Requirements Training V14 20231204

Training systems

Requirements for Training / V14 2023-12-04

Reflection is essential for creating experiences and so learning. It facilitates participant understanding for example, when prompted to relate to, interpret and grasp the basic content. Furthermore, reflection helps to stimulate active participation in a more dynamic and varied learning process. Participants need to actively engage in relevant activities to acquire and retain knowledge at the basic level. When answering simple questions, copying how to describe topics listed in the learning objectives and naming different objects and individual parts, participants´ recognition of, and familiarity with, the subject at hand are increased. What activities will facilitate the learning process for the participants at the basic level? 1) Short presentations or instructions, where the participants take notes, are followed by the participants completing a simple quiz or questionnaire on screen, paper or digitally where participants consider the topic and the learning points. 2) Simple games or exercises, where the participants develop a further understanding of the topic by deciding how or when to apply it. 3) Questions which challenge the participants to use their own words to describe and share understandings about a topic. 4) Discussions ensuring that the participants share experience and understandings. Suitable topics should be taken from learning objectives. 5) Feedback must be provided to correct faults and encourage the participant to engage further. Evaluation methods in coherence with learning objectives and activities

1) Observation of the participant’s performance during learning activities

2) Questions to assess to what extent the participant has understood the information presented or processed. These questions normally call for short answers recalled from memory.

3) Test – practical or theoretical

4) Games

5) Quizzes

6) Questionnaires aiming at the learning objects

7) Multiple choice tests or combination test answers

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