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Jazzy art exhibition
Perfect on the pitch
ST-EUGENE | Jazz is one of the many in- spirations of Vankleek Hill artist Susan Jephcott whose works are on display at the Skelly Gallery, 160 County Road 10, St-Eugène, from November 10th to No- vember 29. “This solo exhibition explores how the sound of music and the images of dreams, images of ordinary things can bring other worlds together, bring out that other spir- it, sometimes playful, sometimes sensual and sometimes right out of left field,” says the painter. The exhibition is described as a “visual feast and chorus of colour, transporting you into another world where anything can happen.” A vernissage will be held Sunday, No- vember 10, from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Originally from Hudson and of Scots ancestry, Jephcott has been painting her whole life and received her first set of oils at 12. Her work has varied from highly textured figurative portrait studies to
hard-edged symbolism, re-absorbing and personalizing classical techniques and re- directing them into stark story-telling. Jephcott draws on the myths and sto- ries of her heritage; of her times spent in Jamaica and the West Indian stories her friends told her. She is also influenced by the stories of the Mohawks and Iroquois Nation imparted by her father who was a game warden in Hudson, where she spent time trawling the shores opposite Kane- hsatake (Oka) for arrowheads and pottery shards. She is intrigued with the universal- ity of myth and legend. For more information, contact gallery owner Philippa Lesniak, 613-674-2987, info.inkidoo@gmail.com, www.inkidoo. com. Beau’s honoured Beau’s All Natural Brewing Company, of Vankleek Hill, has become the first-ever Canadian brewery, and one of three brew- eries in the world, to become certified as a Benefit Corporation or “B Corp.” A Certi- fied B Corp is a for-profit entity that has achieved very high levels of social and en- vironmental performance, and has chosen to consider benefit to community and the environment in business decision-making processes, instead of simple profit. “We’re building on the same values we started the brewery with seven years ago: essentially, the belief that beer tastes better when you can feel good about drinking it,” says Beau’s co-founder Steve Beauchesne. “For me the B Corp certifica- tion is about making a public commitment to maintaining our high ethical standards, and to being open and honest with the people in our communities who buy our beer,” he adds.
Submitted photo
Submitted photo
Pleasant Corners Public School junior soccer team celebrates with coach Richard Jen- nings after the squad won a tournament held at the Maxville Sports Complex. The PCPS side won the tournament, which featured teams from four other Upper Canada District School Board schools. PCPS was undefeated in the round robin, finishing with two wins and two ties.
FORMULE 6 VENTE DE BIENS-FONDS PAR APPEL D’OFFRES Loi de 2001 sur les municipalités
Take Notice that tenders are invited for the purchase of the lands described below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time on December 3rd, 2013 at the 205 Old Highway 17,P.O. Box 350, Plantagenet, Ontario K0B 1L0. The tenders will then be opened in public on the same day at 3:00 p.m. at theTown Hall at 205 Old Highway 17, Plantagenet, Ontario. Description of Land: Property Identifier Number (PIN) 54134-0368 being Part of Lot 6, Concession 7, geographicTownship of Alfred, nowTownship of Alfred and Plantagenet, County of Prescott as in AL8154. Minimum Tender Amount: $ 10,627.40 Description of Land: Property Identifier Number (PIN) 54106-0197 being Part of Lot 8, Concession 4, geographic Township of North Plantagenet, now Township of Alfred and Plantagenet, County of Prescott as in R711; Except Parts 1 to 5 on Plan 46R-1576 and R38240, R65203, R81661, R91086, R97953, R117375, R120437, R125334 and R129100. Minimum Tender Amount: $ 16,880.75 Description of Land: Property Identifier Number (PIN) 54139-0156 being Part of Lot 20, Concession 2, geographicTownship of Alfred, nowTownship of Alfred and Plantagenet, County
