
23,000 COPIES

Volume 4 • No. 28 • 12 pages • CORNWALL, ON • MAY 28 MAI, 2014

About 60 people packed Koala Place, on May 22, for the official opening of the Koala Place. Several dignitaries such as MP Guy Lauzon, MPP Jim McDonell and acting mayor Glen Grant were amongst the familiar faces that could be seen during the ceremony. Since January 6, the centre has helped 36 children and teens.“The creation of Koala Place is the culmination of an effort by many individuals and community organizations, stated Daniel Parkinson, chief of the Cornwall Community Police. Read the whole story on page 6 Koala Place officially opens

Défi Transport prendra d’assaut Cornwall

Appel aux immigrants francophones

Page 3

Page 4

Page 7

New Chair for Team Cornwall


A bedfull of foreigners at the Playhouse

Christmas Carol . Alison Lawrence is Brenda and was seen here in Wife Begins at Forty , Self-Help and On Golden Pond to name a few. Marshall Button, locally and nationally known for his comic mill-worker Lucien, is Karak, the hotel porter. Buttonwas also seen in countless Playhouse productions from The Honeymooners to Sadie Flynn Comes to Big Oak . Timm Hughes takes on the du- ties of Hotel Manager, Heinz, and was last seen in Hotbed Hotel , Dear Santa and Mur- der at the Howard Johnson’s , among others. Exotic dancer, Simone, is played by Debra Hale who delighted audiences in such past shows as The Amorous Ambassador , The Sensuous Senator and PerfectWedding . Stan-

sonality of its own. When Brenda leaves to retrieve a lost ring, Stanley is left to deal with a series of events and bizarre characters that leave him literal- ly running about in circles, getting trapped in a closet; lowering a strange lady out a window; being chased by an angry man with a lavatory chain; dealing with a schem- ing, inept hotel porter and a womanizing, incompetent manager; being seduced by a burlesque dancer and all the time horrified

ley’s unexpected roommates are Claude, played by Shaun Clarke and Helga, by Kate Gordon. Both were seen last season-Clarke as the bank inspector in No Sex Please, We’re British and Gordon as the hotel receptionist in Whose Wives Are They Anyway . The set is designed by Sean Free and Donnie Bowes directs. “This will be like old home week for this cast since they’ve worked together off and on for years,”expressed Bowes. “I’ll have my work cut out for me. They’ll be a handful for sure. Audiences had better buckle their seat belts!” More information is available at 613 543-3713 or at 1 877 550-3650


MORRISBURG | The Upper Canada Play- house kicks off its summer season with A bedfull of foreigners, a top notch hilarious comedy. The classic comedy by Dave Free- man runs from June 5 to 19 and is set in a hotel on the French/German border dur- ing a popular village festival weekend.

by the knowledge that his troubles have just begun! Audienc- es are in for a whirl- wind comic ride that only a great comedy and a dynamite cast can deliver.

“This will be like old home week for this cast since they’ve worked together off and on for years...» Donnie Bowes

What could possibly spoil such a promis- ing vacation? This season opener follows the misadven- tures of Stanley and

Cornwall will be hosting the Canadian Nationals of Slalom Skateboarding on August 30. The two day event will welcome more than 40 skateboarders from across the coun- try and will take place behind the Civic Complex. The competition will focus on racing down a course marked with flags and poles, instead of stunts. “Everybody likes to race,” explained Claude Regnier, former Canadian Nationals slalom champion. “This aspect of skateboarding is all about racing.” Skateboard Nationals in Cornwall

Brenda as they take the last room available in a run-down hotel, only to find they have to share it with total strangers. A double- booked hotel room is always fodder for hilarity and A bedfull of foreigners serves up plenty of it, complete with a host of madcap characters and a set that has a quirky per-

The Playhouse has assembled a team of veteran comic actors and audience favou- rites to bring this riotous comedy alive. Stanley is played by Jamie Williams who appeared in several past Playhouse shows including Bedtime Stories , Run For Your Wife , A Nice Family Gathering and most recently A

Maintenant disponible sur : Now available on:


Centre Charles-Émile-Claude L’assemblée générale annuelle du Centre Charles-Émile-Claude se tiendra le 4 juin prochain, de 19h à 21h. Tous sont invités. Overeaters Anonymous Is food a problem? Is your weight affecting your life? If so, contact Overeaters Anony- mous. Meetings are held every Tuesdays at 8 p.m. at the Cornwall Wesleyan Church, 780, Sydney Street. For more information, or 613 363-4606 Séance d’accueil du Club de plein air Le samedi 31 mai à 13h, venez rencontrer les membres du Cornwall Outdoor Club de Plein Air. Il y aura des jeux à l’extérieur et «cocktails» sans alcool sur la terrasse du Parc Lamoureux. Téléphonez au 613 935-5816 pour vous inscrire ou visitez www.cornwall- Excursion en kayak ou canoë sur la rivière Nation Sud à Casselman Le dimanche 1 juin, à 9h, venez pagayer sur la rivière Nation Sud à Casselman. Pour de plus amples informations ou pour vous inscrire, téléphonez au 613 764-3803 ou visitez communautaire Le lien community link The

