December, 1968 / Volume 8 / Number 12
MONTHLY PUBLICATION OF THEB/OLA FELLOWSHIP president ................ S. H. SUTHERLAND editor ....................... AL SANDERS production .............. BILL EHMANN design .................... JOHN OZMON printing .................. CHURCH PRESS CONTENTS ON TH IS MONTH S COVER
COUNTING SPIRITUAL BLESSINGS ...................... 3 ELECTION DIVIDING LINES AI Sanders......................... 13 BROWN PAPER PARCEL John Hunter....................... 16 FAITH AND LOVE AI Sanders......................... 18 PANEL DISCUSSIONS ...........21 PARABLES AND PEARLS . . . 26 STUDIES IN I JOHN Lloyd T. Anderson.............31
The streets of Disneyland are well dec orated for the holiday season. On this month's cover are four of our Biola College students who enjoy looking over the interesting shops and sharing in the colorful atmosphere. From left to right are Marilyn Pepper, Ramona, Calif., Steve Pearson from British Hon duras, LeRoy McBee, Sacramento, Calif., and Lora Lee Elbe from St. Louis, Mo.
Second Class postage paid in La Mirada, Calif. Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press, Glendale, Calif. Address: Biola Broad caster, 13800 Biola Ave., La Mirada, California 90638.
t h e b i o l a h o u r
San Bernardino-Riverside
CALIFORNIA Array Grande-San Luis Obispo
1570 9:30 A.M. MTWTF 590 7:30 A.M. Sun. 1080 8:30 A.M.Sun. 8:30 A.M. Sun. 910 4:00 P.M. Sun. 860 8:00 a.m. MTWTF 1100 8:30 A.M. MTWTF 1440 10:30 P.M. Sun. 8:00 A.M. MTWTF 9:30 P.M. MTWTF
10:00 A.M. MTWTF 4:00 P.M. Sun. 9:30 A.M. MTWTF 7:00 A.M. Sun. 8:00 A.M. MTWTF 8:30 A.M. MTWTF 8:30 P.M. MTWTF 8:00 A.M. MTWTF 8:30 A.M. MTWTF 9:00 A.M. MTWTF 11:00 A.M. MTWTF 9:30 P.M. MTWTF
1280 550 1050 1500 930 1130
Santa Cruz KSCO San Diego KSCO
Bakersfield-Wasco KAFY KWSO Burbank KBBQ Chico-Paradise KEWQ Fresno-Dinuba KRDU
99.1 (FM)
KBBW 102.9 (FM)
San Francisco KFAX Santa Maria KCOY
Lodi-Stockton KCVR Los Angeles KBBI
107.5 (FM)
KTYM 1460 Los Angeles-Long Beach KGER 1390 KGER 1390 Oxnard-Ventura-Santa Barbara KOXR 910 8:00
Albany-Eugene KW IL Ashland-Medford KWIN KW IL
8:00 A.M. MTWTF 3:00 A.M. MTWTF 11:10 A.M. MTWTF 7:00 A.M. Sun.
790 790 580
Redding-Red Bluff KQMS
8:30 A.M. Sun.
Continued on Page 34
penned these words under the in spiration of the Holy Spirit, doesn’t ask for a single thing. The 22 verses seem to indicate that he had had sufficient experience in seeing his petitions answered so that he doesn’t even mention a request of any kind. He just tunes up his harp and gives thanks to the Lord. Isn’t it refresh ing to hear a song of thanksgiving devoid of any “gimmes” ? Certainly, while God wants to know our re quests, and invites us to offer them, yet it is still an attitude which should emanate from our hearts as we look to the Lord for His guidance. It is recorded in legend that origi nally there were two groups of angels who supposedly were divided into praise angels and petition angels. Everyone of the cherubs was given a basket and charged with the respon sibility of going throughout his des ignated section of the earth, gather ing either praise or petitions, depend ing on the respective designation. As the apocraphyl story has it, all of the angels wanted to be petition angels, for they came back with their baskets full. The praise angels on the other hand always returned empty. What a commentary on the fact that we are so ready to ask and so slow to give thanks! The old Methodist evangelist of many years ago, Billy Bray, used to say, “In my lifetime, the Lord has given me both vinegar and honey. I can readily praise His name that He’s always given me vinegar in a teaspoon and honey with a ladle.” If we would look at our difficulties the same way, we would readily agree that this is the way in which the Lord leads in our lives. Now the second verse of the 103rd Psalm declares, “Bless the Lord, O 3
F r e q u e n t l y a t T h a n k s g iv in g church services feature the sing ing of such hymns as the beautiful, “Now Thank We All Our God.” This anthem of praise to the Lord was written many years ago by Martin Rinkart who was a pastor in Eilen- berg, Saxony. He lived only three decades, from 1618 to 1648, dying at the age of 30. It was in his lifetime that the historic 30 years’ war swept through that area of the world. His torians declare that it was one of the most devastating conflicts and plagues to hit mankind. Entire popu lations of communities were decimat ed because of disease and pestilence. As an indication of their severity, this young preacher himself had to bury anywhere from 40 to 50 people a day in the city of Eilenberg. Over the course of those 30 years’ war, he conducted more than 4,480 funeral services, one of which was that of his own beloved wife. He indicated in his diary that either all the other pastors had died or else had previous ly fled from the walled city of Eilen berg. In the very midst of this ex perience, Martin Rinkart wrote the words, “Now thank we all our God, with heart and hands and voices. Who wondrous things hath done, in Whom this world rejoices.” Should those discouraging and depressive experiences have been ours, would we have been able to turn our sadness and tragedy into rejoicing and song? Martin Rinkart did because he was personally acquainted with the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and had experienced the love of God, our Heavenly Father. Considering thanksgiving, we note that Psalm 103 is one of the most beautiful of all the 150 Psalms given to us in the Word of God. David, who
