Bulletin 10.03.23


Queen ’ s College Whole School Newsletter

10 March 2023

Snow Much Fun!

Sixth Formers make snow - woman “ Sally ” to celebrate IWD

Mr Julian Noad - Head of College

Well, that snow caught us all by surprise, briefly, but I was delighted by the best of British ‘ keep calm and carry on ’ approach. In this

appreciated and very apt. Of course, there was also a little time for fun. I particularly enjoyed our redesigned prefects meeting which became build a snow - woman in keeping with the theme - might have spotted Sally on the front lawn with her QC hat and scarf on. Another event to survive the snow was this week ’ s Parent forum. An informal event with a free - flowing agenda covering keeping on top of all the exciting opportunities on offer, children making good choices with food, and lighting at the front of senior school. Each will now get

further digestion in management meetings. We were also able to chat through the latest with uniform and sport. If you weren't able to make it due to the snow do let me know if you want to discuss anything - my door is always open - and/or there is another forum planned for 3 May. We were delighted to welcome Melanie O ’ Shea of the Good Schools Guide on Thursday - an opportunity for us to show off our school. The GSG may not be familiar to you but is a regular first step for many families embarking

way, the serious business of studies, including revision but also food GCSE and Year 13 drama assessments were able to continue. We were also able to welcome the fabulous Chamber of Commerce and their celebration of International Women ’ s Day - our pupils' involvement was much

Snow Much Fun! Mr Julian Noad - Head of College

Sadly, I beg forgiveness from all involved since I have the good fortune of a ticket for another sporting encounter, at Twickenham. Also this weekend, we have silver Duke of Edinburgh training and for next week ’ s Crucible performances. If you have not got tickets, please head here. I mentioned last week, and I plug again, an Orchestral Festival, on Sunday 26 March, which is delivered in conjunction with our own resident professional orchestra, The Southern Sinfonia. Please spread the word to anyone you know who may be interested in this. It is a free event and a really fabulous opportunity to work with professional musicians for the day.

upon the independent school - choosing journey. I hope that the eventual report will capture all of what is brilliant about our school and encourage others to want to join. In other good news, many of our Year 13 are currently on tenterhooks awaiting university responses, which dribble in over a very extended period. Some have all offers in, others are still awaiting their first response. Two notable offers are for Smiley Chan, welcomed by Cambridge to read Natural Sciences and Hazel Dovey to Oxford, for English Literature, but well done to all who have applied and good luck to everyone. The weekend starts this evening with the pupil - led Queen ’ s Unplugged and continues with boys ’ hockey versus Exeter and girls ’ netball versus Blundell ’ s.

A brunch is being provided and there will be a concert in the Queen ’ s Hall for friends and family to end the day. Details including a QR code for sign up are here. Mrs N and the QCC (parents association) team ask me to mention their next meeting on Thursday 16 March, 3.30pm at the Head ’ s House, Wyvern House. Do come along if you're able. They will be discussing a fun family event planned for next term and also events for next year.

I sign off by bidding you a fabulous weekend.


Prep School Mr Henry Matthews - Head of Prep

It has been another highly positive and eventful week in the Prep School. We have had many fun and challenging activities taking place,

the excitement of snow on Wednesday. We woke up to slightly unexpected snowfall, which allowed an exciting opportunity to build snow sculptures. We had snowmen and women, snow dogs, and even a Chewbacca. You will see plenty of pictures of the fun had in the following pages as the school grounds were transformed into a winter wonderland. On Tuesday, Year 3 pupils took part in their Egyptian Day. They learned about the fascinating history and culture of ancient Egypt. This was a wholly immersive experience that allowed the Year 3s to learn through fun and interactive activities, even practising mummification on each other. They topped this off with a brilliant assembly on Thursday where they shared all they had learned, including a ‘ Mummy Rap, ’ which went down a storm. Well done, Year 3! Today, we welcomed our new Reception intake into class for their first step - up session. We were delighted to meet our new pupils and parents, and I know that Mrs. Chislett and Mrs. Baker were very impressed with the hard work of the children.

