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Six months followed with no response from the CPC head office, despite multiple requests for status updates. Then on August 6, Lemieux received word that his request IBECFFOEFOJFE"UUIFTBNFUJNFUIF&%" was told that the nomination period for new DBOEJEBUFTXPVMEDMPTF"VHVTU5IF&%" was unable to find a new candidate before that time, so McArthur’s appointment went through unchallenged. Several board members and volunteers believe there is a connection between denial of Lemieux’s waiver request, the short deadline notice for candidate nomi- nations for the GPR, and McArthur’s appoint- ment as the Conservative candidate for Glengarry-Prescott-Russell. “The problem isn’t that Pierre is no longer our candidate, the party had the right to decline that waiver,” said Jennifer Snell, who was a general board member at the CPC &%"BOEBMTP UIFDBNQBJHOPGàDF NBOBHFSi#VU JG UIFQBSUZIBEHJWFOVT any notice or taken any action during the nomination period, it would have given us in the riding more time to give notice that we needed someone to run rather than settle GPSBQBSBDIVUFKPCPGPOFPG&SJO05PPMFT

said. “The party representatives refused to give us her name because she had professional obligations to tie up before it was released. The name was released on social media with no information given to the board.” 8IFOBTLFEXIZTIF UIPVHIU UIJTIBE IBQQFOFE 4OFMMTBJE UIBU&SJO05PPMF JT changing the party into what he wants to see. “He pushed out the candidate in the Yukon because he doesn’t agree with mandatory vaccinations,” she said, “He’s purging the party of Social-Conservatives. Our Conservative values haven’t change, but the party has changed.” A member of the Conservative party’s communications team, Chelsea Tucker, disagreed. “In accordance with our nomination rules, an applicant must not have been an unsuccessful candidate in both of the two prior federal general elections,” she stated JOBOFNBJMi8BJWJOHPGUIJTSFRVJSFNFOUJT an exception, not the rule, and we followed the process in place.” GPR Conservative candidate Susan McArthur was unable to comment as she was traveling. Le vaccin Pfizer sera disponible pour les enfants qui atteignent l’âge de 12 ans d’ici la fin de 2021. j"WFD MBQQVJ EV NÊEFDJO IZHJÊOJTUF en chef de l’Ontario, notre gouvernement QSFOEEFTNFTVSFTQPVSSFOESFMFTÊDPMFT BVTTJTÚSFTRVFQPTTJCMF BEÊDMBSÊ4UFQIFO -FDDF NJOJTUSFEFMEVDBUJPO/PUSFQMBO QSPUÊHFSBOPTÊDPMFT BTTVSFSBMBSBQJEJUÊ de la recherche des contacts, le tout dans l’intention de les garder ouvertes pour le CJFOEFTÊMÍWFTEFM0OUBSJPv -BQSPWJODFDPNNFODFSBÊHBMFNFOUÆPG - frir des troisièmes doses du vaccin COVID-19 BVYQFSTPOOFTDMBTTÊFTDPNNFÊUBOUÆ haut risque. Il s’agit des personnes ayant subi une greffe, des personnes atteintes EVODBODFSIÊNBUPMPHJRVFPVUSBJUÊFTQPVS cette maladie, des personnes ayant reçu un BHFOUBOUJ$%FUEFTSÊTJEFOUTEFGPZFST EFTPJOTEFMPOHVFEVSÊF EFNBJTPOTEF SFUSBJUFFUEFGPZFSTQPVSQFSTPOOFTÄHÊFT EFT1SFNJÍSFT/BUJPOT

