
Technical training

Lift Standard / V3 2023-05-02

The participants shall:

Engage in the practical training moments and receive feedback constructively


Learning objectives:

82) The participants can perform emergency descent of the lift (Skills, intermediate level)

83) The participants can explain conditions when not to use emergency descent and discuss alternative actions to be taken (Knowledge, intermediate level 84) The participants will on their own initiative seek guidance from manuals and directives on when not to do the emergency descent (Ability, intermediate level)

The instructor shall:

Explain conditions when not to use emergency descent and present alternative actions to be taken

Design and conduct learning activities where emergency descent procedure is practiced (see element 6.3)

Provide feedback on the participants’ professional and human performance

The participants shall:

Engage in the practical training of emergency descent and receive feedback constructively


15 min.

The aim of this lesson is to prepare the participants to evacuate a lift safely and responsibly.

Having successfully completed this lesson of the Lift User Module, the participants

85) Show interest in how to evacuate a lift safely and responsibly and will on own initiative seek guidance when needed (Ability, basic level)

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