Creating Futures—CWU Strategic Plan 2023-2028

CWU is Preparing Tomorrow’s Leaders We create futures at Central Washington University. We believe in providing learning experiences that inspire individuals to develop into the leaders their families, workplaces, and communities need to build a brighter future. As we do this work, we recognize the barriers that exist for many people aspiring to achieve their educational and professional goals. We must take our commitment to supporting access and success to the next level: Challenge accepted. Our new Strategic Plan lives at the heart of these challenges by focusing on three key pillars: engagement, belonging, and stewardship. With these core values as our compass, CWU will make the world a better place for our students, their families, and the communities we serve.

WHAT’S INSIDE ▶ From the President ▶ Vision and Mission ▶ Timeline and Steering Committee ▶ Strategic Plan

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From the President Providing access to higher education and creating pathways for student success are two of our guiding principles here at Central Washington University. Above all, we believe everyone should have an abundance of opportunities to create a better future for themselves and their families. While our foundation is strong and our intentions are true, there continue to be too many barriers preventing current and prospective students from achieving their academic and professional goals. As we live into our Vision to be a model learning community of equity and belonging, our Strategic Plan provides us with a roadmap to overcome these obstacles and create a new trajectory for CWU and the communities we serve. First, we need to impress upon more people how a degree from Central can improve their lives. Washington currently has the third-lowest college-going population in the nation, and we intend to change this dynamic through increased community engagement and student success initiatives. Second, we must address the disparity in educational attainment among racial and ethnic minorities in Central Washington. We must also be a strong partner with school districts, community and technical colleges, other four-year institutions, and many of our partners across industry, government, and the nonprofit sector to enhance the pursuit of all opportunities available to students after they graduate high school.

As CWU looks to bridge these gaps, we have identified opportunities through our state-leading College in the High School program and a series of economic and community development initiatives. Informing more students about the financial assistance programs available to them will be another priority for us as we look to provide more opportunities to underserved communities and work toward becoming a Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI). We know there will be challenges ahead as we implement our new Vision, Mission, Values, and Strategic Plan. With an abundance mindset and a focus on adaptive leadership, we will expand culturally sustaining practices and invest in our students’ holistic well-being. CWU’s future is strong.

Vision Central Washington University will be a model learning community of equity and belonging.

Mission In order to build a community of equity and belonging, Central Washington University nurtures culturally sustaining practices that expand access and success to all students. We are committed to fostering high impact practices, sustainability, and authentic community partnerships that are grounded in meaningful relationships.

I look forward to doing the hard work it will require to put our plan into practice.


Jim Wohlpart

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Confronting Challenges CWU’s new Strategic Plan is about creating access and opportunity for all learners. Here are some challenges we are confronting with our work:

▶ Racial and ethnic minorities in six-county Central Washington region—Kittitas, Grant, Chelan, Douglas, Okanogan, and Yakima—are significantly less likely to carry a bachelor’s degree* • 19.4% Regional average • 29.4% White • 13.1% Native and Indigenous • 9% Latinx ▶ Central Washington has 11 Opportunity Zone tracts in a six-county region**

▶ The immediate college-going rate in Washington is 48 th out of 50 states ▶ FAFSA and WASFA completion rates in Washington are 48 th out of 50 states ▶ Traditionally lower-income communities are typically left behind by higher education, and CWU must do our part to remove barriers ▶ Washington state has approximately 350,000 residents between ages 18-49 who live in an “education desert”

“ Shared vision can generate levels of creative tension that go far beyond individuals’ comfort levels. Those who will contribute the most toward realizing a lofty vision will be those who can ‘hold’ this creative tension: remain clear on the vision and continue to inquire into current reality. They will be the ones who believe deeply in their ability to create their future, because that is what they experience personally. — Peter Senge, The Fifth Discipline

* Source: American Community Survey, 2021

** F ederally recognized economically distressed communties marked by high poverty and high unemployment.

If we hear, ‘But we’ve never done it this way’—or, more insidiously, ‘We tried that’—it may be evidence that we are living into our Vision, Mission, and Values and expecting us to rethink what we are doing. When we hear these phrases, we might gently, graciously call each other out. We cannot let our past stifle the opportunities we have to create a future filled with promise. Our work is too important. There is too much at stake. —Jim Wohlpart, CWU President