PETER LOAN DINING & CATERING Dumardi au jeudi de 11 h à 2 h Vendredi de 11 h à 8 h Le Dimanche de 8 h à midi Le bar du foyer Colombien Ouvert du lundi au samedi de 11 h à 2 h Vérifiez nos plats du jour LE CHEF PETER N’UTILISE QUE DES INGRÉDIENTS FRAIS. SES VIANDES SONT PRÉPARÉES SUR PLACE. Menu à la carte Entrées et soupes Nos plats principaux sont servis avec choix de pommes de terre ou riz et légumes. METS SERVI EN SALLE, POUR EMPORTER OU PAR LIVRAISON Comité de Loisirs de Bouget Inc. vous invite à son Assemblée générale annuelle Le Mercredi 15 septembre à 20 heures Centre Communautaire de Bouget 19, rue Lavigne Pierre Lemiuex, who had held the riding for 10 years for the federal party, before losing both the 2015 and 2019 elections, was the preferred GPR candidate for six mon- ths. Party bylaws state a candidate cannot run again after two consecutive losses, so Lemieux submitted a request in January 2021 to have the bylaw waived. Charbonneau referred to the past controversies over candidate selections for Ontario’s Progressive Conservative party VOEFSGPSNFSMFBEFS1BUSJDL#SPXO4FWFSBM riding associations complained they had candidate choices forced on them by the PC head office. The authority of the local Conservative riding association has been superceded. 5IF&MFDUPSBM%JTUSJDU"TTPDJBUJPO &%"  of Prescott-Glengarry-Russell criticized the appointment of Susan McArthur as the $POTFSWBUJWF1BSUZPG$BOBEB $1$ DBOEJ - date for the riding. In a media release sent out August 18, it was stated that several WPMVOUFFSTSFTJHOFEGSPNUIF&%"JOQSPUFTU  including the secretary, two vice presidents, and a former campaign office manager. i5IJTJTSFNJOJTDFOUPGUIF1BUSJDL#SPXO days in our riding where the grassroots mem- CFSTIJQIBTOPTBZPOXIPUIFJS QSPWJODJBM  candidate is,” stated Joel Charbonneau, GPSNFSWJDFQSFTJEFOUPGUIF(13&%"i8F have gone from a grassroots party that has respected its membership to a party of Toronto elitists who appoint friends in ridings they don’t live in.”

friends.” .FNCFSTPGUIF$1$&%"NBEFJUDMFBS that they felt this was a deliberate attempt by the CPC head office to install its own candidate choice. “The way they followed the party bylaws was pretty secretive and underhanded,” Snell Les conservateurs locaux sont mécontents de la façon dont le siège social du Parti fédéral a traité la nomination de Susan McArthur comme candidate conservatrice de Glengarry-Prescott-Russell. Plusieurs membres de l’association de circonscription locale ont démissionné en signe de protestation. —photo d’archives pas de preuve de vaccination doivent se sou- NFUUSFÆEFTUFTUTBOUJHÊOJRVFTSÊHVMJFST La politique de vaccination doit entrer en vigueur au plus tard le 7 septembre 2021. Le ministère de l’Éducation introduira une politique de divulgation des vaccina- UJPOTQPVSMFTÊDPMFTQVCMJRVFTFUQSJWÊFT  BJOTJRVFQPVSMFTÊUBCMJTTFNFOUTEFHBSEF EFOGBOUTBHSÊÊT5PVTMFTNFNCSFTEVQFS - The provincial government is setting new vaccination conditions for people working with seniors and students. TPOOFMEPJWFOUJOEJRVFSTJMTTPOUWBDDJOÊT contre la COVID-19, et ceux qui ne le sont pas subiront un test rapide d’antigène. Le NJOJTUÍSFQSÊWPJUEPSHBOJTFSEFTDMJOJRVFT EF WBDDJOBUJPO WPMPOUBJSFQPVS MFTÊDPMFT afin de rendre la vaccination plus pratique.