giving for any believer. It is the place at which we should always start. God has forgiven all of our sins. So this 103rd Psalm begins with the declarative exhortation, “Bless the Lord, 0 my soul: and all that is within me, bless His holy name.” David basically is holding a conver sation with himself. That’s not a bad pattern for us to follow. When you get right down to it, there’s nothing wrong in talking to yourself. As a matter of fact, there’s nothing wrong in even answering yourself. The trouble really comes when you not only answer yourself, but then ask, “What’d you say?” If you go this far, you might be facing problems! Seri ously, however, David is tuning up his harp now to sing praises from within. Are you ready to do the same? It may be that no one else wants you to sing a solo. Maybe you’ve never been asked to get up and preach. But notice that David is doing all of this from within. That means it is something all of us can do. You don’t have to wait to be asked; you can offer thanksgiving in your heart! It was that well-known Baptist evangelist and “preacher’s preacher,” Charles Haddon Spurgeon, who used to say that, “Soul music is actually the soul of music.” Even so it is in our lives. We need to stop long enough in our daily existence to listen to the Lord as He desires to speak to us. I’m afraid that in the busy affairs of every day we become so occupied with many activities, most of which may be even worthwhile, we frequently entirely overlook the privilege of meeting with the Lord in prayer and sharing communion through His Word. A teacher decided to conduct a very interesting experiment for her pupils. She told them that as long as she held her hand in the air, the students could make as much noise as they wanted. They could holler,
my soul, and forget not all His bene fits.” It was Dwight L. Moody who reminded his congregation one time, “You may forget some of His bene fits, but you don’t need to forget them all.” Our problem is that we so soon tend to forget. We have poor memories and good “forgetories,” at least, it seems so when it comes to the things God has done for us. Of course, for many people, just the opposite is true when it comes to grudges or things we shouldn’t think, see, or do. What we’d like to forget we remember more readily. Just as a little bit of a test, ask yourself, “What was it that a year ago today, November, 1967, was my greatest concern and worry? What was the most difficult thing I had to face twelve months ago?” Now, it’s not hard for us to be aware of what we have to face today. The problem may just be living or it may be looking ahead toward Christmas, or some of these other activities. So, while we know what our problems are for the future, we so quickly forget the dif ficulties of the past, because God has already taken care of them. So often we have failed to thank the Lord for His care and keeping of us day by day! Now in verse three begins a list of those things for which the Psalm ist wants to praise God. We’re not going to take the time to go into them all, but perhaps two or three of interest. There are so many things for which to be grateful. Notice, first of all, we read of God, “Who forgiv- eth all thine iniquities.” If you have nothing else fpr which you think you can praise the Lord, you can at least thank Him for this, if, by faith, you have received Him as Saviour, ask ing His forgiveness for sins. You see, this is the prime aspect of thanks-
Envy opens the door for bitterness to come in.
yell, scream, stamp their feet, even pound the desk. But then, when she brought her hand down, they were to be absolutely silent so that not even the sound of their breathing could be detected. You can imagine how delighted the children were with such an idea. Fortunately for the oth er classes nearby, she'd explained the experiment in advance so that they would know what to expect. There were only a few moments when her hand was up. But true to youthful anticipation, while she held it high, you should have heard the tremen dous noise which emanated from that grammar school classroom. Then quickly she brought down her arm. The boys and girls just as readily complied with absolute silence. After about 60 seconds of silence, which is really quite a long time when noth ing’s happening, she asked the pupils what they had heard during the quiet minute. They were amazed at what sounds had come to their ears. They shared ideas agreeing that many of the noises were frequently over looked. They had heard a dog bark ing in the distance, the wail of a siren passing by on the busy freeway, the noise of the other classes and people talking outside. There were the sounds of birds and other insects which make daytime noises. She was illustrating how people don’t stop long enough to hear what’s going on about them. There is a tremendous volume of sound which encircles us day by day in our homes, our cars, in every sphere of life. Spiritually speaking, these activities are so noisy that we fail to take time to listen to the voice of the Lord. This is a sad situation and commentary on the times. Notice the Psalmist •says, “Bless the Lord, 0 my soul: and all that is within me, bless His holy name.” All of us really have much for which to praise and give thanks to the Lord. As to that which should occupy our adoration, we can begin simply with
the name of the Lord. You know that there are more than 300 different titles which He has in Scripture. As an example, John quotes Him as the Light of the world. So, if there are some things about you which seem rather dark and foreboding, why not turn to Him for all your necessary light? If you are not sure of what pathway you should take, what deci sion you should make, again look to Him. A little girl was spending the sum mer with her aunt who was not mar ried and never had children. Conse quently the woman sometimes got out of patience with her young niece. As a matter of fact, she seemed to scold her rather regularly when she didn’t do the things the aunt expected she should. I’m afraid too often that we adults seek perfection in children when we ourselves are so far from attaining it in any sense whatsoever. In any case, the aunt on this occa sion, as the summer was drawing to a close, reminded the child that her mother was coming to pick her up. She cautioned, “I want you to be sure you have everything ready. Keep things nice and neat. And if you do, then maybe I’ll give you a special treat." The child was disappointed as she protested, “But, auntie, I’ve al ready been good all week. You said I could have the surprise anyway.” In stern tones, the adult reminded her, “A week ago I told you to clean up your room, and you didn’t do it. Don’t you remember it was two weeks ago that I told you to hang up your clothes and you just left them scat tered around your room? Then 10 or 11 days ago, I told you to eat all of your vegetables but you left most of them on your plate, going after the chocolate cake when I wasn't looking. Don’t you remember all of
Small deeds done are better than great deeds planned.