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Timeline: Vision, Mission, Values, and Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan Steering Committee:

▶ Missy Davis

Classified Employee ▶ Jessica Murillo-Rosales Davis Alumni representing Graduate Students ▶ Laura Dahlby Nicolai Athletics ▶ Sigrid Davison Office of DEI ▶ Wendy Iwaszuk Alumni/Foundation Board Member ▶ Elizabeth Brown Academic Department Chair Council ▶ Jennifer Dechaine-Berkas Faculty ▶ Elvin Delgado Former Faculty Senate Chair ▶ Jeff Stinson Provost’s Council (former) ▶ Jonathon Henderson Exempt Employee ▶ Luis Reyes ASCWU President (2022-23)




July-August Vision, Mission, and Strategic Plan process begins


Summary of survey responses shared with CWU community

University-wide survey sent out to help define goals for Vision and Mission

Process for developing new Vision and Mission announced to university

Vision, Mission, and Strategic Plan Steering Committee formed

February Open forums held for faculty, staff, students, and community members



Phase I of Strategic Plan process begins and university-wide feedback provided September- October

November- December

Board of Trustees approves final Vision and Mission statements

University-wide feedback on final drafts of Vision and Mission statements

Phase II of Strategic Plan process begins and results shared with CWU community

February-March CWU community provides input




Draft Values and Strategic Plan framework developed

Board of Trustees approves final Values and Strategic Plan

Final Values and Strategic Plan created with input from shared governance groups

From the very beginning of this process, our shared governance groups across the university wanted our Strategic Plan to be grounded in the Core Values that define CWU’s Vision and Mission. We received valuable input from the Faculty Senate, Classified and Exempt Employee associations, ASCWU Board of Directors, University Administrative Leadership Team, Steering Committee, and other members of the CWU community. Thanks to the hard work and insight of these shared governance groups, we are prepared to put all of the pieces of our Strategic Plan together as we seek to create a more equitable, more inclusive institution.

on three models of values-based Strategic Plan

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Unifying Value: Student Success Central Washington University creates pathways for students of all backgrounds to reach their academic and professional goals. Through providing a supportive learning environment, faculty and staff inspire students to become engaged professionals, active citizens, and lifelong learners.

Goal 1

Goal 3

Goal 2

Develop clear pathways into and through the university to ensure equitable access to higher education, enhance student engagement and success, and improve retention and graduation rates. Initiative 1.1: Increase enrollment through the development and implementation of a relational recruitment model integrated with clearly branded marketing. Initiative 1.2: Increase retention rates of new freshman students, closing equity gaps. Initiative 1.3: Analyze completion rates by course and overall graduation rates, using disaggregated data for different demographic groups, and close equity gaps in student success. Initiative 1.4: Working with high schools and community colleges, develop clear pathways into the university to provide equitable and inclusive enrollment practices and graduation attainment. Initiative 1.5: Map inclusive, evidence-based and pedagogically sound High Impact Practices (HIPs) to our academic and student engagement programs in a developmental way throughout a student’s journey.

Elevate culturally sustaining practices so that the cultural wealth that historically excluded students, faculty, and staff bring to our university community is integrated into the learning environment. Initiative 2.1: Develop and implement a comprehensive faculty development program that focuses on inclusive pedagogy, culturally responsive teaching practices, and designing curricula that incorporate diverse perspectives and experiences. Initiative 2.2: Develop workshops and seminars for staff to advance culturally sustaining practices in student engagement and success programming.

Elevate the holistic well-being of our students. Initiative 3.1: Establish the Culture of Respect Leadership Council and implement the CWU Safe Work Group recommendations. Initiative 3.2: Increase awareness and utilization of student health and wellness support services. Initiative 3.3: Support and expand access to basic needs, including establishing a resource coordinator dedicated to assisting students experiencing food and housing insecurity. Initiative 3.4: Expand access to financial literacy and financial coaching services for all students through a partnership between the Financial Wellness Center, the Center for Financial Planning and Well- Being, and academic programs.

