Rare farmer criticism for MP Lemieux RICHARD MAHONEY richard.mahoney@eap.on.ca ment in the crowd. The current supply management system works fine, ensuring that the market provides producers with adequate income, he said.
is the new trade deal Canada has negoti- ated with Europe. The agreement is a boon for agriculture, according to Lemieux. It’s a bust for dairy farmers, according to many of the 40 people who attended a meeting Lemieux organized last week in Vankleek Hill, one of three such sessions he held on the trade deal. Lemieux recalled that he has done his ut- most to understand farmers’ concerns. He has met farmers in his office, at fairs and in their barns. Dairy industry representa- tives were involved in consultations prior to the trade talks, Lemieux noted. But the consensus at the Vankleek Hill meeting was that dairy farmers would be losers, because Europe would gain increased access to the Canadian cheese market. Lemieux insisted
Lemieux reiterated that farmers ought not to feel threatened by any down side to the deal. Any negative impact would be a “bump in the road,” he said. However, some farmers repeated their cynicism, charging that Ottawa has done little to impede the entry of “pizza kits.” Lemieux replied that pizza kits had not been raised as a concern until recently. He pledged the federal government would act on the importing of pizza kits, which are not subject to the 245 per cent “tariff wall” on dairy products. The Inter- national Trade Tribunal recently rejected a Dairy Farmers of Canada motion to impose tariffs on kits that contain shredded mozza- rella cheese.
Lemieux observed that some suggest that dairy farmers are subsidized by con- sumers. Allen countered that while Europe subsidizes its producers, Canadian milk pro- ducers have not received government sub- sidies for the past 15 to 20 years. “Now you want to go back to the subsidy system? We don’t want that.” Farmers’ reputation in the eyes of con- sumers will suffer if they are awarded gov- ernment support, stressed Ron Versteeg, first vice-president with the Dairy Farmers of Canada.
VANKLEEK HILL | Since his election in 2006, Glengarry-Prescott-Russell Conser- vative MP Pierre Lemieux has often said that he is a strong voice for farmers. And, for the most part, Lemieux has been backed by the farming community. However, recently, the Parliamentary Secretary to Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz has been hearing criticism from many area producers. The source of their discontent
Figures recently presented to Prescott-Russell united counties council show how police costs have increased since 2010. 2010 2011 2012 2013 Per Capita Alfred-Plantagenet 1,058,637 1,147,761 1,202,794 1,281,236 160.54 Casselman 776,117 826,353 805,894 892,254 246.07 Champlain 989,630 1,049,856 1,047,447 1,085,384 141.12 Clarence-Rockland 2,665,577 2,902,205 3,023,472 3,109,982 134.14 Hawkesbury 3,275,638 3,754,304 3,813,912 4,026,992 381.67 East Hawkesbury 366,417 385,744 385,745 375,032 121.02 Nation 1,072,928 1,179,673 1,172,678 1,232,365 105.62 Russell 1,842,033 2,179,537 2,031,053 2,164,320 141.95 Total 12,046,977 13,425,433 13,482,995 14,167,565 170.59 Town expects police bill cut Hawkesbury expects to get some good news Novem- ber 22 when municipal representatives meet Ontario Provincial Police officials to discuss a new billing meth- od. Mayor René Berthiaume and Councillor Alain Fraser say that they expect the town’s long-standing com- plaints about policing costs will be addressed soon.
that the agreement would in the long run boost agricul- ture and the econo- my as a whole. Plus, on the off chance that dairy farmers would lose money as a result of the pact, the federal government would provide assistance. “We don’t want subsidies,” stated Vankleek Hill farmer Scott Allen, sum- ming up a senti-
Photo Richard Mahoney
Scott Allen
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Alain Carrière, siège #4 - Développer les départements de sécurité et des travaux publiques. - Développer et accomplir un plan maître de 10 ans d’amélioration des chemins. - Investir une partie de nos subventions annuelles dans les chemins de Calumet. - Rétablir l’image et positionner GSLR dans la MRC d’Argenteuil. - Appuyer le conseil avec respect et être a l’écoute de leurs propositions. - Respecter les citoyens(nes), les industries locales et notre environnement. Richard Polissena, siège #5 - Développer et réaliser un programme de vidange pour les fosses septiques afin de diminuer les coûts. - Encadrer le développement des industries et arrêter l’harcèlement de celles-ci. - Élaborer un programme d’emploi avec nos industries, pour maintenir les emplois chez nous. Noël F. Baril, siège #6 - Assister l’administration à l’élaboration d’un budget balancé. - Arrêter de jouer avec les taxes et les évaluations afin d’éviter une autre rechute de dettes et d’instabilité financière afin d’avancer et non reculer de 40 ans. - S’assurer que la municipalité possède des fonds pour investir leur part dans les subventions.
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Comtés unis de Prescott et Russell United Counties of Prescott and Russell
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B&C Office Equipment Beau’s All-Natural Brewing Bijouterie Markor Burger King CasselmanTire Centre des Services à l’emploi Charlebois Engineering ClubVoyages MarlinTravel Commission de Formation de l’Est ontarien D.K.Travel Duo-Style Coiffure Dupuis Ford Casselman Epicure Selections – consultante indépendante Mélanie Sicard Esthétique – Électrolyse Nancy Campbell
Intersport J.R. Fitness Kiné-Détente Hawkesbury Lalonde Lumber Plantagenet Lucky 7 (Embrun) Matt Brown Photography Mark’sWorkWarehouse Rendez-vous Nissan Restaurant Carole
Restaurant LeVieux Château Restaurant Miss Hawkesbury Salon Attraction Stephanie’s Resto Bar Studio 161 (KimberlyTessier Bougie) Studio 161 (Roxanne Leroux) Tim Hortons Tribune Express Trophy Hill Vert Fourchette Voldi Esthétique L’Orignal
Nous sommes la seule équipe capable d’aller chercher des investisseurs potentiels afin de créer des emplois dans notre municipalité. Nous avons l’expérience et la crédibilté. Les élections auront lieu le 3 novembre au Centre Paul Bougie entre 10h00 et 20h00.
Esthétique Lise (St-Isidore) Esthétique Mélissa Dewar Fitlife Gym Fleuriste Denis Brabant Groupe Convex Hawkesbury Mazda Hawkesbury ServiceTelecom/Bell Mobilité
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