, à la Société canadienne du cancer. Evelyn Bernique a accepté le don lors d’une levée de fonds à Vankleek Hill. L’argent appuiera un programme de transport offert aux patients.
Something old, something new
There is a long tradition of spinning,
weaving, quilting, rug hooking and other
fibre arts in Glengarry, so demonstrations
by local guilds will also take place. Watch
Quilts and other fine textiles will be a
a quilting bee or try your hand at weaving
feast for the eyes from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Saturday, July 14 at the Glengarry Pioneer
and to do. For additional information on
Museum in Dunvegan.
this spectacular event, contact the museum
Textiles from the museum’s collection
at 613-527-5230 or visit their website at
be pulled out of closets and put on display.
The museum is located in Dunvegan on
There will be quilts, weaving and other
County Road 24 (Dunvegan Road) at the
buildings on site, including the new
Road). From now until August 31, the
Williams Pavilion. Light refreshments will
museum will be open every day except
be available, as well as textile related crafts
Monday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
for children in the one-room schoolhouse.
Moving forward
$1 million to the City of Ottawa. The study
is expected to take two years to complete.
AECOM’s request for proposal was
selected by a joint team of engineers and
“We’re finally moving forward!”
staff from counties and Ottawa. The firm
Prescott-Russell Warden François St-
was among three finalists that were asked
Amour summed up the sentiments of
to provide detailed proposals, after initially
many when another step was taken in an
being narrowed down from a list of five
ongoing road saga.
firms shortlisted for an earlier request for
The United Counties of Prescott and
qualifications. “Our process analyzed the
Russell selected recently AECOM Canada
proposals based on overall technical score
Ltd., a consortium of technical and
and the cost,” explained Marc Clermont,
management support services, to lead the
Director of Prescott-Russell Public Works.
Photo Richard Mahoney
environmental assessment (EA) study of
“And not only didAECOM’s proposal have
High-tailing it
the County Road 17 / Ottawa Route 174
the highest score, it also had the lowest
widening project this year. “We’ve been
Photo Richard Mahoney
While drivers always must be on the
talking about this environmental
Members of the Glengarry Pipe Band
The environmental assessment of the
assessment study for a long time, and it’s
widening of County Road 17 and Ottawa
not seem fazed by approaching
nice to see that today, we’re making some
Route 174 will determine the impact of
St-Jean-Baptiste parade held in St-
motorists. This creature darteddown
concrete progress,” said St-Amour.
several options, including one that consists
Bernardin. Between 2,000 and 3,000
The cost of the study, $3.51 million
the centre of a country road until it
including HST, is being funded through a
Rockland and Trim Road, in Orléans, and
grant from the province of Ontario, which
from four to six lanes between Trim Road
a signwarning of a curve up ahead.
awarded $4 million to Prescott-Russell and
and the Highway 417/174 interchange.
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