Appel aux immigrants francophones  gŏđŏ

a eu aucun nouvel arrivant», a-t-il déclaré. Selon M. Brennan, il faudrait, d’une part, doubler le nombre d’étudiants interna- tionaux au Canada d’ici 2022 et accroître le nombre d’étudiants internationaux qui choisissent de demeurer au Canada comme résidents permanents après l’obtention de leur diplôme. Deuxièmement, il faudrait mettre en valeur l’identité multiculturelle et bilingue du Canada dans les efforts de marketing et de création de partenariats stratégiques et en tirer parti. Il estime aussi


CORNWALL | SelonMatthieu Brennan, pré- sident de Bryaert, Brennan et Associées et invité spécial lors du Déjeuner franco- échange du 23 mars dernier, Cornwall devrait accueillir 15 familles immigrantes par année. Sa présentation n’a pas man- qué de faire réfléchir la trentaine d’indivi- dus qui participaient à l’événement.

qu’on devrait mettre en valeur l’atout de la langue française au Canada pour ensuite accroître la part du pays sur le marché in- ternational des étudi- ants francophones. M. Brennan a aussi

Si nous pouvons attirer au moins 15 familles à Cornwall, ça voudrait dire une classe de plus Matthieu Brennan

« Si nous pouvons attirer au moins 15 familles à Cornwall, ça voudrait dire une classe de plus, a ex- pliqu é M. Brennan.

Donc, ça veut aussi dire un enseignant de plus. C’est comme ça que l’argent bouge et ça pourrait améliorer l’économie locale.» Selon l’ancien étudiant de l’Université d’Ottawa, la réforme sur l’immigration intro- duit par le gouvernement fédéral serait un bon atout pour le pays. Celle-ci faciliterait le passage d’offres venant du Canada pour accueillir divers immigrants qualifiés. La ré- forme reposerait sur quatre piliers: l’écono- mie, l’efficience, l’autorisation ou accrédita- tion d’organismes désignés et la sécurité publique. Deux voies d’entrée sont donc disponibles aux futurs immigrants, soit en tant que résidents permanents ou résidents temporaires. . «Le Québec a su réduire son taux d’immigration pour seulement accueil- lir des arrivants francophones, tandis qu’à Cornwall, selon Immigration Canada, il n’y

expliqué que la réforme aura un effet posi- tif sur les communautés francophones ca- nadiennes, bien qu’elles devront s’adapter en passant d’un mode réactif d’accueil et d’intégration d’immigrants qui se présen- tent aux portes des organismes et des établissements de la communauté, à un mode proactif, pour mettre en œuvre des nouvelles stratégies à l’étranger et au Can- ada. L’expert prédit que d’ici quatre à huit ans, on pourrait prévoir une diminution im- portante de la formation linguistique, une augmentation de la spécialisation et de l’accréditation des organismes de presta- tion de services ainsi qu’une augmentation de la sélection d’immigrants destinés aux communautés francophones, par la voix d’offres d’emplois réservées.

396$ amassés pour Cops and Rockers

Book now!

450 539-3835 $129* $167* 450 378-0213 $130* $168* 1 855 525-3402 $130* $168* 450 378-2181 $130* $168*

Camping La Rivière du Passant, St-Joachim-de-Shefford ***

Camping Bonjour, Granby**** (5 min. from Zoo )

Camping de L’Île, Roxton Falls ****

Camping Oasis, Ste-Cécile de Milton **** (10 min. from Zoo, cabins available)

Camping Tropicana, Granby ** 450 378-9410 $134* $172* Motel Bonsoir, Granby ** (5 min. from Zoo,equipped BBQ,playground & outdoor pool ) 1 888 311-7947 $196* $239* Auberge Château-Bromont, Bromont **** 1 888 247-5806 $203* $241* Hôtel Le Granbyen, Granby *** (continental breakfast incl.,outdoor pool,4 min. from Zoo) 1 800 267-8406 $209* $261* Hôtel Bromont *** (continental buffet breakfast included, pool & spa ) 1 800 461-3790 $219* $261* Holiday Inn Express & Suites Saint-Hyacinthe, *** (full breakfast incl., indoor pool) 450 251-1111 $224* $259* Studiotel Bromont , Bromont *** (full kitchens, private terrace) 1 877 534-9990 $235 $285 Hôtel Château-Bromont, Bromont **** 1 888 413-5749 $243* $281* Hôtel Castel & Spa Confort, Granby **** (full breakfast incl.,playground & outdoor pool) 1 800 363-8953 $244* $321* St-Christophe Hôtel et SPA, Granby **** (american breakfast incl., indoor pool ) 1 877 405-4782 $259* $319* Including 2-day admission at the Granby Zoo 1-night stay in double or family occupancy (2 adults & 2 children, 17 years old and under). Valid from May 31 st to August 24 , 2014, according to availability. Taxes not included. * Rates starting from. Possibility of 2 nights stay and more

Photo fournie

Dans le cadre de la campagne Cops and Rockers, organisée par la Police de Cornwall, l’École secondaire publique L’Héritage a amassé 396$ cette année pour le club gar- çons et filles. Le constable Blake Paquin a présenté à Amélie Faubert, élève de la 7 e année, un certificat de reconnaissance.