me, I just tell him to go way off to the East. If he should come back I order him to go on way off to the West. So, by sending him either East or West, he just keeps going back and forth and doesn’t have time to bother me.” Well, that may be an over-simplification of the problem, yet it is a very pertinent truth, for as far as the East is from the West, so far hath God removed our trans gressions from us. The second thing we’re told in verse three is that God heals all of our diseases. We believe in divine healing. We know that as it pleases Him, and is in accordance with His perfect will, the Lord often heals to day. We certainly believe that all prayer in this regard should be based on the familiar words of Christ as our pattern, “Nevertheless, not my will, but thine be done.” We do not believe in all of the theatrics and emotional pressures which so often accompany some of the popular meet ings of this type. Keep in mind that there was no individual spoken of in the Word of God who was healed by the Lord Jesus Christ who, before his healing, was a believer. The heal ing was always done in the lives of unbelievers, the purpose being that they might see the power and majesty of the Lord. Secondly, those in Scrip ture who were believers and who did have physical affirmities were oft- times not healed since it was obvious ly not in accordance with God’s will. There is no more apt example of that than in the Apostle Paul himself who tells us that he sought to have the thorn in the flesh removed, but it did not please God to do this. Again he tells us in Philippians 1:29 that it is given unto us not only to believe on Christ but also to suffer for His sake. The victorious Christian life is not one which is devoid of pain and problems. Often this is the way that we grow in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. This being the case, what then is
these things?” There were tears in the child’s eyes now, as she wailed, “Oh, auntie, auntie, you’re not a bit like God! You know, the Lord forgets when He forgives me, but you keep bringing up the past!” I’m afraid, in so many ways, we’re often like the aunt. Thank the Lord He not only forgives, but also forgets. He re moves our sin “as far as the east is from the west, so far hath He re moved our transgressions from us.” (Note verse 12 of this 103rd chap ter.) This in itself is a most wonder ful thing for which to give praise to the Lord! There are so many people whose lives have been miserable because they keep dwelling on the past. Satan keeps bringing these experiences to us. When once you have asked God for His forgiveness, you not only are forgiven but also you are cleansed of that sin. If you keep dwelling on the matter, you’re as much as call ing God a liar. In essence you’re say ing, “Lord, I don’t believe You are able or willing to do what You said You would do on my behalf.” The Bible assures us, “If we canfess our sins (that’s the one thing that we do) he [God] is faithful and just to for give us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” There’s something else I want you to notice about this little sentence of five words. It is the verb “forgiveth.” The thing that’s interesting is that it’s in the present tense. It’s not only that God has forgiven us, although that is true, but the Scripture doesn’t say that He will forgive us only in the future tense. We have assurance that right now; this very moment, there is confidence in knowing that He forgives us as we come to Him for cleansing. There was an old Christian who had gotten the victory over the con stant pressures of Satan in his life. He was testifying of this fact to a friend one day and explained, “You know, when the devil comes to tempt 6
the Psalmist talking about when he speaks of the healing of diseases? While watching a television documen tary on dread maladies plaguing man kind, I listened as a newsman inter viewed a mother who had a young son about seven years of age who had been seriously stricken. It was point ed out, for the benefit of the audience, that this young boy would probably die in a matter of a few years. So serious and grave was this particu lar disease that no one on record having the affliction had ever lived beyond the age of 20. Yet there was a strange glow about this mother. Evidently the commentator had noted it, too, for he pointedly asked her, “How is it that you can have such a radiance in the face of what you know is ahead for you and your boy ?” She responded confidently, “Well, you see, there are scientists even now who are working on a cure for the dis ease. My husband and I just will not give up hope that some day that an swer may be found.” No doubt scien tists some day will be able to combat successfully this and other terrible afflictions of mankind, yet there is and will continue to be a disease far more severe than this one. This sick ness has affected not only children but also every single individual who has ever entered into this world. Of course, I’m referring to the spirit ual disease of sin, which, unless the only remedy is applied, will bring spiritual, physical, and eternal death. In His loving grace and mercy, how ever, God Himself has provided the cure through the person of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. This, I be lieve, is that about which the Psalm ist is speaking in the words, “He healeth all of our diseases.” Let me put it this way. The greatest heal ing today is not really that of the body. It is without a doubt the spir itual healing of the human soul. The body will die but the soul lives on throughout all the eternal ages. Every one of us has diseases or forms of sin
NO PLACE FOR DOUBT I will not doubt, though all my ships at sea Coming drifting home with broken masts and sails; I will believe the Hand which never fails, From seeing evil worketh good for me. And though I weep because those sails are tattered, Still will I tarry, while my best hopes lie shattered, "I trust in Thee.” I will not doubt, though all my prayers return Unanswered from the still, white realm above; I will believe in an all-wise love Which has refused these things for which I yearn; And though at times, I cannot keep from grieving, Yet the pure ardor of my fixed believing Undimmed shall burn. I will not doubt though sorrows fall like rain, And trouble swarm like bees about a hive; I will believe the heights for which I strive Are only reached by anguish and by pain; And though I groan and writhe beneath my crosses, I yet shall see through my severest losses The good or gain. I will not doubt, well-anchored In this faith, Like some staunch ship, my soul braves every gale; So strong its courage that it will not quail To face the mighty unknown sea of death. O, may I cry, though body parts with spirit, “I do not doubt,” so listening worlds may hear it, With my last breath.
