Training systems
Requirements for Training / V14 2023-12-04
What activities will facilitate the learning process for the participants at the intermediate level?
1) Activities promoting reflection through knowledge sharing, discussions, and competitions. Help and guidance should be provided when needed. 2) Creating presentations also encourages the participants to take initiative and be creative during their reflection. 3) Posing questions that lead the participants to reflect on the material or topic. How does one element fit with other or similar material? What other considerations are at play? What new actions may this new knowledge support? 4) Provide feedback on topics that must be correctly understood and applied. This typically includes safety rules and standard risk mitigation actions. To aid further understanding peer feedback can be introduced so the topic(s) is revisited and considered again by the feedback giver and the recipient.
5) Having participants assessing others answers or solutions to a given test or assignment.
Evaluation methods in coherence with learning objectives and activities.
1) Test or quiz questions as well as assignments that show how, and to what extent, the newly acquired understanding fits into the participant’s own knowledge or experience. 2) Questions that investigate to what extent new information or knowledge corresponds to former understanding and how the new knowledge may be applied.
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