New Chair for Team Cornwall

tion that was formed in 1996. Gault will be the fifth chair since inception. “Peter Gault will bring a lot of experience and energy to Team Cornwall,” said Mayor Bob Kilger. “At the same time, the efforts of Gilles Latour are to be applauded as he has gone beyond the call of duty in the service of our citizens.” Latour is a recognized figure in Cornwall, having chaired Team Cornwall for the past 10 years. Under his leadership, member- ship grew by 25% and events such as the annual golf tournament and Year in Review surged in popularity. Many credit Mr. Latour for helping get Cornwall a higher profile in out of town media such as CTV Ottawa. His efforts were recognized in 2013 when the Cornwall and Area Chamber of Commerce presented him with the inaugural Ambas- sador of the Year award. “I am happy that Team Cornwall contin- ues to thrive and that our members are out in the world speaking up for Cornwall,” said. Latour. “We have a solid organization and I


CORNWALL | Local businessman Peter Gault has been elected chair of Team Cornwall at the most recent Team Corn- wall board meeting. He will take over the reins of the ambassadorial group from Gilles Latour, who will be staying on as past-chair. Gault is a founding member of Team Cornwall, and has previously served the community as co-chair of the St. Law- rence College Foundation fundraising campaign. He is also a past president of the Cornwall and Area Chamber of Com- merce. “I am looking forward to working with our members to help promote Cornwall abroad,” said Gault. “I am fortunate to have a well-established structure and energetic board to help me.” Team Cornwall is a volunteer organiza-

Les coopérateurs et coopératrices de l’Ontario sont présentement invités à soumettre leur candidature à l’Ordre du mérite des Caisses populaires de l’Ontario. L’Ordre du mérite est un programme qui vise à reconnaître l’apport remarquable d’une personne ayant contribué au mouvement coopératif fran- co-ontarien, que ce soit en ayant créé une coopérative ou participé activement au développement d’une coopérative existante. En plus d’être reconnu par ses pairs en recevant cette distinction, le récipiendaire verra verser, en son nom, un montant de 2000 $ à la Fondation franco-ontarienne. Les personnes sou- haitant soumettre une candidature sont invitées à visiter le site Internet de la Fondation franco-ontarienne afin de télécharger le formulaire de mise en can- didature. L’adresse est: La date limite est le 30 juin 2014. Appel de candidatures

Submitted photo

Local businessman Peter Gault has been elected chair of Team Cornwall at the most recent Team Cornwall board meeting. He will take over the reins of the ambassado- rial group from Gilles Latour, who will be staying on as past-chair. Pictured are Gilles Latour and Peter Gault

am anxious to see where Peter will take us” Gault and Latour are joined on the board of Team Cornwall by newcomers Valérie Doré, Dani Tedesco-Derouchie, Wendy Har- greaves and Chantal Lalonde-Beaudette, in

addition to returning board members Paul Desnoyers, Joanne Brault, Diane Brown, Mi- chael Galvin, Alison Hudson, David Murphy, Bob Peters, Todd Bennett and Amanda Bris- son.

23 000 copies

625, ch Montréal, Cornwall, Ontario K6H 1C3 Tel.:

Que de bons spectacles

613 938-1433 • Fax.: 613 938-2798

Bertrand Castonguay , Président • President , Roger Duplantie , Directeur Général • General Manager , François Bélair , Directeur des ventes et développement • Sales and Development Manager , François Legault , Directeur de l’information/News Editor, Julien Boisvenue, Dir. de l’infographie et du prépresse • Layout & Prepress Mgr. Publicité • Advertising : Nouvelles / News: Classées • Classified : Distribution :

Pourquoi se rendre à Montréal ou à Ottawa pour de bons spectacles quand il y en de si bons à Alexandria! Nous devons une dette à Nicole Geoffrion et son équipe pour la sélection de tous ces bijoux qui nous font apprécier la vie. Durant la première demi-heure de la soirée du 23 mai, on a bien aimé Gabrielle Campbell et ses invités, un groupe de jeunes musiciens et de belles voix, quelques- unes venant de l’école élémentaire locale. Parmi eux, un chœur qui chantait par cœur. Parmi quelques chansons, Vois sur tes chemins, tiré du film Les Choristes a été rendu avec brio. Mais quel spectacle spectaculaire en deuxième partie. La comédie musicale, autant s’emportent les gens, jouée par Le Théâtre sur la coche nous fait rire aux éclats. Ils sont toujours en mouvement, la chorégraphie est bien organisée. Une réplique n’attend pas l’autre. Les expressions corporelles nous épatent. Les bras, les jambes les hanches bougent toujours. Les voix sont exceptionnelles, dignes d’un opéra, mais pas un per- sonnage ne se prend au sérieux. On sent l’énergie, le mouvement continuel. Il ne faut pas rire trop fort, on manque un passage drôle. J’ai entendu des phrases dignes de Sol! Et que dire de l’imitateur de Bernard de Rome! Et les décors! Extraordinaires! C’est le signe que les vrais artistes n’ont pas toujours besoin d’emballages compliqués. Ils avaient des chaises qu’on a vues seulement au début. Une boîte en bois a servi à l’occasion. Jules Bourdon Cornwall

Publié tous les mercredis par • Published every Wednesdays by La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc. Imprimé par • Printed by: Imprimerie Prescott et Russell 1100 Aberdeen, Hawkesbury (Ontario) K6A 3H1 Tel.: 613 632-4151 • Fax: 613 632-6122 1 800 267-0850 Total Distribution totale: 23 000 copies # convention: 0040012398 Toute reproduction du contenu est interdite à moins d’autorisation écrite au préalable. No content may be reproduced without prior written permission.