come to mind. I remembered the first few verses of this 103rd Psalm, “Bless the Lord, 0 my soul,” and all that. I could get down to, “Who for- giveth all thine iniquities, and who healeth all thy diseases” without any problem. Then I was able to go ahead, beyond this ph rase with, “Who crowneth thee with loving kindness and tender mercies.” Obviously, there was something left out. Finally it dawned on me that I had skipped, “Who redeemeth thy life from de struction.” Just about that time I looked down at my automobile speed ometer. There I noticed the many thousands of miles I’ve traveled in my little Volkswagen without any accident or difficulty whatsoever. The Holy Spirit reminded me, “Think how many times your life has been redeemed from destruction.” I just thanked God right at that moment for the way in which He had watched over me. To be sure, there had been so called “narrow escapes.” “Who re deemeth thy life from destruction.” Haven’t you had similar experiences ? My wife might come home from a meeting where she had played the piano or organ and, breathing a sigh of relief, report, “I just about got hit tonight. There was some fellow (and, of course, with me it would be some woman) who signaled the wrong way. He cut right in front of me. A second more and I would have had a terrible wreck.” The fact of the matter is, we have no idea of the unseen forces which keep our lives day by day from de struction or death before God’s ap pointed hour. Scripture reminds us of the fact. For instance, in the 91st Psalm we read, “He shall give His angels charge over thee to keep thee in all thy ways:” Do you believe in angels? I do, because God tells us that He has given us angels to min ister “to them who shall be heirs of salvation.” Now this wonderful state ment is in the ever-present tense. It says, “W! o redeemeth" (right this
which basically are merely the symp toms or manifestations of iniquity in the human heart. Now your sin may not be the same as mine and mine may not be the same as yours. You have a certain besetting sin which weighs you down and which you absolutely abhor. When Satan comes to tempt you with it, and you succumb, becoming involved in the matter, you say to yourself, “I will absolutely never, never do that again by God’s strength!” Yet you have yielded, because this thing may have such a fatal attraction for you. Lis ten, the Bible says that God, through Jesus Christ, heals all of our dis eases. Nothing is too hard for the Lord. In verse four of the 103rd Psalm, we’re told that God redeems our life from destruction. Let me just share this little thought with you. I was trying to memorize this portion just the other day so that it would be more meaningful to me. It’s one thing to read Scripture over the air, but it’s another thing to have it in the heart and into practice in the life. I had hit a mental block while driving along. This phrase wouldn’t
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Dr. Ray A. Myers (right). Chairman of Biola's Board of Directors for more than 30 years, was saluted on his 74th birthday in a special Chapel service. Mr. Bob Thune, president of the student body, presented to him a birthday card signed by students, faculty and staff.
of the child of God. Notice the word “crowneth.” This means that the Lord heaps upon us, over and over again, in superabundance, loving kindness and tender mercy. Let’s think about the idea of lov ing kindness for a moment. Perhaps you’ve heard the definition a little Sunday school boy gave of this. It may be a fanciful illustration yet it’s so pertinent and really beautiful. He said that loving kindness reminded him of his mother who, when he came home from school in the afternoon and was very tired and hungry would give him a piece of bread with butter on it. “That,” he declared, “is kind ness! But when I come home an other day and am so tired and hungry my mother gives me a piece of bread with butter on it, and then puts on some of her homemade strawberry jam, that’s loving kindness!” Do you see the difference? It is the Lord just heaping up His goodness to us. This is the way we can look at this verse as well. God delights to do that which is exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us. Then, notice the verse speaks of
very moment) “thy life from destruc tion.” Salvation, of course, has three different and distinct tenses. We know, first of all, that when by faith we receive the Lord as Saviour, our lives have been redeemed from sin by His precious blood. It’s not by the blood of animals, nor is it mone tarily accomplished through silver or gold, but with the precious blood of Jesus Christ, the Word of God tells us. To redeem means to buy back. It is as if a slave would be purchased out of bondage and then given his priceless freedom. That’s in the past tense. Then, we know, too, that God is going to redeem our life from eter nal destruction. This is in the future. As we grow older, and I speak now from personal experience, our bodies even now groan for the redemption which shall be ours when Christ calls us to be with Him. That is the won derful hour when we shall know, even as also we are known. But there is yet another important and vital di mension to our salvation. Right now He is redeeming our life from de struction. He is taking care of us; He maintains the oversight on our behalf. Have you entered into the fullness of joy that can come in the blessed knowledge of these three tenses of salvation? Now, the last part of verse four tells us that God crowns our lives with loving kindness and tender mer cies. You know, I love to think about this coronation. Some years ago our beloved Chancellor, Dr. Louis T. Tal bot, had the opportunity of being in England at the time of the corona tion of Queen Elizabeth. He brought back beautiful colored films of this momentous and h is to ric occasion. What a thrill it was to see all of the pomp and grandeur that accompanied this ceremony belonging to such a fit ting occasion! But do you know, there is something far more wonderful and majestic even than the coronation of Queen Elizabeth, and it lakes place today and every day within the life
iHi Dr. Ray A. Myers is retiring from the position of Chairman of Biola's Board of Directors. Mr. Sylvester Marshburn (left), has been named Chairman for one year. He presented a special resolution to Dr. Myers signed by all of the members of the board. 9
