1 Wide Format Printing 5 Digital Commercial Printing 7 Custom Packaging 9 Photographic Lab Services 11 Mounting, Lamination & Framing 13 Duggal Studios 17 Innovation Lab 21 Digital Signage & Multimedia 23 Displays & Fixtures 25 Lightboxes 27 Exhibitions & Events 29 Installation & Project Management
The History of INNOVATION LEADERSHIP & For over 50 years, Duggal has been combining the craftsmanship of yesterday with tomorrow’s technology, resulting in the perfect fusion of art and science. – Baldev Duggal , Founder
1960 Duggal opens first photographics lab in what is now New York’s famous Photo District
1962 Duggal revolutionizes the film processing industry by inventing and of fering the world’s first Dip & Dunk Processor
1982 Duggal becomes the first lab to expand into digital imaging by of fering high res drum scanning
1993–2009 Duggal continues to expand; opening a 30,000 sq. ft. corporate headquarters at 29 West 23 rd Street in the heart of New York’s Photo District and a state-of-the- art large format printing and finishing facility in Brooklyn. Duggal also installs the first high resolution UV 16-foot printer in the United States
2010 Duggal opens first West Coast facility in Portland, Oregon
2012 Duggal becomes Forestry Stewardship Council & Rainforest Alliance Certified
Duggal becomes the first to wrap an entire building with a wide-format graphic
2013 Duggal has a record year – Duggal exlusively introduces HD C-Prints™ – the highest resolution prints in the world, and becomes the first company to install the INCA Q401 High Resolution 63x123 Digital Press. Duggal also opens its premier event venue, Duggal Geenhouse, in Brooklyn
2014 Duggal becomes Sustainable Green Printing Partnership Certified
2015 Duggal opens new 100,000 sq. ft. manufacturing facility in the Brooklyn Navy Yard and becomes the only printing company to have a LEED certified production house
2019-20 Duggal expands West Coast sales with a new of fice in Burbank, California, as well as a new 68,000 sq. ft. manufacturing facility in Westhampton, NY – expanding wide-format capability
2018 Duggal now of fers bi-coastal photo studio services located in Portland, OR & Brooklyn, NY
2016 Duggal installs new presses including the first HP Indigo 12000 Commercial Digital Press, and inspires clients with their new Innovation Lab & CGI Studio
wide format
In 1993, Duggal became the first company to fully wrap a building in a wide format mural. Since that
groundbreaking success, we have led the graphics industry by being the f irst in the Uni ted States to launch numerous wide format presses. We produce retai l visuals, banners, bui lding wraps, custom digi tal wallpaper, vinyl floor graphics, billboards, carpet ing and f leet graphics around the world. We offer a comprehensive assortment of mater ials, from highly durable vinyl and f ine ar t canvas to l ightweight text i les, magnet ic materials, and a range of eco- f r iendly mater ial s . Our pr inters are al l VOC-f ree and feature the latest green technology and h igh- resol u t ion pr i n t heads. Our large f leet of top-of-the-l ine UV, Latex, Dye-Subl imat ion and Archival Pigment printers allows us to offer the right solution for every need and to create high qual i ty graphics at any size, quant i ty and speed required. Our wide format printing is complemented by our f ini shing depar tment that can seam, t r im, die cut and weld thousands of graphics quickly and accurately. Our ful f i l lment and instal lat ion teams can then handle everything from nationwide rollouts to major events.
“ Our industry-leading large format printers enable us to create stunning graphics in any quantity or size to meet the specifications needed for each project, whether for indoor or outdoor, daylight or night, or to last hundreds of years.