Avis est donné qu’un appel d’offres est lancé relativement à l’achat des biens-fonds décrits ci- dessous et que les offres seront reçues jusqu’à 15 h, heure locale, le 3 décembre 2013 au 205 vieille route 17, C.P. 350, Plantagenet, Ontario, K0B 1L0. L’ouverture des offres aura lieu en public le même jour à 15h00 à l’Hôtel de ville, 205 vieille route 17, Plantagenet, Ontario. Description du bien-fonds : Numéro identifiant la propriété (PIN) 54134-0368, parti du lot 6, Concession 7, anciennement canton d’Alfred, maintenant dans le canton d’Alfred et Plantagenet, comté de Prescott tel que dans AL8154. Montant minimal de l’offre : $10,647.40 Description du bien-fonds : Numéro identifiant la propriété (PIN) 54106-0197, parti du lot 8, Concession 4, anciennement canton de Plantagenet Nord, maintenant dans le canton d’Alfred et Plantagenet, comté de Prescott tel que dans R711; Excepté Parti 1 à 5 au Plan 46R- 1576 et R38240, R65203, R81661, R91086, R97953, R117375, R120437, R125334 et R129100. Montant minimal de l’offre : $16,880.75 Description du bien-fonds : Numéro identifiant la propriété (PIN) 54139-0156, parti du lot 20, Concession 2, anciennement canton d’Alfred, maintenant dans le canton d’Alfred et Plantagenet, comté de Prescott tel que dans R85049; S/T Debts dans R85049. Montant minimal de l’offre : $11,583.16 Description du bien-fonds : Numéro identifiant la propriété (PIN) 54106-0126, parti du lot 7, Concession 3, anciennement canton de Plantagenet Nord, maintenant dans le canton d’Alfred et Plantagenet, comté de Prescott tel que dans R854; Excepté Parti 1 au plan 46R-1129. Montant minimal de l’offre : $17,319.17 Les offres doivent être rédigées selon la formule prescrite et être accompagnées d’un dépôt d’au moins 20 pour cent de leur montant, sous forme de mandat, de traite bancaire ou de chèque visé par une banque ou une société de fiducie, fait à l’ordre de la municipalité. Exception faite de ce qui suit, la municipalité ne fait aucune déclaration à l’égard des biens- fonds faisant l’objet de la vente, notamment en ce qui concerne le titre. Il incombe aux acheteurs éventuels de faire les vérifications nécessaires. La Loi de 2001 sur les municipalités et les Règles concernant les ventes pour non-paiement des impôts municipaux adoptées en application de cette loi régissent la vente. L’adjudicataire est tenue de payer le montant de son offre, les impôts accumulés et les droits de cession immobilière applicables.
Grenville (Qc) 819-242-3131
En français ROY DUPUIS
of Prescott as in R85049; S/T Debts in R85049. Minimum Tender Amount: $ 11,583.16
Description of Land: Property Identifier Number (PIN) 54106-0126 being Part of Lot 7, Concession 3, geographic Township of North Plantagenet, now Township of Alfred and Plantagenet, County of Prescott as in R854; Except Part 1 on Plan 46R-1129. Minimum Tender Amount: $ 17,319.17
Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be accompanied by a deposit in the form of a money order or of a bank draft or cheque certified by a bank or trust corporation payable to the municipality and representing at least 20 per cent of the tender amount. Except as follows, the municipality makes no representation regarding the title to or any other matters relating to the land to be sold. Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchasers. This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal Tax Sales Rules made under that Act. The successful purchaser will be required to pay the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes and the relevant land transfer tax.
The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the successful purchaser.
La municipalité n’est pas tenue d’offrir la libre possession à l’adjudicataire.
For further information regarding this sale and a copy of the prescribed form of tender contact:
Pour obtenir des renseignements supplémentaires sur la vente et une copie de la formule d’offre prescrite, s’adresser à :
Diane Thauvette, Trésorière
Canton d’Alfred et Plantagenet
Diane Thauvette, Treasurer
Township of Alfred and Plantagenet
www.cinemaclock.com Quebec Grenville
265, rue St-Philippe, Alfred, Ontario K0B 1A0
Tel.: 613 679-2292 (27)
265 St-Philippe Street, Alfred, Ontario K0B 1A0 Tel.: 613 679-2292 (27)
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