tender mercies. Why not tender jus tice? For after all, we deserve that. Mercy, however, implies failure. This is exactly the picture for we have all fallen short of God’s grace. If we were to receive what we so justly de serve, we wouldn’t stand a chance. But instead of justice, He extends to us His hand of loving and tender mercy. My wife was doing some shopping in a supermarket one evening. Want ing to get home in time to fix dinner for the family, she made a “U” turn on the boulevard. As she headed down to our home, her mind on the activi ties ahead, do you know what hap pened? A black and white car was following her. It had a red light on top which was flashing on and off. She pulled to the side of the road. She had no choice. When the officer got up to the driver’s side, he began explaining why he had stopped her. She learned that she had broken the law of our city in making an illegal U-turn. Having broken the law, she would have to pay the penalty. When she got home, she was quite excited. I don’t know whether it was because she had looked so desperate and pathetic when she received the news or was so tired at the end of the day. In any case, I’m glad to report that the officer, instead of giving her a ticket, extended mercy to her and she was let off with just a warning. Now, Margaret had violated the law. She deserved justice for her uninten tional failure. But failure brought grace. This is what God does for us in extending His tender mercies. The Lord exhibits to us His grace which is sufficient for every need. Now in verse five we read, “Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things so . that thy youth is renewed as the eagle’s.” The use of the word “mouth” here actually symbolizes our desires. He brings us satisfaction and contentment. Surely we don’t know what’s best for us, but God does.
When we were growing up, one of the favorite books we loved to read as boys, especially on a rainy day, was the Sears Roebuck catalog. Do any of you have similar memories? Do you recall how the catalog was set up? It had each product in three categories: “good,” “better,” and “best.” As you looked at the publi cation, the item which was least ex pensive, and sometimes rather in ferior, was described as “good.” The next best item cost a little more and was “better.” Finally, the finest ob tainable was listed as “best” and al ways cost more, too. Now, you see, when God satisfies our desires, He gives us the very best. Keep in mind, however, that it is what He knows as the best, not necessarily always what in our opinion might seem best, but which ultimately we would see as the proper choice. Think how many dissatisfied people there are in the world! Just take a look at the suicide rate as an example. There are those who wrongly feel that because their lives are in such agony, because they are wretched within their spirits that the only way to be able to get rid of all of the frustrations they experi ence is to end their physical life. Here is a clever lie of Satan. These poor people have not realized that it’s not the body which experiences these agonizing pressures but also the soul. When an individual kills his body in suicide, he has not done away with his soul. That part of man is in destructible. It is immortal as far as time is concerned. Without Christ, a suicide has merely consigned his soul to eternal separation from God in Hell where the frustration will be intensified throughout eternity. No, suicide is never the answer. The word “satisfy” is described by Webster as “fully gratifying the de sire and making content.” What a beautiful and perfect definition. This is exactly what God, through the Lord Jesus Christ, does. There used to be a cigarette company which adver-
tized its product by the phrase, “They satisfy.” Evidently they real ly didn’t, or at least the satisfaction was very short-lived. There were not any timely lasting values involved as would be expected for people had al ways to buy more. They weren’t able to stop with just one single cigarette, or even with just one pack. Billions of them were purchased. Because, you see, nothing, be it cigarettes, nar cotics, alcohol, sex, or anything else in this world, apart from Christ, none of the things upon which men put such value, will satisfy or bring con tentment. The last phrase we want to con sider is something which sounds al most too miraculous to believe. We read of the satisfaction and that our youth may be renewed as the eagle’s. Would you want to exchange a few years of your life span and gain back your, time of youth? It was Ponce de Leon who was always in search of the proverbial “Fountain of Youth.” He never found it. He died trying. I had a woman in my office not too long ago who told me that she spent every day watching the television and doing the exercises that were per formed by the various health enthu siasts. It seemed rather strange be cause she was a woman well up in years. Actually, I did what no gentle man should ever do: I asked her her age. She stood up with her sylph-like figure, giving me a profile and with a sweep at her coiffure, proudly de clared, “I am 87 and I will not ever lose my youth.” Well, she-has since passed away to her reward. Yet she represented to me the group of people who wanted, whether it be by face lifting, hair coloring, or some other method, to retain her youth. She was a Christian, yet was this verse true with her. Why didn’t she get her youth back? Physically that’s not possible. Spiritually, however, it def initely is. Why did David use an eagle to give us his illustration ? This strong bird molts every year, gaining
Dr. Deward Lowrey (right) stewardship representative ter Biola in the state of Washington and the province of British Columbia, presents a picture froma donor to Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland, Biola president. We thank the Lord for the interest of our Christian friends who have given items of value to the school, such as stamp and coin collections, art objects, jewelry, etc. These important gifts can be used to further the work of the Lord in the preparation of young lives for His service at Biola.
To truly feel rich, begin counting all of the things you have which money can’t buy.
Rev. Cordon Davies (right), representing Biola in the San Fernando Valley of Southern California, looks over development plans with Mr. John Isaac, direc tor of the Biola Stewardship Department. Looking on is Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland, Biola president.
