Al Jazeera In 1000 Academic Studies

114. Name: Fayez Shaheen Title: Middle East Coverage in the Main News of Three Arabic Language TV Channels, Al Jazeera, Al Arabiya and Al Hurra: A Comparison between Aljazeera’s ‘Hasad Alyaum’, Alarabiya’s ‘Akhbar As-Sadisa’ and Al Hurra’s ‘Alalam Alyaum’ Institution: Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen Country: Germany Date: 2013 Language: German Abstract: This study analyzes approximately 260 hours of news from three television programs: ‘Harvest of the Day’ (Al Jazeera), ‘News at Six’ (Al Arabiya), and ‘The World Today’ (Al Hurra). The study employs a quantitative analysis of the data and a qualitative analysis of news texts. The quantitative section discusses the objectives of the study and research methods, and examines news stories and features of news coverage of the Middle East from the three channels. Regarding the coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, this study presents a comparative analysis of sampled news reports, taking into consideration the number of reports and their sizes on each side of the conflict. The study analyzes the depiction of the Palestinians and the Israelis in news bulletins of the three channels, focusing on the language, the images, the footages, the live windows, the soundbites and the political statements used in the coverage. The second section of the study includes a qualitative analysis of the distribution of news stories, and a qualitative analysis of news items covering a range of news topics on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in the three stations.


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