Le gouvernement de l’Ontario prend des mesures pour protéger les citoyens les plus vulnérables. &O SBJTPOEV UBVYÊMFWÊEF USBOTNJT - sion du variant Delta, le gouvernement de M0OUBSJPFUMFNÊEFDJOIZHJÊOJTUFFODIFG agissent pour stopper la quatrième vague. -FTQFSTPOOFTÄHÊFTFUMFTQFSTPOOFTEPOU le système immunitaire est affaibli recevront une troisième dose de vaccin. j#JFO RVF M0OUBSJP SFTUF VOF KVSJEJD - tion de premier plan pour les premières FUEFVYJÍNFTEPTFTBENJOJTUSÊFTFURVF nous ayons l’infrastructure en place pour HÊSFS MFTÊQJEÊNJFT  MFWBSJBOU%FMUBFTU IBVUFNFOU USBOTNJTTJCMFFU MFYQÊSJFODF d’autres juridictions montre que nous devons rester vigilants à l’approche de l’automne, BEÊDMBSÊ$ISJTUJOF&MMJPUU WJDFQSFNJÍSF NJOJTUSFFUNJOJTUSFEFMB4BOUÊ&OQSFOBOU EFTNFTVSFTTVQQMÊNFOUBJSFTEBOT MFT NJMJFVYÆIBVU SJTRVF OPVTQSPUÊHFSPOT EBWBOUBHFOPTQFSTPOOFT MFTQMVT WVMOÊ - SBCMFT OPVTQSÊTFSWFSPOTMBDBQBDJUÊEFT IÔQJUBVY OPVTBTTVSFSPOTVOSFUPVSÆMÊDPMF FOUPVUFTÊDVSJUÊFUOPVTHBSEFSPOTM0OUBSJP FOÊUBUEFNBSDIFv Il est maintenant obligatoire pour toute personne qui travaille dans un milieu à haut risque d’infection de recevoir les deux doses du vaccin. Les milieux à haut risque DPNQSFOOFOUMFTÊUBCMJTTFNFOUTQPTUTFDPO - daires, les maisons de retraite, les refuges pour femmes, les foyers de groupe et les centres de traitement pour enfants. Le nouveau mandat exige la mise en place d’une politique de vaccination pour les FNQMPZÊT MFTFOUSFQSFOFVST MFQFSTPOOFM QBSBNÊEJDBM MFTÊUVEJBOUTFUMFTCÊOÊWPMFT EBOT UPVT MFTNJMJFVYÆ SJTRVFÊMFWÊ-FT personnes doivent fournir la preuve d’une WBDDJOBUJPODPNQMÍUF EVOFSBJTPONÊEJDBMF EFOFQBTËUSF WBDDJOÊPVEF MB SÊVTTJUF EVOFTFTTJPOÊEVDBUJWFTVSMBWBDDJOBUJPO COVID-19. Les personnes qui ne fournissent


UIF1à[FS#JP/5FDIWBDDJOF Once the COVID-19 vaccine clinics have concluded, regular in-school immunizations XJMMSFTUBSU5IF&0)6IBTIFMESFHVMBSWBDDJ - nation clinics for Grade 7 students to guard

Gym, social studies, vaccination, then it’s lunchtime. COVID-19 vacci-

BHBJOTU )FQBUJUJT #  HPV, and meningococ- DBMEJTFBTF#VUUIPTF clinics were suspended last year during the pandemic. Students who were in grade 7 in the 2019-2020 school year, the 2020-2021 school year, and the upcoming school year have not yet received UIPTFTIPUT5IF&0)6

Le Bureau de santé de l’est de l’Ontario tiendra des cliniques de vaccination dans les écoles dans le cadre d’une nouvelle initiative provinciale visant à s’assurer que tous les élèves et le personnel scolaire sont protégés contre le COVID-19.

nation clinics will be popping up at schools across the province “as soon as pos- sible”, according to a press release GSPN UIF&BTUFSO Ontario Health 6OJU &0)6 #PUI doses will be avai- lable for students

Livraisons par Night Off Nous sommes situés au 954, rue Giroux, Rockland Pour réservation et commander 613-446-0969

turning 12 by the end of 2021, as well as for school staff and family members, although those aged 17 and under will only be offered

aims to provide these immunizations to all affected students by the end of the 2021- 2022 school year.

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