CROWN OR CRUCIFY I stood alone at the bar of God, In the hush of the twilight dim, And faced the question that pierced my heart "What will you do with Him? Crowned or crucified? Which shall it be?” No other choice was offered to me. I looked on the face so marred with tears That were shed in His agony The look in His kind eyes broke my heart, ’Twas full of love for me. “The crown or the cross,” it seemed to say “For or against Me, choose thou today.” He held out His loving hands to me, While He pleadingly said, “Obey! Make Me thy choice, for I love thee so”— And I could not say Him nay. Crowned, not crucified, this must it be; No other way was open to me. I knelt in tears at the feet of Christ, In the hush of the twilight dim, And all that I was, or hoped, or sought, Surrendered unto Him. Crowned, not crucified—my heart shall know No King but Christ who loveth me —Florence E. Johnson THE WEAVER My life is but a weaving Between my Lord and me: I cannot choose the colors; He worketh steadily. Ofttimes He weaveth sorrow. And I in foolish pride Forget He sees the upper, And I, the underside. Not till the loom is silent And the shuttles cease to fly, Shall God enroll the canvas And explain the reason why The dark threads are as needful In the Weaver’s skillful hand As the threads of gold and silver In the pattern He has planned.
new feathers. An eagle has a life span about that of an individual, around 70 years. An eagle, when it grows older, begins to get a strange growth over its beak. It is then it makes it almost impossible for the feathered creature to pick up kernels. It has a difficult time seeking out the proper food. This ugly growth has to come to full maturity before it can easily be broken away and removed. The eagle will rub its beak against a rock so that eventually this extra growth breaks off and falls away. I don’t think it’s too far-fetched to sug gest that there are a lot of Christians who have grown a shell over their spiritual noses. What I’m saying is that some of us need to get to the Rock of Ages to rub off this exterior of criticism. Cynicism, fault-finding, gossiping, and the other sins which the Spirit of God detests, but which so often become a part of acceptable Christian activity should be rubbed off. Some months ago, I was talking to a pastor attending Biola from Viet Nam under our “Operation: Firebrand” program, I asked him what Thanksgiving was like across the way in his war-torn country. He responded quickly, “Oh, we don’t have Thanksgiving Day in Viet Nam. You see, every day is thanksgiving there; we are thankful to God just to be alive.” It is such a little thing to us, that which we take for granted. Yet there’s not a one of us who cannot offer thanks to the Lord for His good ness here. “Bless the Lord, 0 my soul: and all that is within me, bless His holy name. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his bene fits. Who forgiveth all thine iniqui ties: who healeth all thy diseases; Who redeemeth thy life from destruc tion ; Who crowneth thee with lov ingkindness and tender mercies; Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed as the eagle’s.” Let us truly praise the Lord at all times!
The Bible says, “He that hath the Son hath life . . . and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life, but the wrath of God abideth on him.” It’s just as simple as that. Today, it is obvious from political speeches that men are looking in vain for peace. Jeremiah of old wrote con cerning those who would arise say ing, “Peace, Peace, when there is no peace.” The heart of the man who does not know Christ as Saviour lacks satisfaction and contentment. He is constantly craving something and in the turmoil of frustration is miser able without that which only Christ can give . . . peace with God and the peace of God. These are two entirely different priceless commodities. Always it has been a mark of the times that the less peace there is in the world, the more people talk about it. It is a good theme for the politi cian and the diplomat. We talk about a “national purpose” which is care fully wrapped in the hopeful blanket of peace. But still there is no peace. Everyone is in favor of peace; we are willing to obtain it at almost any price. Evidently, from the promises we have heard, it is more important than home and liberty. As a nation, we have tried to protect ourselves against disaster, war, poverty, reces sion, old age, ill health, abuse of civil rights and even death itself. Still the man who is not on the Saviour side of the cross lacks peace of heart and satisfaction of purpose. As our friend, Vance Havner, so adequately ex pressed it: “If you want to know what we have the least of, listen to what we talk the most about!” And he is right. This is true of religion generally. It is easy to talk about religion. The magazines and books are full of it. It makes a good “punch- 13
A m e r ic a ’ s g r e a t h e r i t a g e was made strong through the deter-, mined courage and faith of our founding fathers. There is a great dividing line here in our country; a line that is even finer in its demar cation than that which will be noted at the polls. The dividing line does not come from one’s social standing, or the color of his skin, or even the political party or affiliation when the final “X” made on the ballot. The thing which puts a person into one group or the other is not an X—but a cross, the cross of the only Saviour of this world, the Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible is a divider: it separates all peoples into two groups. The Lord said that His gospel of truth would separate even families. The problem today is that men do not realize, or perhaps they would like to forget such words as, “He that hath the Son [the Lord Jesus Christ] hath life, and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life, but the wrath of God abideth on him.” Humanity wants to relegate and to categorize individ uals, not according to biblical prin ciples, but according to political affili ations. We have many wonderful Demo crat listeners today, as well as many in the Republican party. But a stand for a party platform, a resolve con cerning one’s distaste for any at tempt to combine church and state, even a positive feeling toward doc trines of our particular denomina tion, are not the things that put men on one side of the cross or the other. This is decided rather one hundred percent by a man’s individual rela tionship to Jesus Christ. Whether or not by faith he has received the Lord as his own personal Saviour from sin, is the sole determining factor.