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Nous invitons les lecteurs à nous faire parvenir leurs lettres qui ne doivent pas dépasser 300 mots. Nous nous réservons le droit de les modifier ou de refuser de les publier. L’expéditeur doit inclure son nom, prénom, adresse et numéro de téléphone. Readers are invited to send us their letters that must not exceed 300 words. We reserve the right to modify them or to refuse to publish them. The writer must include their names, address and telephone number.

 gŏđŏ   Dix prix sportifs

Photo fournie

(/ŏ"+*0ŏý+00!.ŏ(!1.ŏ*+0 Une dizaine d’élèves de l’École secondaire catholique La Citadelle ont reçu des prix prestigieux lors du 50 e Banquet Athlétique du Club Lions, le mercredi 14 mai au Centre civique. La soirée a permis à plusieurs membres de la communauté de célé- brer les succès des athlètes et bénévoles exceptionnels qui se retrouvent dans notre communauté. À l’avant, Samuel Fontaine a reçu le Trophée Joe St-Denis, Dany Alleyn (École secondaire - soccer masculin) et Samuel Tremblay (hockey masculin - ville). À l’arrière, on reconnaît Devin Radley (École secondaire - golf masculin), Mélanie Léger (volley-ball féminin - ville), CloéeMénard (École secondaire - badminton féminin), Sa- rah Lefebvre (basket-ball féminin - ville), Mélanie Carrière (École secondaire - golf féminin), ÉmilieTremblay (École secondaire - hockey féminin) et Philippe Lalonde qui a remporté le prix de l’athlète de l’année.

BDO – comptables agréés et conseillers en affaires présente

Le samedi 7 juin sur le patio magnifique du CENTRE NAV Buffet BBQ en plein air à multiples stations Spectacles et danse sur le patio, musique du groupe The Don K’s et de Tracy Lalonde Services DJ de Flowdroidz *** SIÈGES LIMITÉS *** Billets : 75 $ chacun ou 2 pour 130 $ (un rabais de 20 $)

Photo Francis Racine

Les billets sont disponibles à

AGA CENTRE CHARLES-ÉMILE-CLAUDE Centre polyvalent des aîné(e)s inc. Mercredi 4 juin 2014 à 19 h 146, avenue Chevrier – Cornwall Présentation des états financiers par la firme CKDM Nouvelle planification stratégique

Des de l’école Marie-Tan- guay ont eu la chance de faire flotter le canot qu’ils ont construit fièrement, sur le fleuve Saint- Laurent, le 16 mai dernier. Malgré l’annonce de pluie, près d’une cin- quantaine d’élèves étaient présents pour observer leur élèves

av. Brookdale Mer. 9 h 30 - 16 h, jeu. & ven. 9 h 30 - 19 h et celle-ci remettra un don équivalant à la somme du prix des billets à la ∙ 613 930-4508


A safe haven for abused children

centre, provides a safe, neutral and confi- dential environment where young victims of physical and/or sexual abuse can meet with police services, Children’s Aid Society of SD & G and others. The driving vision for the centre began in 2006, when a group of volunteer community members formed as a response to the Cornwall Public Inquiry Phase 2: Healing and Reconciliation. The group became an incorporated organiza- tion named PrévAction and was asked to provide input to the Commissioner. It was recognized that the development and im- plementation of a Child and Youth advoca- cy centre was needed for the region. “The intent of this centre is to minimize the impact and effect of the abuse on chil- dren and their interactions with victims and witness professionals such as crown attorneys, police, child welfare workers and medical personnel, explained Parkinson. The Cornwall Community Police Service is proud to have been involved for the past several years in the evolution and creation of this invaluable service to victims of crime.” “What a great day it is today,” said Richard


CORNWALL | About 60 people packed Ko- ala Place, on May 22, for the official open- ing of the centre. Several dignitaries such as MP Guy Lauzon, MPP JimMcDonell and acting mayor Glen Grant were amongst the familiar faces that could be seen dur- ing the ceremony. Since January 6, the centre has helped 36 children and teens. “The creation of Koala Place is the culmi- nation of an effort by many individuals and community organizations, stated Daniel Parkinson, chief of the Cornwall Community Police.“It comes as a response to the recom- mendations of the Cornwall Public Inquiry and is modeled after successful centres across the province, country and continent.” “We’ve been organizing it since 2009,” explained Elyse Lauzon-Alguire, executive director for Koala Place. “With the help of Justice Canada, we finally managed to es- tablish the centre earlier this year.” Koala Place, a child and youth advocacy

Photos Francis Racine

About 60 people packed Koala Place, on May 22, for the official opening of the centre. Elyse Lauzon-Alguire, execu- tive director, delivered a passionate and emotion-filled speech in front of the crowd that had gathered. Allaire, chair of Koala Place. “Cornwall has played a decisive role in the establishing of the centre. If it wouldn’t be for the Fed- eral government, we wouldn’t be here right now.” Later on during the presentation, Allaire was honored with a large plaque, high- lighting his many local feats and his dedi- cated work towards Koala Place.

