Al Jazeera In 1000 Academic Studies

157. Name: Sawsan Taha Title:ArabMediaRepresentationoftheInternalPalestinianConflict: A Comparative Analysis of News Reporting (Al Jazeera and Al Arabiya) Institution: Brunel University London Country: United Kingdom Date: 2017 Language: English Abstract: This thesis examines how the domestic conflict between Fatah and Hamas was represented in the news reports of the two largest Arab satellite channels, Al Jazeera Al Arabiya. It looks at the delimiting effect that dominant, privately owned satellite news networks have on the maintenance of the public sphere. The findings of the study outline the boundaries of the Arab satellite media’s independence and objectivity, and illustrate its persistent submission to political interests. While this is reflected in the two channels’ coverage of ‘Palestine’, it indicated that these channels’ adherence to high journalistic standards is compromised when the crucial ideological interests of their sponsors are involved. The notion that these two channels are working with objective standards of reporting is weakened when it comes to covering events that involve Qatari and Saudi interests. Accordingly, Al Jazeera and Al Arabiya presented different versions of the same events of the Hamas and Fatah conflict that are indicative of their clashing political stances. The findings show that the reporting of the conflict did not meet the professional journalistic and ethical requirements of neutrality and value judgements.


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