We have also had the usual fixtures and hard work in lessons, which have continued this week, and there is plenty to read and see in the following pages. I end with a quick reminder regarding events in the week ahead. On Tuesday, we will be hosting a Science Discovery Day. This will be a great chance for children to get involved in a range of scientific activities, with the show - stopping session being a virtual reality experience based on habitats. We will be joined by many prospective children on this day, if you know anyone who is interested in joining us, please do ask them to get in touch with Mrs. Monks through prepadmissions@queenscollege.org .uk. On Friday, we will be supporting Comic Relief. Children can wear something red or something bright and bring in a donation of their choice. We will also be holding our annual talent show in support of the charity, and children can enter for a fee of £2. This was a brilliant event last year, and we look forward to another great day ahead. I know many of you will be joining to watch the Queen ’ s Unplugged festival this evening, and I look forward to seeing you there. I wish everyone a happy weekend. Henry

including trips out, themed days, and of course, the fun of a snow day! Firstly, I am delighted to announce that Kirsty Greenwell, our new TA, has joined our team this week. We extend a warm welcome to Kirsty, and we are pleased to have her on the team. She will be working across the Prep School, supporting children and staff in lessons, and I am sure you will have the chance to say hello at drop - off or pick - up in the coming days. On Tuesday, our Year 5 pupils had a fantastic trip to the Royal Mint in Cardiff. This was an excellent opportunity for our students to learn about the history of currency and how it is made, even having the chance to see coins being minted and to have a go at coin pressing themselves. I was pleased to hear that there were many positive comments from staff and members of the public about our children's behaviour and manners, and they certainly did the school proud. Of course, I cannot let this Bulletin pass without mentioning

Nursery Round - up Nursery News From Mrs Donna Kershaw - Highgrove Nursery Manager

The children in Tiggywinkles are using their book this week ‘ Walter ’ s wonderful web ’ to explore and discover shapes. This has encouraged them to look for familiar shapes they can see in the nursery environment. The story has also led to investigation of construction, with conversation about how big our tower of bricks can be before they fall down. Puddleducks children have enjoyed playing in their shop role play area this week. There has been inclusion of recycled resources, fruit and vegetables to further support their imaginative play. The fruit and vegetables have also been used to support development of their physical skills through using knives to cut them, whilst engaging in conversations about textures, tastes and look of food. The snowfall on Wednesday was, for many of the children at Highgrove, a new experience and they explored it in different ways. From making snowmen to discovering what happens when it melts. Even the youngest children had the opportunity to explore the snow when it was brought in for them to play with.

Nursery Round - up

Nursery School News From Miss Lizzie Hayes - Head of Nursery School

The Nursery School children have had a wonderful time this week exploring the effects of this week ’ s weather conditions. On Tuesday, they were treated to a trip in the College minibus to Fyne Court where they went for a seasonal walk to see what they could find. On our route we stopped to look at snowdrops, ducks, leaves on the trees and fallen trees as well as discussing what the symbols on the path markers meant. We also found some tumbled down buildings that we thought might have been where the giant from Jack and the Beanstalk lived but best of all managed to find lots of puddles to jump in and streams to paddle through. Wednesday ’ s snowfall brought great excitement to the day and the children had great fun playing in the snow that had fallen in the Nursery garden. Some children enjoyed making toboggans out of boxes and plastic trays to slide on whilst others had a go at creating their own snowmen. The snowy theme was then extended into other areas of learning for the remainder of the week that included white pom poms for sensory play, melting snow with wild animals and the opportunity to paint their own snowmen on the easel.

Prep School Prep Sports Round - up

I find every week I mention how busy we have been in Prep School, and yet again I find it hard to fathom how we fit so much in! Friday saw us host the IAPS Regional Qualifier for boys hockey, with 15 teams arriving with their spectators to our astros. It was a magnificent sight to see so many children involved in some great hockey and our own boys did not disappoint! In their

group they finished second only losing to Exeter School who were the eventual winners of the whole tournament. Having qualified for the Cup competition, they were in knockout territory. Sadly, in the quarter finals they played some great hockey but eventually lost on golden goal in extra time to the Downs who finished the tournament as runners up behind Exeter. A fantastic day and thank you to the staff for putting together such a great event for the children and school. Saturday saw us again hosting, this time U10 Netball. The morning was played in great spirit and our girls did really well and played the most consistently I have seen all season! Well done to Blundells who were the eventual winners. The Year 5 boys also had a hockey tournament over at Millfield. Some of them had played the day before, so despite being a little tired, they played well. The boys did well, but possibly did not perform at their best.

The new week has turned out to be a little less hectic with the surprise snow delivery on Wednesday but Monday we had another football encounter. This time a mixed team against North Town Primary. The players had a great game and six goals were scored in total with Luis scoring the best of the day from the halfway line!! It is brilliant to be able to offer opportunities in sports beyond our normal fixture programme. Read the full report here.