5 e journée des enfants disparus

Photo Francis Racine

Pour la cinquième année de suite, Jean Bédard, ainsi que son équipe, ont voulu sensibil- iser le public au sort des personnes disparues dans notre communauté. «C’est un événe- ment vraiment important», a expliqué Syd Gardiner, conseiller municipal, lors de la journée qui eu lieu le 21 mai dernier au Cornwall Square. Plusieurs autres dignitaires importants de la communauté, comme Gérald Samson et Elaine McDonald, étaient présents. Ci-dessus, on reconnaît Michel Pilon, Mike Vernier, Jean Bédard, Syd Gardiner, le caporal Marc Rose, Jocelyne Tremblay, Crystal Bonin ainsi que Gérald Samson.


Défi Transport prendra d’assaut Cornwall FRANCIS RACINE

Les participants qui font au moins trois de ces trajets pendant la semaine seront ad- missibles à des prix sensationnels décernés par Bicycle World, Total Cyclery & Sports et Cornwall Transit. Cornwall Transit donnera un coup de pouce aux résidents souhaitant participer à Défi Transport. Le service de transport en commun de la ville offrira des trajets gratuits toute la journée le mercredi 4 juin, dans le cadre de sa septième promo- durant et encore mieux, les trajets qu’ils fer- ont seront admissibles au Défi Transport. «Il s’agit d’une occasion rêvée pour les ré- sidents qui souhaitent essayer notre service abordable et fiable, sans avoir à payer quoi que ce soit», a expliqué Len Tapp, directeur de division, Transports. À ce jour, près de 1000 lieux de travail et 3000 particuliers dans l’ensemble du pays se sont inscrits pour participer à Défi Trans- port. Pour obtenir des renseignements complémentaires sur le défi ou y participer, les intéressés sont priés de consulter www. ou se connecter à pour s’inscrire ou in- scrire leur entreprise. «Nous encourageons les entreprises de la région à être du nombre et à faire de l’initiative une activité divertissante dans le lieu de travail», a ajouté Mme Lalonde. abilities, not their disabilities. Bourne holds a Master’s degree in Recreation Manage- ment, works as a Regional Services Coordi- nator with Spinal Cord Injury Ontario and with the Canadian Paralympic Committee as the Ontario Coordinator of Changing Minds, Changing Lives (a program that edu- cates the healthcare, education and dis- ability sectors about the value of sport as a rehabilitation and community integration tool). As an athlete who uses a wheelchair, Chris has competed in four World Triathlon Championships, three World Disabled Wa- ter Ski Championships and countless other competitive sporting events. These activi- ties and other volunteer roles provide him with an insightful perspective on the world of sport and recreation and on a spectrum of other issues that have an impact on per- sons who have a disability. The presentation will be held today, May 28, at the Benson Centre, in the automotive room from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. tion annuelle de la Journée de l’air pur. Les résidents pour- ront voyager gratu- itement à bord des autobus la journée

CORNWALL | La Ville de Cornwall et Active Transportation Action Group de Transi- tion Cornwall + s’uniront pour animer Défi Transport, lors de la Semaine canadienne de l’environnement, du 1 er au 7 juin. L’évé-

nement incite les résidents à laisser leur voiture chez eux et à tirer parti des bienfaits pour l’environnement et la santé assurés par des modes de

Défi Transport nous permet de reconnaitre et de célébrer le réseau exceptionnel de pistes cyclables... Chantal Lalonde

transport de rechange, tout en partici- pant à une compétition nationale amicale entre villes. «Défi Transport nous permet de recon- naitre et de célébrer le réseau exception- nel de pistes cyclables, trottoirs et sentiers récréatifs qui sillonnent Cornwall, a indiqué Chantal Lalonde, éducatrice en matière de santé/promoteur de la santé au Bureau de santé de l’est de l’Ontario et membre fonda- trice d’Active Transportation Action Group de Transition Cornwall+. » Le défi récompense les participants qui utilisent un mode de transport actif et de rechange, comme la marche, le cyclisme, le patinage à roues alignées, le covoitu- rage ou le transport en commun. Après s’être inscrits, les participants sont priés d’enregistrer chaque trajet durable fait pen- dant la semaine, quel qu’en soit le but: tra- vail ou loisir.

Photo fournie

La Ville de Cornwall et Active Transportation Action Group de Transition Cornwall + s’uniront pour animer Défi Transport, lors de la Semaine canadienne de l’environne- ment, du 1 er au 7 juin. Ci-dessus, Linda Varga, technicienne en accessibilité pour Cor- nwall Transit, John Towndrow de Transition Cornwall+ et Chantal Lalonde d’Active Transportation Action Group.

