Abbey School Improvement Plan 2019-20
To develop the home /school link through the use of resource bags to promote learning at home in a fun way.
Staff will provide resources for the home/ school link bag to promote learning. 3 per class/ Nursery. Staff will observe a greater contribution of evidence from home for their learning journeys. Workshops for parents to help understand the use of the bags; additional workshop for phonics
There will be an observed increase in children understanding rhyme and alliteration across EYFS.
October 2019
SG, NR & EYFS staff
Proportion secure in phase 2 phonics at the end of YN is 80%
Home/ school links and target gaps in learning.
Proportion secure in phase 3 phonics at the end of YR is 80%
To promote an understanding of rhyme and alliteration in preparation for reading and developing a culture of and love for reading.
To dedicate 10 I-pads in YN and 15 in YR specifically with EYFS apps.
Wipe and audit current apps. Use Lightspeed MDM to create a profile for EYFS. Deploy apps and store in re-used Kingston trolley
Pupils have access to dedicated apps to support across areas of learning.
October 2019
To review the use of assessment information collected so that the quantity decreases, quality and links across areas of learning increases to inform next steps and CIL.
Consult EYFS staff on the use of assessment information
Staff draw upon all areas of learning to develop a holistic assessment that informs next steps and provision.
After baseline.
Access LA good practice and outstanding providers to secure the best practice to inform our AFL and AofL. Workload balance remains positive whilst still ensuring that sufficient useful evidence is collected, collated and used.
Evaluation: Leaders monitoring of SIP Governors monitoring of the SIP
This section will be updated at the end of each term to link QA tasks to evaluating the impact of actions
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