Year 2 Year 2 has been reading the story 'Clean Up' in English and learning to write persuasive letters encouraging people to look after the seas and oceans. One of their writing tasks was to write a letter to the Queen's College Community, asking them to stop dropping litter and the impact it has on ocean life.

This letter was written by Albie in Year 2:

Dear Q.C Community Our beaches are a disgrace and it isn't right. Did you know whales eat plastic and it makes them sick? Did you know every time we drop litter a sea creature dies? Did you know that every time a filter feeder goes past, it eats it? Clean up your rubbish, it's now or never. Clean up now! The ocean really needs you to help clean up litter. From Albie The Year 2 children asked for a Queen's College Clean Up Crew club which Mrs. Kelly is going to run in the summer term. This club will work to keep our school shared spaces clean of rubbish.

Prep School

Sensational Lunchtime Concert!

The Prep School really celebrated its music last Friday with a concert featuring over 30 soloists from all Upper Prep year groups. Sonia opened the first half with a beautiful harp piece and the room fell silent to listen. Ege concluded the first half with a rousing performance of Ode to Joy on the cello. Eleanor began the second half with a confident violin duet arrangement of William Tell and Cora closed the concert with her beautiful rendition of Gavotte in G. Soloists performed on recorder, flute, clarinet, saxophone, violin, cello, guitar, harp, piano and voice, with each performance being applauded warmly by the audience. It was great to see so many pupils there to support their friends and enjoy a lunchtime of music.

You can hear the first half of the concert here and the second half here.

Very well done, everyone!

Prep School Year 3 Egyptian Day

Year 3 have had an awesome day as Ancient Egyptians and we would like to thank their parents so much for their efforts with their wonderful costumes, they made it really special.

The children spent the morning either baking savoury bread studded with raisins, based on an old Egyptian recipe, investigating how many blocks it takes to make a square based pyramid or furthering their work on their Egyptian art and DT projects. The children had time for deeper research into how the Ancient Egyptians honoured their dead, researching mummification rituals and acting as priests and mummies to show their understanding. During their class assembly, the children were able to share their knowledge with their families and the Prep school, horrifying them by acting out how to mummify a body in the Beautiful House, chanting their mummification rap! The children looked amazing in their colourful costumes and gained a great deal from their day, including lots of fun!

Prep School Year 1

Year 1 have been developing their knowledge of plants across lots of lessons. They have started writing their own adaptation of ‘ Jack and the Beanstalk ’. They have written and drawn some creative story maps such as Lizzie climbing up an enormous apple tree or Lulu climbing up a spiky cactus. In their Outdoor Education lessons, the children have planted a range of wildflower seeds and some herbs on Hutton Lawn. Hopefully, over the next few Outdoor Education lessons, they will start to see them grow. In Science, the pupils conducted an experiment using kidney beans. They placed them into a plastic bag with a wet paper towel and placed them up against the window. The children are hoping to observe what happens to them. We predicted that the seed might start to grow some roots, even though there is no soil!

Year 5 Trip to Royal Mint

On Monday, Year 5 travelled to the Royal Mint in Cardiff. They spent the day learning about the history of coinage and the part the Royal Mint plays in minting coins for up to 60 countries worldwide! As well as seeing the actual production process for themselves, many of the children took the opportunity to strike their own 50 pence coin. They also participated in an informative workshop and created individual designs which were then made into distinctive coin badges. A superb day out which was enjoyed by children and staff alike. More photos on Facebook.

Snow … In March?! Snow Day - Wednesday 8 March 2023 Our pupils certainly made the most of Wednesday ’ s weather. They made snow - men and snow - women, the Sixth Formers named their snowwoman, Sally, in celebration of International Women ’ s Day. The pupils also made snow angels and of course the odd snow ball fight or two was enjoyed! Our Ground Team were hard at work clearing paths and making the campus safe for all. More photos can be found on Flickr.

Senior School Sports Round - up

Netball The girls teams played Mount Kelly, with the seniors travelling away and the younger years at home. The 1sts had a top class performance from the first centre pass to the final shot. They showed their full potential in this match - they were

dynamic, well paced and even tried some zonal defence. A great fixture before the County Cup Tournament, and hopefully the confidence boost they need to carry them into their first match. Well done ladies! Football

Our football teams are going from strength to strength under the guidance of Mr Bennett and Mr Bishop. Last week saw the 1st XI boys play Sherborne in a fantastic showing from our senior squad. They really showed their abilities and put into practice the things they have been working on in training sessions. From good passing movements, to tight defending it was an all around satisfying performance. Arron was POM, scoring a hat - trick, with three superb finishes. It has unfortunately been a slightly interrupted week for sport at Queen ’ s, with that rare fall of snow stopping the fixtures from taking place on Wednesday afternoon.