Dugga l ’ s f l ee t o f F l a t Bed pr inters provide unprecedented image detai l and tonal range for indus t r ial -volume runs. Our pr inters of fer UV LED cur ing for impressive print quality on a wide var iety of media, 3D capabi l i ty for as toundi ng dimens ional i t y to produce a tac t i l e rai sed pr int , along wi th spot varni sh capabi l i t ies. Our f lat bed f leet is capable of print ing direct ly onto an assor tment of subst rates up to 2 inches thick, f rom display boards to aluminum and wood. Our presses also feature whi te ink for special effect print ing on colored and metal l ic substrates. Direct to Substrate
A perennial leader of innovat ion in the print ing and graph i cs i ndus t ry, Duggal ’ s f leet of state-of-the-art Dye Sublimation printers feature 8 color and f luorescent capabi l i t ies, as wel l as an astounding resolution from a 4 picoliter drop size. Included in our f leet is the revolut ionary eco-friendly Reggiani, which uses water-based pigments and emi ts zero VOCs. Dugga l i s proud o f i t s V i brach rome™ technology, our response to the need for a vibrant yet durable solution to printing on metal. Vibrachrome™ is the product of a two-part heat t ransfer process in which two cut t ing-edge dye-subl imat ion machines complement each other for a permanent, vibrant print . Vibrachrome ™ Metalized printing
DIGITAL COMMERCIAL PRESS Duggal i s home to t he HP Indigo 5900 and 12000 digi tal shee t fed pres ses . These 7 color Indigo presses pr int wi th
astounding speed and detai l , al lowing us to produce top-qual i ty brochures , photo books, cards, por t fol ios, point of purchase visuals, invi tat ions, di rect mai l and market ing mater ial s in run lengths from one to thousands of pieces. Variable data print ing al lows us to customize each piece for different audiences in continuous print runs. Wi th the abi l i ty to pr int onto cardstock as thick as 18 pt . , the Indigo 12000 is a more eff icient al ternat ive to tradi t ional of f set pr int ing for shor t - to-medium- run commercial pr int ing needs . I t requi res
no plates and can produce anything f rom a one-of f to a high volume run of tens of thousands of pieces. Ou r I nd i go p r es ses a r e c omp l eme n t e d b y o u r ex t ens i ve ons i t e f i n i sh i ng capabi l i t i es i nc l udi ng foi l stamping, binding, cutting and laminat ion services. Projects produced on Duggal’s Indigo presses have won mul t iple Excel lence in Print Awards.
Duggal Packaging Solut ions par tners w i t h c o r p o r a t e
Duggal Packaging Solut ions p r oduce s un i que , h i gh - resolut ion packaging comps with a variety of stocks, custom var n i shes and embos s i ng effects. Our packaging team offers more than 50 years of combined industry experience e n c o m p a s s i n g c o l o r management, production and consul tancy.
Duggal feat ures 3-D and l e n t i c u l a r f l i p p r i n t e d mounted to special lenses ut i l izing advanced sof tware to create the effect . We also of fer dimensional pr ints wi th t ex t ures and 3-D pr i n t ed objects.
marketers, design studios and advertising agencies to create innovat ive, eye-catching and cos t - e f f ec t i ve packag i ng comps and digi tal shor t run packaging for all facets of the consumer packaged goods industry.
Photographic Lab
For more than 50 years, Duggal Visual Solut ions has served as an indust ry leader in photographic print ing and
conventional lab services. Widely considered as the premier photo lab in the world, Duggal is a favori te among photographers, art ists, museums and top retai l brands who rely on our 24-hour Digital C-Print department housing the largest family of digital photographic printers in the United States. From our revolutionary new HD C-Prints® with an astounding 6,100 DPI to our f ive 72 inch-wide Lightjet printers capable of producing photographic prints up to 72”x120” in size, Duggal of fers a wide select ion of t rue archival giclée photographic papers and display films in color and B&W. S i nce Ba l dev Dugga l revo l u t i on ized f i lm development wi th his Dip-and-Dunk processing method, Duggal has been on the forefront of negative development. Our techniques el iminate the scratches and defects caused by tradi t ional means of film processing. We process E-6, C-41, and B&W film, as well as contact sheets and film scanning services.
We are leading the digi tal age whi le car rying on the artistry of traditional methods. Our comprehensive sui te of photographi c lab ser v i ces makes us a top choice for high vol ume, mu l t i - faceted and detail-oriented projects alike.
& Mounting, Framing Lamination
Duggal ’s ski l led craf tsmen and t echn i ca l expe r t s handle all aspects of display
Comp l emen t i ng ou r mou n t i ng depar tment i s our ar t i san- f raming department, convenient ly located in the Brooklyn Navy Yard. Hundreds of unique, beaut i ful ly-craf ted frame opt ions are on di splay including standard f inishes, reclaimed wood and custom welded steel . Duggal can fabricate custom moldings to the exact color and sizing desired.
and pr int protect ion wi th a wide range of laminat ion, mount ing and f raming mater ial s and techniques . Our custom mounting includes options from gallery-style plexi and anodized aluminum, to display boards such as Gatorboard and Sintra.
