Mortgage Marketing Animals Issue 3


HOW TO EXPLAIN DISC QUESTIONNAIRE TO STAFF/ TEAM MEMBERS OR FUTURE HIRES We work together as a team and want everyone to feel successful in their efforts. We are big believers in utilizing this questionnaire to get insights into who you are, what you enjoy, and how to best communicate with you, and we use it to make sure we have everyone working to their strengths. This makes it a win-win for all of us. • 60–70 percent of the test is accurate, and the balance we will disregard. Ask, “When you took the questionnaire, were you thinking work or personal?” • Don’t make assumptions. Ask questions and guide, but do not pass judgment! • We are here to be engineers of epiphany. Inquire, “How could this be something that is not a drain on you?” • Any profile can be successful. They must have self- awareness and be authentic, which means sticking to who they know they are and not trying to conform to someone they aren’t. True self-awareness and authenticity is knowing what comes naturally to them without having to think or stress to accomplish tasks. Inauthenticity causes you to feel upside down from always putting in more effort than you feel you get back in results, and it blocks you from your passions. Adhering to self-awareness and authenticity is what brings true fulfillment. • If their skill set does not show up on any of the 3 profiles, do the following: • Have the applicant take the DISC prior to seeing a job description. This is always best, but not mandatory. You want them to answer truly and not based on what they think you want to hear. • Review their resume for experience. • Conduct a phone interview. • Test the applicant on job tasks.

• Schedule a face-to-face interview. • Check references prior to the face-to-face interview. • For the working interview, use sample files to test what they know or do not know. Host a team lunch. Your team can ask questions that HR or the owner cannot ask in the realm of getting to know them personally. You want to get a thumbs-up from all your team members on this person. This way, they are included in the decision and will be more receptive to assist with training. Ultimately, this allows for peace in the office. DISC REPRESENTS HOWWE TEND TO RESPOND AND OUR BEHAVIORAL TENDENCIES This can change based on outside influences. (Think of a beach ball floating in the ocean. It adjusts with wind and waves.) DISC should be 10–20 percent of your overall data evaluation. We will cover the values and attributes in our coming newsletters: D: Problem, I: People, S: Pace, and C: Procedures. This instrument operates at midpoint, observable behavior. 100 is extreme, 50 is neutral, and 0 is extreme. A difference of less than 10 percent is not an adjustable number to be observed. If the difference is 20 percent or more, that is observable. The Natural Style (colored) is who you are when you are not thinking — your most natural and authentic self. The Adaptive (gray) is how you behave when you are aware of your behavior, like when you think about tasks or feel you are being watched. The Adaptive is how we respond when stressors are put upon us. This is when our observable behavior may shift. Specifically for D: Problems-Results, if you’re higher in adaptive, you will be more aggressive toward results. If you’re lower, you will be less aggressive. With I: People- Experience, if you’re higher in adaptive, you will be more trusting and improve the experience. People lower in adaptive will be less trusting and will lessen or be willing to sacrifice the experience. For example, if someone is a higher D and lower I, that means they are willing to sacrifice the experience over the results. If the D lowers and I goes up, they are willing to sacrifice the results over the experience.

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