Changing minds, Changing lives presentation


The City of Cornwall and the Canadian Paralympic Committee have joined forces in order to present Changing minds, Chang- ing lives , a presentation featuring Andrea Andrecyk and Chris Bourne. Andrecyk is a Peer Support Coordinator for Spinal Cord Injury Ontario and also a graduate of the 3 year Graphic Design program at St. Law- rence College in Kingston. She was a mem- ber of the Canadian National Adaptive Team from 2005-2007. She competed in 2 World Championships in Belgium and Aus- tralia bringing home three bronze medals for Canada. Andrea is also a member of the Canadian Association for Disabled Skiers – CADS at Edelweiss Valley in Quebec. Every weekend, from January through February, she volunteers her time to help children and adults with disabilities learn how to ski. She inspires people to focus on their

Break and enter, mischief, assault causing bodily harm, threats Rockey Marzano, 21, of Cornwall, and Adam Garlough, 20, of Long Sault, were both ar- rested on May 17 and charged with break and enter, while Garlough was also charged with assault causing bodily harm, threats and mischief. It is alleged that in the early morning hours of May 17, the two men forced their way into a Second Street East apartment at which time Garlough struck one of the occupants on the head causing a cut to the man’s head. He then punched a television causing it be damaged. It is also alleged that short- ly after the two men left the apartment, Garlough contacted one of the occupants and threatened to cut his throat. Police were contacted and located the two men in the area. They were taken into custody, charged accordingly and later released to appear in court at a later date. Theft under $5000, breach Beatrice Stephen, 35, of Keshechewan, was arrested on May 17 and charged with theft under $5000 and breach of recognizance for failing to keep the peace. It is alleged that on May 17 the woman attended a Brookdale Avenue store, concealed a number of items, then made her way past the cashes making no attempts to pay for the items. The woman was stopped by the Loss Prevention Officer and police were contacted. The woman was taken into custody, charged accordingly and held for a bail hearing. Threats A 22-year-old Cornwall woman was arrested on May 17 and charged with threats to life. It is alleged that on May 17, police attended an Edgar Street address in regards to a domestic situation. Once on scene, they learned that the woman had threatened to kill her 22-year- old boyfriend by way of text messages. She was taken into custody, charged accordingly and later released to appear in court on June 24. Her name was not released as it might identify the victim in the matter. A 43-year-old Cornwall man was arrested on May 17 and charged with threats to cause

Assault, threats, mischief, breach A 26-year-old Cornwall man was arrested on May 15 and charged with assault, mischief, threats and breach of probation for failing to keep the peace. It is alleged that on May 11, while in the area of Water and Marlborough streets, the man was arguing with his 30-year- old girlfriend and punched and slapped her in the face. He was taken into custody, charged accordingly and held for a bail hearing. His name was not released as it might identify the victim in the matter. Impaired driving, breach, suspended Jonathan Jasper, 22, ofWilliamstown, was arrested on May 16 and charged with impaired operation of a motor vehicle, breach of a conditional sentence order for being out past curfew and consuming alcohol. He was also charged with driving a motor vehicle while suspended. He was taken into custody during a traffic stop and charged accordingly. He was transported to police headquarters and held for a bail hearing. Mischief A 31-year-old Cornwall woman was arrested on May 16 and charged with mischief. It is alleged that on May 16 during an argument with her 32-year-old common-law husband, the woman damaged an interior door. She was taken into custody, charged accordingly and later released to appear in court on May 27. Her name was not released as it might identify the victim in the matter. KathleenWhite, 53, of Cornwall, was arrested on May 22 and charged with mischief along with being intoxicated in a public place. It is alleged that on May 22, police were called to attend the 100 block of Belmont Street for a disturbance call. Once on scene police learned that the intoxicated woman broke a car’s tail light with a hammer. She was taken into cus- tody, charged accordingly and held until sober.

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Des élèves sont félicités

damage. It is alleged that on May 17, during an argument with his 34-year-old girlfriend, the man threatened to smash her fireplace and slash her couches. The man was taken into custody, charged accordingly and later released to appear in court on June 10. His name was not released as it might identify the victim in the matter. Warrant Amanda Tryon, 23, of Cornwall, was arrested on May 20 on the strength of a warrant. It is alleged that the woman failed to attend court on May 15 and a warrant was issued for her arrest. On May 20, the woman who was in custody on unrelated matters was arrested on the strength of the warrant and held for a bail hearing. Nicole Chagnon, 44, of Lachine, Quebec, was arrested on May 20 on the strength of a warrant. It is alleged that the woman failed to attend court on March 24 on a fraud over $5000 charge and a warrant was issued for her arrest. She was taken into custody and transported to Cornwall where she was held for a bail hearing. Samantha McCormick, 18, of Cornwall, was arrested on May 21 on the strength of a warrant. It is alleged that the woman failed to attend court on May 15 for a fraud-related charge and a warrant was issued for her arrest. She was taken into custody and held for a bail hearing. Alyssa Tomkins-Demers, 19, of Maxville, was arrested on May 22 on the strength of a war- rant. It is alleged that the woman failed to attend court on January 7 and a warrant was is- sued for her arrest. She was arrested on the strength of a warrant and remained in custody to await a bail hearing. Possession of a controlled substance Tyler Blain, 19, of Cornwall, was arrested on May 21 and charged with possession of a controlled substance. It is alleged that on May 21, police attended the bike path in the area of Emma Street in relation to a suspicious activity call. Once on scene, police located the man and found that he was in possession of a quantity of marijuana. He was taken into custody, charged accordingly and later released to appear in court on June 3. Assault A 22-year-old Cornwall man was arrested on May 21 and charged with assault. It is al- leged that on May 21, during an argument with his 22-year-old girlfriend, the man pushed her against the wall. The man was taken into custody, charged accordingly and later re- leased to appear in court on June 10. His name was not released as it might identify the victim in the matter. Assault, threats A 51-year-old Cornwall man was arrested on May 21 and charged with assault, threats and two counts of overcome resistance (choking). It is alleged that on May 21, the man was arguing with his 53-year-old girlfriend when he grabbed her by the throat and pushed her against the wall. He was taken into custody, charged accordingly and held for a bail hear- ing. His name was not released as it might identify the victim in the matter. Unlawful possession of firearm, unsafe storage of ammunition Paul Chartrand, 69, of Cornwall, was arrested on May 22 and charged with unlawful pos- session of firearms and unsafe storage of ammunition. It is alleged that on May 22, mem- bers of the Cornwall Street Crime Unit executed a warrant at a Guy Street address and found three long guns and ammunition for which the man did not have the proper license to possess. He was taken into custody and charged accordingly. He was also taken into cus- tody on the strength of a warrant from Russell County OPP. He was transported to police headquarters and held for a bail hearing. Breach Katlen Moore, 22, of Cornwall, was arrested on May 22 and charged with breaching her recognizance for failing to attend scheduled appointments as directed. It is alleged that the woman failed to attend scheduled appointments on May 9 and May 15 despite be- ing on condition to report as directed. On May 22, a member of the Cornwall Community Police Service spotted the woman in the area of Alice Street. She was taken into custody, charged accordingly and held for a bail hearing. Break and enter, possession of break and enter tools Michael Tessier, 60, of Cornwall, was arrested on May 22 and charged with break and en- ter and possession of break in tools. It is alleged that on May 22, police attended a Second Street West site in relation to a break and enter in progress. Once on scene, police learned that the owner of the property located the man in one of the buildings and contacted po- lice. The man, who was still on scene when police arrived, was taken into custody, charged accordingly and held in custody.

