shall be at one with it, and new and old will be brought into harmony. For geology and Genesis are quite in agree- ment as Dana, Dawson, and many others equally competent, have repeatedly af- firmed. And Hommel, Hilprecht, Petrie, Sayce and Clay, and almost every mas- ter in Archeological science, over and over, affirm that the records of secular and sacred history are wonderfully har- monious. But the Chicago professors and the " n e w Christianity" will not consent to the truth. WORKERS' CONFERENCE There is one more organization need- ed; i. e., one to stop, the organization of any more organizations. You can not conceive of life without an organism. Organism, plus organism is organiza- tion. The organization bears testimony to the organism. . A church building bears witness to a company of believers—an organiza- tion—which bears witness to the Church of Christ, an organism. Involution must nrecede evolution. A stranded automobile is a pitiful sight, but more so a Christian church without power. Religious anarchy is no more' respec- table than social anarchy. 0 'Knocking' is not a sign of spirit- ual l i f e :" We must recognize organization in church and state as part of the Holy Spirit's expression of His work in the world. Doctor Locke. A hero is one who places duty before life. If we have Christ we shall wield a hero's scepter and wear a crown. The new heroism is the old heroism anew. There is only one failure in life, and that is not to be true to one's best. All our environment requires faith. Selfishness is suicide. Character is the fine art of giving up. We must adjust our compass to serv- ice. , My rights end where my brother's begin. Who seeks for happiness alone will lose it. Do riot let anyone dethrone you of your prayer life.
ligion has its rights, but so also has history, and one of these is that it be studied by historical methods.'' "The new Christianity" is very much like the old in this most reason- able attitude. But will the .."New Christianity" be as Christian as the old in accepting the opposite principle, viz., when Genesis and geology are agreed, and when " t h e assured results of historical investigation" harmonize with the Bible record, will it give the Old Book the due credit? If so, we FIRST ANNUAL CHRISTIAN ' The Christian Workers' Conference, held at the Institute, June 20-30, was a vindication of the Christian enter- prise of ; its projectors. So eminent a success is the harbinger of future feasts of the same flavor, and warrants us in designating it " T h e First An- nual." Besides Drs. McAfee and Gil- christ from Berkeley and San Francis- co, a strong list of speakers, ministers and laymen, of this city, took part in the* program, and demonstrated the self- sufficiency of t o s Angeles to supply 'the intellectual, experimental, and spir- itual helpers for sueh a gathering. All the sessions were well attended, several indicated the need of larger ac- commodations for future conferences. The topics were timely and close to the work and its needs; and not one of them was handled except by such as were qualified by experience to do 39. A devotional and practical spirit char- acterized the whole session. PREGNANT POINTS FROM THE CONFERENCE. But meager notes of the conference utterances were made. , That some speakers are more fully reported than others is not du6 to the superior value of their remarks. Some speakers as well as much excellent discourse were not recorded. Verbal accuracy is not claimed for the following quotations: Doctor Pritchard. 'Churches are necessary for the con- servation of results. The -message should minister to the upbuilding of the churches. Deficiencies of the churches are: Bi- ble study, faith, Holy Spirit, prayer, surrender, assurance, testimony, mo- tive, love, loyalty, personal responsi- bility, reverence. Our charches are full of statues.
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