Read the full report here.

Music Feature - Mr Jenkins

How instruments produce their sound is a more complex topic than it would seem. On the surface we can state that a string instrument creates its sound by a bow being pulled across a tensioned string but the sound created involves a complex combination of a fundamental note and upper harmonics. And how do you know where to put your fingers?! Excellent tuition and practice allows a student to master these techniques and conundrums, which is one of the reasons music is such good brain training.

This week ’ s focus is on the fabulous trombone; like a string instrument, practice and tuition allows the student to know about embouchure and slide position (there are no markers!) meaning they can enjoy playing in every single style of music, as the trombone appears in all of them!

Watch the video here.

Senior School International Women's Day (IWD)

Queen ’ s hosted the Taunton Chamber of Commerce International Women's Day Conference.

On Monday pupils celebrated International Women ’ s Day during our whole School Assembly. 11 pupils from years 7 - 13 helped to create a presentation whereby they each focused on an inspirational woman in their lives. It was a fascinating presentation with the women of a diverse range of women from around the world highlighted. A huge thank you to all of those pupils who spent time creating this assembly and were brave enough to stand up on stage in front of their peers.

International Women ’ s Day has been held every year for more than 100 years, IWD was adopted in 1975 by the United Nations as an official, world - wide celebration of women's rights - bringing attention to issues such as gender equality, reproductive rights, and violence and abuse against women. On Wednesday, business men and women were invited to enjoy a morning of networking, inspired talks from local business women, and performances from our Performing Arts students including readings of Emmeline Pankhurst ’ s Freedom or Death Speech and a lively rendition from SIX The Musical. Our Year 7s took part in a colouring competition to celebrate the day, with four students being awarded a book token for their ‘ individuality ’. We ’ d like to thank the Chamber of Commerce for their generosity, and look forward to next year ’ s celebration.

MUN MUN Conference By Iven

Last weekend, we attended Kingswood School for the Bath International Schools ’ Model United Nations Conference. This was my first MUN conference and I didn ’ t know what it would be like. I was informed that it was going to be very different from our practices in our co - curricular session so there was a sense of ambiguity on what the event would offer. When we arrived at Kingswood, we were taken to the vast theatre where it was bustling full of people from many different schools. The atmosphere of the event felt very professional. It actually felt as though we were at the real United Nations and it was obvious Kingswood took their MUN conferences very seriously. After the opening ceremony, we went to our own committees and mine was the Historical 1992 Committee. We had to debate issues such as Apartheid and the Bosnian conflict from the viewpoint of different countries in 1992. We had spent some time in our co - curricular sessions researching the topics and I was part of the delegation from Nigeria although Queen ’ s also represented Jordan, Belgium and the UK. Other committees included the Political Committee, Environmental Committee, Security Council and Science and Technology Committee. At first, it felt intimidating as everyone around you seemed to know what to do; there is a very specific debating procedure however once you listen to the other people, you get the idea yourself quite quickly.

For the first day, I didn ’ t really say anything and I regret it because as soon as I made a point of information myself, I was even more engaged and really enjoyed being part of some wide - ranging and interesting debates on world issues. It was a steep learning curve but in the words of another Queen ’ s student who was attending her second conference said “ I am unable to do the true experience justice. Because, as any veteran will tell you, only half of it is in the actual debating, arguing and amendment voting. ” The rest of MUN is having an opportunity to think about, discuss and try to solve wider world issues that do affect us all. In so doing, we have an opportunity to speak publicly, as well as make new friends from schools domestically and around the world. Special mention should be made to Isla who, at her first MUN conference, was commended for her contributions in the Environment Committee. Well done Isla and we hope to see even more students at MUN/debating co - curricular next term as we prepare for next year ’ s timetable of conferences.

Boarders ’ Corner Cotlake House Cotlake House had a fluming marvellous time at Splashdown water parks in Poole.

School House

This Sunday we were visited by Sam from Aerosol Art, who ran a graffiti workshop for our senior boarders. Over the course of the afternoon, each boarder got the chance to design and then create a piece of graffiti art to take away. Despite the cold, they all worked well to create some amazing images, which could be taken back to their houses to display in their rooms.