Photo fournie

Le 22 mai dernier, L’Héritage a félicité ses élèves lors de la dernière cérémonie de va- lorisation de l’année. Zoe Meunier, Alexander Murphy, Jasmine Desrochers, Sophie- Anne Massie, Victor Bisson et Danielle Quesnel ont chacun remporté un certificat de reconnaissance dans le volet F.E.R. (Francité, Engagement et Respect). Dans le volet initiative, Grace Point a été nommée championne, ayant contribué au succès de la célébration autochtone et au repas. Brayden Laflèche-Rozon a obtenu la distinction de l’athlète du mois. Amélie Faubert a aussi remporté un prix pour son grand enga- gement à Cops and Rockers, qui appuie le club garçons et filles de Cornwall.

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Prayer to the Blessed Virgin (never known to fail). Oh, most beautiful flower of Mt. Carmel, fruitful vine, splendor of Heaven, Blessed Mother of the son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in my necessity. Oh, Star of the Sea, help and show me, herein you are my Mother. Oh, Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth! I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to succor me in this necessity. There are none who can withstand your power. Oh show me herein you are my mother. Oh Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse in thee (3x). Holy Mother, I place this cause in your hands (3x). Holy Spirit, you who solve all problems, light all roads so that I can obtain my goal. You who gave me a divine gift to forgive and forget all evil against me and that in all instances, in my life, you are with me, I want in this short prayer to thank you for all things as I confirm once again that I never want to be separated from you in eternal glory. Thank you for your mercy towards me and mine. The Person must say this prayer three consecutive days. After three consecutive days, the request will be granted. This prayer must be published after the favour is granted. J.L. PRAYER

recherche un(e) infographiste Exigences : • MINIMUM 2 années d’expérience • Bonne connaissance de INDESIGN obligatoire (Suite CS4 - InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator) • Connaissance des procédés quatre couleurs un atout

Tu cherches un emploi d’été dans le comté de Stormont ou Dundas? As-tu entre 15 et 18 ans? Le Programme d’emplois pour les jeunes offre des placements ré- munérés qui comprennent : • une formaƟon pré-emploi • un placement dans un emploi de six semaines en juillet et en août • une formaƟon et du souƟen après-emploi Des renseignements et un formulaire de demande sont disponibles sur le site Web de Job Zone d’emploi à sous les sec- Ɵons chercheur d’emploi et étudiant.

• Être bilingue (français, anglais), écrit et oral • Faire preuve de détermination et de créativité • Être capable de travailler en équipe et avec un minimum de supervision

Rémunération : Salaire et avantages sociaux compétitifs

Date d’entrée en fonction : Le plus tôt possible

Lieu de travail : Hawkesbury

Les demandes d’emploi pour Stormont et Dundas doivent être reçues avant : le 4 juin à 16h00 Veuillez noter que les demandes d’emploi reçues après 16 h ne seront pas considérées

Faire parvenir son curriculum vitae à : La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc. a/s Julien Boisvenue, directeur de l’infographie et du prépresse C.P. 1000, 1100, rue Aberdeen Hawkesbury (Ontario) K6A 3H1 Tél. : 613 632-4151 • Téléc. : 613 632-6383 courriel :

Pour de plus amples informaƟons, communiquez avec :

Samantha Sabourin; Chef d’équipe de travailleurs des services aux jeunes Job Zone d’emploi Tel : 613-933-9675 poste 350 Courriel :

Le Programme d’emplois pour les jeunes est financé par le gouvernement de l’Ontario


38.Letter before dee 40.Squeals 41.Gambler’s wager 42.Kite part 43.Plow 45.Cut wood 46.Hubbub: hyph.