line everywhere. The popular sing ers always seem to have a hymn ready. Churches are prospering and joining one seems quite the thing to do. But let us not be deceived by talk, when men say “peace, peace,” and there is no peace. At the prelude of the national elec tion, the following amazing scene took place in a large metropolitan hotel lobby. One of the aspiring can didates had hired, possibly through his campaign manager, a bevy of scantily-clad showgirls dressed in black tights. They were to parade through the lobby and try to solicit the votes of some delegates. One of the most briefly-attired girls carried a paradoxical banner for the hope ful presidential candidate bearing the doubtful legend, “Meet the Moral Challenge! Elect so-and-so!” It is clear that men have not met this moral challenge. Can you remem ber a few years ago when this truth was.proven dramatically? The then Soviet Premier visited our city and the best we could show him was some degraded aspects of humanity. This revealed once more the groping of man for basic satisfaction, which can come only through the personal knowledge of Jesus Christ as Sav iour. He alone can give true and last ing peace. The average person in our country longs for happiness. He has been tpld by the politicians that the right vote at the polls will bring permanent peace. Unfortunately this is not the case. Today, the average person wants what he wants when he wants it, and like a little child, he has no desire to wait. Hence, there is the increase of divorce, the morality problem, the rising rate of mental illness, and the breakdown of social barriers. True and lasting happiness come from the peace Christ gives within, not merely from having things about us. Whitney Griswold of Yale Univer sity warned students as well as par- 14
ents: “The greatest single menace to our society is the way in which we, as a nation, and as individuals, have permitted our sense of respon sibility to be deadened on moral issues.” Walter Lippmann, well- known journalist, speaking on the subject of our national purpose, wrote in essence, “The American people to day have the mistaken idea that we have arrived; that we lack nothing.” How tragically true is this evaluation when spiritually and morally speak ing we are bankrupt and bereft of the things which really count for eternity! This attitude, which rele gates God to a lesser position and exalts man; this feeling of having arrived and needing nothing more than we ourselves can devise; the entire godless philosophy which is apparent on every hand — can well defeat us from within, before the Communists even fire a single shot at our shores. The Bible brings all these thoughts into focus in the simple, pungent statement which we would do well to remember, not only at the polls, but every day that God allows this na tion to have her freedom: “Right eousness exalteth a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people!” As sacrilegious as this may sound, recently I heard a comedian making a modern paraphrase on one of our historic national songs. He may not have been too far wrong: “My coun try, ’tis TV; Sweet land of sit and see . . . Gunsmoke galore! Land where the villain dies . . . shot right be tween the eyes . . . by good fast drawing guys . . . L-e-e-et six-guns roar!” I venture to say more people know the plot of Sunday evening’s “Mission: Impossible,” than the eter nal truths of just one story of the Bible given earlier in the day in Sun day schools and churches throughout the land. We have placed the empha sis in our nation on obtaining, on striving to gain satisfaction, on en tertainment at any cost, on the for
nity. On which side of the Cross is your life today ? How have you voted concerning God’s free gift of salva tion, extended tb you by His grace and mercy at this hour? “How then shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation?” “Behold, now is the ac cepted time, behold, now is the day of salvation!” SEVEN MILES FROM SIN This has been an exciting and thrill ing time at Biola with another record enrollment. Because of lack of space, we have had to turn away several hun dred deserving students seeking prep aration for Christian service. There seems to be little need to advertise for students. That’s evidently not true with all colleges. There’s a small one down in the South which used to seek en- rollees by assuring parents of its clean environment. The ad read, “We’re lo cated in the country, seven miles from any form of sin." That’s quite a loca tion isn’t it? Think what it would be like living in such an area. In fact, what would it be like even one mile away from sin? The actual fact of the matter is that regardless where we are, no one can get away from himself. The Bible reminds us that all men are sin ners. In Romans 5:12 we read, “Where fore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned” The truth is that man’s own heart, individually, is deceitful and, above all things, desperately wicked. No one but the Lord can know it. But while one in this life can’t get away from sin, yet he who has Jesus Christ in his heart and has yielded himself to the Lord may live in victory and peace amidst a world of abounding evils and alluring temptations. Moving to the country “seven miles away from sin” is no more help than moving to the delightful atmosphere of a Christian college like Biola. He who is without Christ will fall into iniquity even though he may be far removed from an outlet of organized sin, crime or corruption. Keep in mind this Scrip tural certainty: “He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life” (I John 5:12). 15
bidden fruit, which must be more ap pealing than righteolis living. “Sock it to me” time is more important than the study of God’s Word. The result is moral chaos which has brought our country to the very brink of catastrophe and spiritual bankruptcy. Now, I am not a “crepe-hanger” nor am I a “prophet of doom” but I say to you, that the far-reaching im plications which have been well dis cussed, possibly in your church, will be decided at the polls. Let the Lord’s people stand up and fearlessly vote for the right, regardless of family ties or traditional positions. Then for those in our listening audience who have sought for peace of mind, who have looked almost fruitlessly for satisfaction, realize that the polls don’t divide men. The great division comes when a person accepts or re jects the Lord Jesus Christ as per sonal Saviour — God’s only way of redemption, the only One who can comfort a troubled heart and bring true peace and satisfaction. All have sinned; all need a Saviour. In which group are you to be found today, the “haves” — those who have eternal life through Christ — or the “have-nots” — those who have never believed upon Him for their soul’s eternal salvation ? Let me repeat that simple verse, in the words of the Lord Jesus Christ, Himself: “He that hath the Son, hath life, and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life, but the wrath of God abid- eth on him.” Perhaps your husband, or your wife has persuaded you to vote a cer tain way, but when the time comes to cast your ballot, the choice you make will be known only in the con fines of that polling booth. Perhaps the results can be changed in four years. But the decision you make at this moment, known only in the pri vacy of your own home — there is the kitchen, the bedroom, the car, the office, or the shop — will be settled forever and will count for all eter
