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Letter to the Editor

the 17/174 corridor a reality. That was the first and last time we heard from them. Residents have a right to feel angered about the 17/174 debacle and should be making their voices heard about it rather than adopting a “c’est la vie” mindset. Notwithstanding the frustrations we all feel each time, this corridor is closed due to an accident or sinkhole at any time of the day or night, and we are forced into taking ridiculously long detours onto equally hazardous roads that have been severely neglected, the safety of our commuting residents is of paramount importance. All of this demands that this matter be raised to the province in a most vociferous manner at every opportunity. Elections are coming up and promises

This past week, Ottawa media reported that Highway 17 between Renfrew and Arnprior would be widened from two lanes to four. Part of their rationale for this was to provide increased highway safety. While I understand that this stretch is a provincial responsibility and the corridor from Rockland to Canaan Road is a county responsibility, it does not negate the frus- tration and resentment Clarence-Rockland residents must feel at hearing this news. This stretch of road is not safe; it even defies the definition if a “normal commute.” In its current state, it’s more of a lotto game where the odds are against you will get to your destination safely or even on time.

NOUVEAU VÉLO DE MONTAGNE POUR LES JEUNES désireux d’en apprendre plus sur la sécurité. Ceux-ci ont appris comment se portait un masque à oxygène et comment plusieurs autres outils sont utilisés par les pompiers afin de sauver des vies. De plus, ils ont appris comment prévenir les feux. Les enfants se sont aussi amusés avec un tuyau d’arrosage. —photo fournie Plusieurs jeunes de la région ont profité d’une leçon sur la sécurité, le 10 juillet dernier. Quelques pompiers du Service des incendies de Clarence-Rockland ont visité le gym CrossFit de Rockland. C’est là qu’une vingtaine de jeunes les attendaient,

No one seems to be able to answer the questions: “How was this stretch, which was once a provincial responsibility, allowed to be downloaded to the county, and how or perhaps ‘who’ benefited from this ill-conceived decision?” Approximately three years ago, a group of enthusiastic business leaders within our community supplemented with outside legal counsel held a public, very well-at- tended meeting to advise residents that plans were afoot to make the widening of

will likely be made but it’s up to us to make leaders accountable. Yes, the 17/174 is a county road but most people in the county don’t commute on it daily so don’t expect them to make any loud noises. Most Clarence-Rockland commuters do use the 17/174 daily so it’s up to us to be the squeaky wheel.

Suzanne Normoylle Rockland

Publié le jeudi par • Published on Thursday by: La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc. Imprimé par • Printed by: Imprimerie Prescott et Russell, Hawkesbury, ON # convention : 0040012398

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Une nouvelle surprise attend les enfants qui fréquentent la Forêt Larose. Ceux-ci auront la chance de s’initier gratuitement au vélo de montagne, à l’aide d’un tout nouveau vélo, soit un modèle Norco Fluid 4 FS. C’est grâce au programme Enfants en santé action communautaire Alfred-Plantagenet et Bourget ainsi qu’aux propriétaires de VéloXpress d’Embrun, Michel et Madeleine Laplante, que le bolide est offert aux jeunes. Les intéressés pourront pratiquer du vélo de montagne dans les sentiers de la Forêt Larose. On reconnait ci-dessus Louis Prévost des Comtes unis de Prescott et Russell, ainsi que M. et Mme Laplante. —photo fournie

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