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Core Value 1: Engagement Central Washington University nurtures authentic relationships built on mutual respect, responsibility, and reciprocity. Our various communities engage in a network of mutuality and interdependence to advance collective learning and growth.

Goal 1

Goal 2

Amplify and elevate the university’s relationship with local and regional communities.

Partner with businesses, nonprofits, governmental agencies, tribal agencies, and other entities, as well as with individuals, to increase opportunities for students. Initiative 2.1: Create an Institute for Civic and Community Engagement that partners with SLICE to expand community partnerships to provide experiential learning and civic engagement opportunities for students. Initiative 2.2: Working through the Campus Compact model, develop and implement a Civic Action Plan. Initiative 2.3: Strengthen the partnership between the Foundation, the Alumni Association, and the university community to enhance lifelong alumni and donor relationships that support our students, faculty, and staff.

Initiative 1.1: Integrate our strategic planning and activities with the cities within Kittitas County and with the county as a whole, as well as with other cities and counties in our region. Initiative 1.2: Integrate our planning and activities at the Centers with the communities local to the Centers, and include the Centers with university-wide initiatives. Initiative 1.3: Cultivate a partnership with the Yakama Nation and other regional tribal nations built on meaningful, ongoing consultation, collaboration, and cooperation. Initiative 1.4: Participate in the creation and implementation of an economic development plan that builds a partnership between CWU and the cities within Kittitas County and with the county as a whole.

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Core Value 2: Belonging Central Washington University believes that a diversity of peoples, cultures, and ideas are essential to learning, discovery, and creativity. Collectively, we take responsibility for welcoming and integrating diverse perspectives into our community to advance our Vision and Mission.

Goal 1

Goal 2

Goal 3

Establish hiring, onboarding, and evaluation processes that nurture a culture of inclusion for all employees with a focus on increasing the number of employees from historically excluded groups. Initiative 1.1: Make diversity and equity a priority in the hiring, onboarding, and retention of faculty and staff. Initiative 1.2: Create a process for ongoing consultation with historically excluded faculty and staff regarding the development of support mechanisms necessary for their success. Initiative 1.3: Facilitate and promote the work of faculty in advancing diversity and inclusion in teaching, scholarship, and service in compliance with the collective bargaining agreement to ensure that such work will be counted in professional records to meet tenure and promotion criteria. Initiative 1.4: Review and ensure that university criteria for reappointment, tenure and promotion, and post tenure review further diversity and inclusion in teaching, scholarship and service, and that the college criteria aligns with the university criteria.

Become a Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI).

Cultivate an inclusive and welcoming campus culture that embraces diversity, fosters a sense of belonging for all students, faculty, and staff, and nurtures pride in the university. Initiative 3.1: Develop and implement diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) training programs for faculty, staff, and students to raise awareness, build understanding, and promote inclusive practices across the university. Initiative 3.2: Establish, maintain, and resource affinity groups for historically excluded students, faculty, and staff, focused on marginalized identities such as racial/ethnic, LGBTQ+, disabled, and internationals, to create a safe and supportive environment where they can connect and share experiences. Initiative 3.3: Build mechanisms for nurturing a strong sense of affiliation with and pride in Central Washington University.

Initiative 2.1: Develop a Hispanic/Latinx Thriving Leadership Council of faculty, staff, students, and community members to chart the path toward becoming an HSI, with clear leadership and resources, including continued participation at United States Hispanic Leadership Institute, Alliance for Hispanic Serving Institution Educators, and Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities, and create a dedicated position to coordinate these efforts. Initiative 2.2: Develop strategic partnerships with equity organizations, local community-based organizations, and HSIs for knowledge sharing and program development to better support underserved students. Initiative 2.3: Develop a plan for early outreach, targeted recruitment, retention, and graduation of Latinx students. Initiative 2.4: Develop a plan for hiring, retaining, mentoring, and promoting Latinx and bilingual faculty, staff, and administrators. Initiative 2.5: Implement bilingual and culturally responsive practices across the institution, including translation of important materials and information into Spanish.

