Have you noticed more popping, grinding or even pain in your knees when you bend, squat or kneel? This can be a sign of advancing stages of arthritis. As the largest joint in your body, the knee takes on its fair share of impact. Not surprisingly, knee pain is a common complaint among people of all ages. The most common causes include inflammation caused by improper lifting of heavy objects, poor flexibility, bad shoes, muscle weakness, starting high-impact fitness routines without warming up and structural knee problems, such as arthritis, torn cartilage or ligament damage
The Training Room Bulletin The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body 6 SIMPLE STEPS TOMAKE YOUR KNEES FEEL GREAT
Are you Worried About your Knee Health?
6 Simple Steps
The Training Room Bulletin The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body
Are youWorried About your Knee Health?
Haveyounoticedmorepopping,grindingoreven pain inyourkneeswhenyoubend,squatorkneel? Thiscanbeasignofadvancingstagesofarthritis. Asthe largest joint inyourbody,thekneetakeson itsfairshareof impact.Notsurprisingly,kneepain isacommoncomplaintamongpeopleofallages. Themostcommoncauses include inflammation causedby improper liftingofheavyobjects,poor flexibility, bad shoes, muscle weakness, starting high-impactfitnessroutineswithoutwarmingup and structural knee problems, such as arthritis,
lessexpensivethanatotal jointreplacement!(2) How can a physical therapist help? Based on the findings of your evaluation, your physical therapist will develop a customized rehabilitation program to ensure a safe return to your desired activities. Your therapist will applymanual (hands-on) therapy togentlyguide movement of the knee area to restore joint and tissue mobility. Specificstrengthening,flexibility,andendurance exercises will be prescribed to address your specific needs and goals. These exercises may also may include balance and coordination exercises. And lastly, your physical therapist will design a safe and effective home-exercise programbasedonyourspecificcondition,which you can continue long after your formal physical therapy sessions have ended.
Put your knees on the right path to health with a visit to your physical therapist. If your knees are feeling tight, stiff, weak, or are just starting to bother you, come see us, before it becomes a REAL problem. Call us today and talk to your physical therapist about your knees.
torn cartilage or ligament damage Will I need surgery for my knees?
Call us today and talk to your physical therapist about your knees.
The good news is that recent studies show 60- 70% of knee osteoarthritis patients can avoid surgery by getting PT first (1). In fact, surgery should always be considered as a last resort after conservative measures have been tried. Furthermore,physicaltherapy isactually40times
(1).KatzJN,BrophyRH,ChaissonCE,etal.Surgeryversusphysical therapy forameniscal tearandosteoarthritis.NEnglJMed.2013 (2).http://www.healthline.com/health/total-knee-replacement-surgery/understanding-costs#1
6 Simple Steps ToMake Your Knees Feel Great
Kneepaindoesn’thave toslowyoudown.Therearemanyways tonaturally relieve knee pain, and get your joints moving the way they should. Here are some tips to help your knees feel great: 1.Strengthenyourhipandquadricepmuscles –Doexercisestostrengthen theouterhipandyourgluteusmuscles.Thestrongeryourhipsare,thebetter supportedyourkneesare. Inaddition,thequadricepsmuscleshelptosupport the knee joints. Talk to your physical therapist about which strengthening exercises are right for you. 2. Stretch your legs – Focus on the hamstrings, quads, inner thighs and calves. By stretching these muscles we can alleviate excesses pull at the knee and knee cap. Try this stretch: while on your back on the floor, with your toes puled up to your nose, slowly lift you leg in the air until you feel a stretch in the back of your knee, but be gentle! Hold for a good 30 seconds and repeat 3-5 times in a row on both sides. 3. Get your kneecap moving – Freely moving patellas (kneecaps), are a signofgoodkneehealth. Inasittingpositionwithyour legoutstraight,hold onto your kneecap and gently push it down towards your toes and back up towards your head. This should not hurt! Repeat 10 times each direction and then do side to side. Repeat 2-3 times in the day.
4. Keep Moving – Staying active can help control weight and build muscle, both of which can help promote knee health.The best exercises for people who may be concerned about knee problems include nonimpact aerobic exercises,suchaswalkingon levelground,trainingonanellipticalmachine, using a stationary bike, swimming and doing water aerobics. 5. Ice and heat – Heat helps with circulation flow, and feels great to soothe arthritic knees. A hot soak in the bath can go a long way to soothing aching knees. However, if your knees tend to swell after being on your feet for too long, use an icepack wrapped in a pillowcase for about 10-15 minutes.This reduces pain; be sure to check your skin regularly to make sure it does not get very red. 6.Getaregularphysicaltherapycheckup –Thinkofyourphysicaltherapist asthemechanicforyourbody.Giveyourkneesandbodyaregularcheckup. Weevaluate themovementofyour jointsandpreventproblemsbefore they really begin to develop. Regular visits to your physical therapist can make a difference in the long-term health of your knee joints, and keep you from spending a fortune on more expensive and invasive procedures.
If You Suffer With Knee Pain and Need Some Guidance Please Call Us Today!
“ Now, I amback tomy normal activities: running, weight training, andworking- pain free!”
“I came here when I started having pain in my right knee and Nick immediately showed me how systemic the problem really was. He did a great job at educating me on my injury and giving me the tools to improve and avoid another injury. When I came in I had issues kneeling, going up and down stairs and sitting for long periods of time. With stretching, strength training and the guidance of Nick and Nick, I finally am pain free! I am finally am able to run again and I can only thank The Training Room for this!”
-Ronald Patrick
Single-Leg Squat Test
This is a single test for lower extremity mobility and stability as both of these are linked. Stand and then balance on one foot (the side you want to test). Perform a single- leg squat while trying to keep your body as straight as possible. If you’re able to balance so that your knee is directly under your hip for about one-half of the deep knee bend and the return up, then you pass the test on that side. If you must tilt your
body over to that side and/or your knee drives inward, you likely have a problem in your ankle mobility and/or hip and knee stability. These deficits can lead to pain and dysfunction limiting your ability to squat, climb stairs and run. If you did not pass this test and want more info on what’s going on with your body, feel free to give us a call. We are offering a free movement screen by our physical therapists for the first 20 people that call to schedule 856-874-1166.
Concussion Rehab is back at The Training Room!!! The Training Room of Haddonfield is now seeing patients who are suffering from concussions. Our new therapist, Anne Diaz-Arrastia, PT, DPT has been studying and treating those affected by concussions and is ready to help you down the road to recovery.
If your physician has recommended PT for your concussion symptoms, or you believe you have sustained a concussion, give us a call in Haddonfield today! 856.616.8000
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