O N E o f t h e most interesting areas of the world is the British Crown Colony of Hong Kong. I was there some months ago when the Commu nists moved an offensive against the authorities. There were riots which swiftly and speedily were put down. Since Hong Kong adjoins Red China, the insurrectionists made de structive bombs which would blow up easily, which they put in cardboard boxes, wrapped in brown paper with a string around it. If you saw it, it would appear to be an interesting parcel, with unknown contents. These parcels were left on the streets, side walks, benches, in stores, or wherever people might be. Naturally when any body picked them up, they would ex plode causing damage, death, and demoralization among the population. This diabolical scheme fell far short however, for the reverse reaction took place. 1was there the first Sunday a bomb was planted. The harmless-looking and intriguing brown paper parcel was placed in a parking lot. Two lit tle children, a brother and sister about nine or ten years old, saw it. Since it seemed to belong to no one, they picked it up. The horrible device exploded when they opened it and both had their faces blown off. It was a hideous and vile thing to do. The population of Hong Kong rose to gether in righteous indignation. They hated the Communists for doing this kind of thing to small, defenseless children. But rather than apologize, the enemy boasted of their evil deed. They rejoiced in wickedness, and made it known that the harassment would continue again and again. Bombs again were found in stores, on the sidewalks and even in hotel elevators. Rather than demoralizing 16
the population, it caused them to be come extremely angry. A procedure was worked out to handle the menace which proved effective. Coming back from church one day, I noted a large crowd which had gath ered in the street. We were coming up Nathan Street, the main highway in Kowloon and all the traffic was stopped. Since there appeared to be no movement possible, we got out of the car and pressed toward the area of focalized interest. A bomb had been discovered on the sidewalk. Peo ple knew by now not to touch these unusual packages. Policemen soon ar rived to hold back the inquisitive crowds. British troops were rushed in speedily. A large circle was formed around the suspicious parcel which seemed on the outside to be quite in nocent and harmless. None of the police or the troops went near the device, but held the people back. Before long, a little jeep rolled up to the spot the bomb was. Out jumped a youthful-looking British officer, seemed only 22 or 23. Here was the expert. The crowd grew very silent. Everyone watched intently. He knelt right alongside the bomb. His head and his body were right over it. It seemed to be a crazy thing to do. His hands moved very carefully, undoing the wrapping at the sides rather than from the top. His hands felt what was inside while he bent so low that his face touched the paper. It seemed a terrifying thing to do. If it was a bomb his head could be blown off. It was a bomb all right. He couldn’t see it. He was feeling it with his hands.' Here was the expert looking for the fuse. A hush had swept over the at tentive crowd. Then, suddenly, as I watched from a distance, I heard him exclaim, “Aahh!” Quickly he stood
God’s gracious invitation, “My son, give me thy heart.” Will you respond in the affirmative now, while the op portunity is still available?
up, grabbed the parcel, put it under his arm, jumped into his jeep and drove away. In a few moments the traffic was going again. The danger had passed. The expert knew how to handle the situation. Did you ever stop to think that the Bible teaches us that every individ ual has his own bomb within him? It is called the human heart. Do you realize that it could explode? If you don’t believe it, hear what Jesus Christ said about it, “For from with in, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, wicked ness, deceits, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness: All these evil things come from with in and defile the man” (Mark 7:21- 23 the Amplified New Testament). The Saviour said these things are in every man. Someone may say “I haven’t ever done any of those things; they haven’t come out of my heart.” Keep in mind then that if they haven’t come out, then they are still inside. This is what the Lord has told us. As human beings, we are capable of anything, everything within this list and other similar ones given in Scripture. Christ is the divine psy chologist. He created the human heart. You may be a Christian. If so, thank God. If you are not a Christian, thank God you can be. Perhaps someone reading this is now contemplating viciousness. It will cause you to blow up, bringing de struction to yourself and those whom you love. Keep in mind that it takes an expert to handle a bomb. There’s only one Expert, the Lord Jesus Christ. Call upon Him and He’ll “de fuse” you. He can cleanse you from your sin. Recognize His presence and let Him control you. He promised, “I’ll never leave thee nor forsake thee.” There’s only one way, and that’s through Christ. You’re not big enough. None of us know enough to handle our own hearts. Listen to
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One of the new freshman students at Biota College this year is Colin Hunter (center) of England. With him are his parents Dr. and Mrs. John Hunter who have been used of the Lord in Bible conference ministries around the world. Dr. Hunter has been featured on the Biola broadcasts numerous times, as well as in family Bible conferences during the sum mer. Mrs. Hunter has authored more than two dozen Christian books and novels.
A vital part of the Biola ministry is the work of the secretarial staff. Here are three of the women who effectively serve the Lord in this fashion. From left to right they are Miss Mickey Wiebe, secretary to Mr. Paul Schwepker, vice president and treasurer, Mrs. Shirley Leighton, secretary to Dr. Richard Chase, Academic vice president, and Mrs. Ethel Barnard, sec retary to Dr. Robert Crawford, Biola College dean. 17
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