Duggal is a pioneer of digital retouching, CGI and image enhancement. That
tradition continues at Duggal Studios. With studios on both coasts, the foundation of a legendary photographic lab and instant access to the largest digital printer in North America, we are able to deliver an unprecedented combination of pure creativity and vast capabilities. The artistry of a creative studio meets the impact of a global powerhouse – think boutique, but bigger. & Post-Production – these building blocks serve not to stand alone, but instead to come together and make us who we are – a team of inventive and impassioned artists. Born from a blend of talent and technology, Duggal Studios offer an unprecedented approach to digital image enhancement and content creation. Our technicians understand and appreciate art, creating a stronger sense of synergy with our clients. We are approachable, accessible, and reliable. Pho t og r aph y , CG I , Mo t i on Duggal Studios is home to more than 30 curated and certified retouching and CGI professionals. We are G7 Master Printer Certified, providing an array of color correct creative imaging services from retail to fine art.
In photography, vision is vital and control is everything. With images reaching more eyes through more mediums than ever before. Duggal Studios serves as an industry keeper-of-the-balance between optimization and integrity. CGI HAVING AN IDEA IS ONLY THE BEGINNING. CGI has brought the imagination-driven possibilities of traditional illustration into the technological world of 3D graphics. No longer is the creativity or utility of a brand’s ideas limited by 2D space. Blending calculation with artistry, we push the boundaries of photorealistic and stylized CGI while maintaining the creative aesthetics that make your brand unique. MOTION A BRAND SHOULD NEVER BE STATIC. People are innately captivated – even mesmerized – by movement. Why not turn this human reaction into a catalyst for engagement? From features to Facebook, we bring motion to your grandest visions, the finest details and everything in between. POST- PRODUCTION A MILLION MILES BEYOND “TOUCHING UP.” Duggal Studios hinges its value more on finishing. Instead of simply masking weaknesses, we seek to emphasize strengths and continually raise the industry standard for post-production.
Our impact is measured both qual i tat ively and analyt ical ly, the solut ions we imagine are grounded in engineering and business strategy.
The Innovat ion Lab is a team of creat ive technologists and mul t imedia experts driving the future of visual communicat ions. We are 21st Century art ists, col lected from a wide gamut of digi tal/ analog discipl ines and inspired by our passion for beauty.
are evergreen displays. Content updates are achieved simply by changing out SD cards and a slot ted extrusion al lows for edge-to- edge fabric graphics, resul t ing in a new look wi thout replacing the core f ixture. Wi th RGB modules, l ight ing produces a ful l range of vibrant hues, these are visual displays that stand out . Content can be animated across the ful l color spectrum, as wel l as pure whi te on the same chipset for the ul t imate “WOW!” Whi te module l ight ing al lows graphics to be animated by modulat ing densi ty and luminosi ty in conjunct ion wi th a ful l color print for a more economical approach, whi le st i l l retaining the wow moment . Create an atmosphere of pure dist inct ion wi th the next generat ion of visual displays, combining graphic images and animated l ight to elevate the visual experience. Perfect for retai l, exhibi t ion and hospi tal i ty appl icat ions.
The Innovation Lab at Duggal of fers a complete set of in-house solut ions from design to fabricat ion and instal lat ion, streaml ining workf low whi le maintaining the highest level of qual i ty and innovat ion. Our ful l solut ion approach includes Sol id Works, AutoCAD and VectorWorks 3D renderings, as wel l as mechanical drawings that our product ion team can print, fabricate and instal l anywhere in the world. By combining mechanical and visual design wi th our vast knowledge of interact ive technology, mul t imedia, substrates, product ion possibi l i t ies and instal l logist ics, Duggal helps stretch creat ive boundaries wi th f ixtures and visuals of al l shapes and sizes. We are proud to be a trusted design partner for museum exhibi t ions, gal lery openings, events and retai l campaigns worldwide.
& digital signage multimedia
Duggal br i ngs 50 years of exper ience at the foref ront of v i s ua l commun i ca t i on s and
customer engagement to digi tal signage, display and interact ive merchandising.
Duggal provides ful l service, concept - to-creat ion displays. From 3D renderings to digi tal content showcased in custom fabricated fixtures installed and maintained global ly. We produce highly customized single instal lat ions as wel l as create and manage dynamic networks of over 1,000 locat ions. Our digi tal team appl ies their knowledge and experience of the newest technologies i n t he des ign of un ique mu l t imedia exper ience packages. We are a value- added di s t r ibutor for premier screen manufacturers global ly and of fer many unique and exclusive technologies.
Displays Fixtures &
Dugga l cu s t om- f ab r i ca t ed di splays and f ixtures of fer a full range of solutions for stores,
We consu l t and col laborate wi t h retai lers to create power fu l , eye - grabbing campaigns . Wi th des ign, i n t e r ac t i v e , p r i n t i ng , mou n t i ng , fabricat ion and instal lat ion experts al l in-house, it gives Duggal an unmatched abi l i ty to produce innovat ive displays quickly and on budget .
showrooms, t radeshows, hotel s and exhibi t ions. Duggal designers create 3D renderings of your display before fabricat ion to ensure your sat isfact ion. Our craf tsmen use the latest equipment to fabr icate unique one-of f displays and campaigns for t housands of locations, all produced in-house at our dedicated display faci l i t ies.