24.This girl 25.Chef’s need 26.Coop product 28.Cool drink



Week of May 25 to 31, 2014

This main-course chowder combines two delicate lean fish with shrimp. Seafood curry chowder INGREDIENTS: • 1 fillet of flounder of about 310 g (11 oz) • 1 fillet of halibut, scrod, or cod of about 225 g (8 oz) • 225 g (1/2 lb) medium-size shrimp (10 to 12), shelled and deveined • 30 ml (2 tbsp) lemon juice • 60 ml (4 tbsp) unsalted butter • 60 ml (1/4 cup) flour • 5 ml (1 tsp) curry • 500 ml (2 cups) fish stock or clam juice • 500 ml (2 cups) chicken stock • 10 ml (2 tsp) salt • 5 ml (1 tsp) freshly ground pepper • 125 ml (1/2 cup) frozen tiny peas, thawed • 125 ml (1/2 cup) heavy cream • 30 ml (2 tbsp) finely chopped dill

29.Scurried 30.Observe 32.Common to most 35.Grownups 36.Kind of rummy 37.Anxiety

ARIES By calculating and recalculating your budget you realize that you have the means to achieve your ambitions. Emotionally, there are a few details to clear up. TAURUS You show a fair bit of initiative. It is important to take the time to nego- tiate with people before coming to a decision that also involves them. GEMINI Your health might require some at- tention. You may finally discover a more suitable diet or a treatment that improves your quality of life. CANCER You have to make some hard choi- ces; love and an active social life are not always compatible. Take another look at your priorities where pleasure and responsibilities are involved. LEO You are inspired to rethink your dé- cor and undertake some big jobs at home. What’s more, your friends are going to be very happy to be able to help you with your projects. VIRGO You start planning your summer vacation. Don’t hesitate to tighten your belt now, for a while, so you can afford to go on a dream trip or some sort of pilgrimage. LIBRA You are a bundle of nerves for a few days. Fortunately, you don’t lose your smile and you succeed in making the people around you laugh. SCORPIO At work you are at the centre of some important negotiations. You succeed in using a ruse that allows you to make some important gains, which makes everyone happy. SAGITTARIUS One of your colleagues is absent and you inherit his or her work- load. You’ll probably fall behind a bit, but this situation is to your advantage; a promotion could be your reward. CAPRICORN You’re sure to receive congratula- tions for some type of exploit. Your loved one is very attentive to your re- quests and suggests some big pro- jects to work on together. AQUARIUS Your young children are rather de- manding and you have to devote a lot of time to them. You may have to taxi them around or make some important appointments for them. PISCES There seems to be some confusion where communications are con- cerned. Double check your infor- mation, and be attentive to various instructions so you won’t have to redo your work.

47.Stair part 50.Be obliged to pay

Copyright © 2014, Penny Press

ACROSS 1. Hardwood 4. Bed, as of coal 8. Current measures 12.Nibbled

33.Judgment ____ 34.Employs 37.Locale 39.Kitchen alcove 41.Harmonize 44.Builds 48.Hammer target 49.Audition aim 51.Steaming 52.Lean 53.Boring tools 54.Keats poem 55.House annexes 56.Not as much 57.Father

DOWN 1. Blockheads 2. On the peak of 3. Ship bottom 4. Gesture 5. Fixes text 6. Entirety 7. Dissolving 8. Delegate 9. Lunch, e.g.


13.Out of action 14.Close firmly 15.Rival 16.Bass feature 17.Bargain 18.First-aid brace 20.Labored 22.Durable 24.Magic formula 27.Trap 31.Old witch 32.Quip

10.White 11.Snow coaster 19.Feeling awful 21.Switch settings 23.Pester



DIRECTIONS: Wipe fish fillets with damp paper towels. With chef’s knife, cut halibut into 1.3 cm (1/2 inch) pieces. Cut flounder into 2 cm (3/4 inch) pieces. Cut shrimps in half lengthwise. Transfer fish and shrimps to medium-size bowl, sprinkle with lemon juice, and toss to combine. Set aside. In large heavy- gauge saucepan, melt butter over medium-low heat. Add flour and curry powder to taste, and whisk until thor- oughly blended. Cook, stirring with whisk, 3 minutes. Whisking constantly, slowly add fish stock and chicken stock. Add salt and pepper and, stirring occa- sionally, bring to a boil, over medium- high heat. Reduce heat, cover, and simmer 10 minutes. Add fish pieces, shrimps, peas, and cream, and stir to combine. Simmer 1 minute. Remove pan from heat and whisk in dill. Ladle chowder into individual soup bowls.


HOW TO PLAY : Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the numbers 1 through 9 only once. Each 3x3 box is outlined with a darker line. You already have a few numbers to get you started. Remember: You must not repeat the numbers 1 through 9 in the same line, column, or 3x3 box.

A-1 Pizza King 1106 Cumberland 936-8000

Small Poutine + 1 Pepsi

2 Garlic Bread + 1 Pepsi

Lettuce, Tomato, Cucumbers, Onions & House Dressing

Small Poutine + 1 Pepsi

Small Poutine + 1 Pepsi



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