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Core Value 3: Stewardship

Goal 1 Promote sustainable practices and responsible stewardship of land and resources to support an ecologically healthy and socially just world, while respecting and honoring Indigenous peoples. Initiative 1.1: Develop and implement a comprehensive, university-wide Sustainability and Climate Change Action Plan, which incorporates environmental, social, and economic considerations into university operations, infrastructure, and academic programs in collaboration with the local community. Initiative 1.2: Integrate sustainability into university-wide curriculum to provide students with the knowledge, skills, competencies, and values necessary to shape an equitable and sustainable future.

Goal 2

Goal 3

Elevate shared governance and collaboration across the university and advance professional development and leadership opportunities that demonstrate the value of our human resources and that build a strong, united university community. Initiative 2.1: Create a university-wide committee consisting of representatives from faculty, staff, students, administrators, and trustees to study shared governance, review our shared governance practices, and create a national model for shared governance. Initiative 2.2: Elevate the application of emotional intelligence, equity-mindedness, collaboration, inclusion, and deep care through professional development and mentoring centered on building a model of leadership-in-place. Initiative 2.3: Develop a new performance management process and criteria for staff that advances the university’s Vision and Values.

Implement values-based budgeting to ensure the efficient and effective use of fiscal resources and the long-term fiscal sustainability of the university. Initiative 3.1: Right-size and fully fund instructional and non- instructional employee costs that meet or exceed the historical norms of the university and that support the Vision, Mission, Values, and Strategic Plan. Initiative 3.2: Reduce redundancies and inefficiencies in goods and services costs and develop mechanisms to monitor and control spending in support of the Vision, Mission, Values, and Strategic Plan. Initiative 3.3: Develop a values-based fund to incentivize, reward, and invest in the Vision, Mission, Values, and Strategic Plan. Initiative 3.4: Build university reserves equivalent to a minimum of three years of bond payments.

Central Washington University advances environmental, social, and economic sustainability in ways that support an ecologically healthy and socially just world and that honor the Indigenous peoples who have resided here since time immemorial and who continue to reside here. We nurture our internal talent through professional development opportunities, coaching and mentoring, and accountability enacted with care and compassion.

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Building a Better Future The future is bright here at Central Washington University, and we have a tremendous opportunity to take our work to the next level with our carefully crafted Vision, Mission, Values and Strategic Plan to guide us. With input from the entire CWU community over the past two years, we have positioned ourselves as a destination for 21 st century learners in search of transformational life experiences. By providing a supportive, inclusive learning environment grounded in mutual respect and responsibility, CWU students are empowered along their journey to becoming engaged professionals, active citizens, and lifelong learners. There is still much work to be done as we seek to ensure more equitable access to higher education, enhance student engagement and success initiatives, and improve retention and graduation rates. As we continue to nurture authentic relationships and celebrate the unique gifts and talents each of us brings to CWU, we will live into our Vision as a model learning community of equity and belonging.

“ You cannot have a learning organization without shared vision. Without a pull toward some goal which people truly want to achieve, the forces in support of the status quo can be overwhelming. Vision establishes an overarching goal. The loftiness of the target compels new ways of thinking and acting.… Shared vision provides a rudder to keep the learning process on course when stresses develop. Learning can be difficult, even painful. With a shared vision, we are more likely to expose our ways of thinking, give up deeply held views, and recognize personal and organizational shortcomings. —Peter Senge, The Fifth Discipline

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“ We’ve all heard the famous saying from Peter Drucker: ‘Culture eats strategy for breakfast.’ Culture is invisible to us. It is the water we swim in. It is how we do things. It is how we have always done things. It can create inertia. It can stifle creativity, innovation, and change. Now we have a Vision, Mission, Values, and Strategic Plan that are asking us to do things differently—to think differently and to act differently. Our Strategic Plan includes initiatives that will engage and shift our culture, giving us the opportunity to think and to act differently. But we must engage these initiatives if this work is going to come to life. —Jim Wohlpart, CWU President

Office of the President 509-963-2111

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