Hutton House Last Friday Hutton House celebrated the now annual Love Hutton event, showcasing all that is great about the sisterhood of Hutton House. On Saturday evening, Hutton had a great time at a silent disco. The house chose three different music channel and spent a couple of hours dancing together. It was a great way to relax after an extremely busy week! Boarders ’ Corner

News and Announcements

Upcoming Parent Social Events Parents' Coffee Mornings This Term

Thursday 23 March 8:15 - 9:00am (Easter Theme)

These are very much relaxed events and a chance to catch up or make new friends. Please come to the main reception office in the Senior School and we will show you through to the Dining Hall where this is hosted

Other Social Events

QCC Meeting Thursday 16 March 3:30pm

Summer Family Event - Saturday 13 May

5 - 9 and 10+ age groups every day. Lunch & Drink needed To book please contact Hannah: 07866 393846 or wannynoonah@hotmail.com We have plenty of spare rackets. Welcome to all levels! Led by our Level 4 Senior Club Coach Jon Warren - Fully licensed Trull Tennis Club - Half Term Camps

Can you help? Our fabulous Art department have received the generous offer of a potter's wheel which is looking for a new home. The potter's wheel is currently in Bruton and we are hoping someone may be able to collect it for us. If you are able to assist with pick - up and delivery to school, at a time to suit you, we would be extremely grateful. Please contact Sandra Spall sns@queenscollege.org.uk if you can help.

News and Announcements

Upcoming Dates

Silver DofE Navigation Practice

Saturday 11th March 2023

Senior Play: 'The Crucible' morning rehearsal

Saturday 11th March 2023

Senior School Play: 'The Crucible' full day rehearsal

Sunday 12th March 2023

Alps Kayaking training - Cardiff WWC

Sunday 12th March 2023

Alps Trip Training: Cardiff Whitewater Centre

Sunday 12th March 2023

The Crucible' Matinee

Monday 13th March 2023 10:00

Scholars Event: Year 11 in History

Monday 13th March 2023

‘ The Crucible' Evening Performance

Monday 13th March 2023 19:00

Year 12 Supper

Monday 13th March 2023 19:00

Nursery School Forest School trip

Tuesday 14th March 2023

'The Crucible' Evening Performance

Tuesday 14th March 2023 19:00

AMSP Maths Feast Challenge (Year 10)

Wednesday 15th March 2023

Scholars Event: Year 12 in Psychology

Wednesday 15th March 2023

Year 12 Supper

Wednesday 15th March 2023 19:00

Year 2 trip to Taunton museum

Thursday 16th March 2023

QCC Meeting

Thursday 16th March 2023 15:30

Scuba Diving Taster session 2

Thursday 16th March 2023

The Crucible' Evening Performance

Thursday 16th March 2023 19:00

Comic Relief charity day in Prep School (Own clothes)

Friday 17th March 2023

Spring Concert

Friday 17th March 2023 19:00

Our online whole school calendar can be found here. Our sports portal can be accessed here.

Comic Relief - Prep Own Clothes Day

On Friday 17 March the Prep School is looking forward to having lots of fun whilst raising money to support the many Comic Relief charities and projects. We are asking the children to come into school wearing something red or bright, or even fancy dress if they ’ d like, for a donation of their choice. If parents would prefer to make a donation via the Comic Relief Just Giving page then there are QR codes on the posters around the school. There will also be a Talent Show taking place for a £2 entry fee. The Talent Show will be performed to the Prep pupils and staff during Comic Relief day, with the winner announced at the end.

We look forward to having a fabulously fun day.

For the first time in 5 years, the tiered seating has been moved into position in the Wyvern Hall in readiness for next week's performances of 'The Crucible' Our artistic director Mr Trafford was looking for a particular atmosphere for the senior play, which will be lit by candles, and we are fortunate to have the option of staging productions in a number of spaces around Queen's. 'The Crucible', which is set in an eerie, suspicious time when witchcraft is a very real fear, will create a chilling ambience within the beautiful period decor of the Wyvern Hall. The cast features Jack as John Proctor, Lily as Abigail Williams, Rosie as Elizabeth Proctor, Amelia as Mrs Puttnam and Natasha as the Reverend Hale in an ensemble of 18 senior students. This promises to be a distinctive and memorable production with only limited seating available. Don't miss it!

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