
Art Centre feasibility gets an added $30,000 from City Communauté • Commun i ty


to achieve (important) tourismdevelopment goals, it will be the intention of the City to encourage appropriate cultural facilities in Cornwall and consider the possibility of a cultural centre combining uses such as an art gallery, a theatre, an arts and crafts centre, amuseum, a conservatory and town hall, in one building or on one site.” But although the statement does pertain to the creation of an umbrella institution regrouping nearly every artistic faction in the city, a smaller entry, located on page 9 of the report, states that the city should “ensure

that future development does not place an excessive financial strain upon Cornwall”. Similar arts and culture centers located in adjacent cities, such as Ottawa, Brockville and Kingston, were built or restored utilizing millions of taxpayer dollars. In 2009, the Brockville Arts Centre unde- rwent a two-million dollar restoration and re-decoration project. Orleans’s Shenkman Centre cost a $36.8million to build, whereas the Isabel Bader Centre for the Performing Arts in Kingston was built to the tune of $63million.

The city’s 2014 budget allocated $20,000 for the creation of a feasibility study on a multidisciplinary arts facility in Cornwall. «The community needs an artists’ home,» argued MacDonald. Cornwall’s Chief Ad- ministrative Officer (CAO) Norm Levac reassured councillors that $50,000 would be sufficient enough to create an in-depth feasibility study. The resolution also mentioned the city’s Official 2004 Plan, which in itself highlights the need for an inclusive multidisciplinary arts and culture centre in Cornwall. “In order

A resolution, which would grant $30,000 more to an art centre feasibility study, was presented to city council and adopted on May 25. The resolution was presented by council- lor ElaineMacDonald and seconded by Cari- lyne Hébert. Both are members of The Arts Collective, a movement dedicated for the creation of an art center. “Cornwall has generously supported ar- tistic activities over the years through the mechanism of Outside Agency grants and in-house through the Leisure Arts munici- pal program,” outlined the resolution. “In recent years, artistic and cultural activities are increasingly recognized as economic drivers, and the city’s efforts in this sphere may be inadequate to gain the maximum economic and social benefits possible from such activities.” Une juge visite La Citadelle L’École secondaire catholique La Citadelle a accueilli la juge Johanne Lafrance-Car- dinal lors d’une présentation offerte aux élèves du cours de civisme en 9 e année. Mme Lafrance-Cardinal a su captiver l’intérêt des élèves avec son vécu dans le domaine de la justice criminelle. Elle est présentement juge à la cour supérieure de Cornwall. Sa passion et son intérêt pour défendre le bien d’autrui ont été mis en évidence pendant sa présentation, et son approche aisée avec les élèves a su captiver son auditoire. Son message honnête, franc et authen- tique au sujet des carrières variées en justice a également éclairci ce domaine pour les élèves. Autrefois élève de La Citadelle, Mme Lafrance-Cardinal s’est démarquée parmi ses confrères de classe enmanifestant avec Roger Dubé, en 1973, pour assurer la créa- tion de cette école secondaire. Pendant son discours, la juge a également souligné l’importance de la communication orale et de la communication écrite dans ce domaine tant convoité, parce que c’est par l’entremise de ces derniers que l’on peut persuader et convaincre les juges et les jurys lors d’un procès. Mme Lafrance-Cardinal a su captiver l’intérêt des élèves avec son vécu dans le domaine de la justice criminelle

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