L IGHTBOXES Dugga l br i ngs 50 year s o f expe r i ence t o t he f o r e f r on t o f v i s u a l c ommu n i c a t i o n s and cus tomer engagemen t to digi tal signage, display and interact ive merchandising.
Duggal provides ful l service, concept - to-creat ion displays. From 3D renderings to digi tal content showcased in custom fabricated fixtures installed and maintained global ly. We produce highly customized single instal lat ions as wel l as create and manage dynamic networks of over 1,000 locat ions. Our digi tal team appl ies their knowledge and experience of the newest technologies i n t he des ign of un ique mu l t imedia exper ience packages. We are a value- added di s t r ibutor for premier screen manufacturers global ly and of fer many unique and exclusive technologies.
Dugga l Gre e nhou s e i s a premier venue for any event . Our 35,000-square-foot event space and br idge views , a water f ront pat io and bar, cater ing, secured en t r y and yacht t ranspor tat ion services.
For more informat ion, visi t www.duggalgreenhouse.com.
Duggal Global Events i s a ful l service event p roduc t i on company
seamlessly integrates al l elements with visionary creativity for a lasting impact, whi le also shortening lead t imes and reducing cost . Hundreds of museums nat ionwide include works printed by Duggal . We take great pride in our global reputat ion as a go-to resource for exhibi t ion design and instal lat ion.
wi th an unparal leled abi l i t y to develop, manage and execute your vision. By incorporat ing development , de s i gn , managemen t , p r i n t , f ab r i ca t i on and i n s t a l l a t i on anywhere in the wor ld, Duggal
Duggal’s fulfillment team coordinates logi s t ics , packing, shipping and instal lat ions around the wor ld. We
complete every thing f rom exclus ive s ingle - si te exhibi t ion instal lat ions to thousand-store instal lat ion rol lout programs worldwide. Duggal serves the indoor and outdoor graphic needs for many of the wor ld’s f inest retai lers. From 1,500-door rol louts involving printing and col lat ing custom graphics packages to custom flagship store displays, we are constantly called on to elevate the retai l experience. Ou r l arge i n-house i ns t a l l a t i on t eam i s supplemented by our global network of installers that are managed and evaluated to ensure the best service.
40,000 squa re f ee t o f warehouse space to stage, pack , s tore and ship your order. Develop, instal l and manage p r i n t campa i gns , d i g i t a l s ignage and ever y thing in between. Ou r i n - hou s e f u l l f i lmen t t eam i s expe r i enced i n instal l ing f ine ar t in gal leries and museums , same - day t rades how s e t ups , re t a i l event s and overnight retai l t ran s f o r ma t i on s , f a s h i on shows , ar t gal l er i es and museums.
Project Management
Managing your project has never been easier with Duggal’s Visual Management System (VMS). Our secure onl ine system al lows you to analyze, update and manage al l visual data at a glance wi thin a user-friendly and intui t ive format. Duggal VMS al lows you acces s t he mos t up-to-date informat ion in real-t ime with opt imally s t ruc tured data feeds and as set di s t r ibut ion proces ses . Thi s includes consol idated v i sual over views, onl ine ordering, cent ral ized product and s tore informat ion, order s tatus updates and t rack ing, integrated campaign planning, budget ing and forecast ing. As wel l, you can st reaml ine the dist r ibut ion of new visuals wi th bui l t- in deadl ine dr iven aler ts and error prevent ion tools. Such as: automated not if icat ions to aler t the f ield to expiring imagery, accountabi l i t y set t ings for comprehensive review and approval, and feedback loops to prevent incorrect or unneccessary visual product ion. Duggal VMS is customizable to meet your specific business needs and tai lor funct ional i t y to your own workf low requirement.
Duggal Brooklyn Navy Yard 63 Flushing Avenue, Building 25 Brooklyn, NY 11205
Duggal Creative Studio 43 West 24 th Street New York, NY 10010 Duggal Westhampton 200 Roger’s Way, Unit E Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 Duggal burbank
Duggal GReenhouse 63 Flushing Avenue, Building 268 Brooklyn, NY 11205 Duggal West Coast 10300 SW Herman Road Tualatin, OR 97062
2838 N Naomi St Burbank, CA 91504
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