CAHELP Guide of Professional Learning Courses

For more information or to register for this training, visit the CAHELP OMS Calendar: Wearing Two Hats - The Dually-Identified Children: Working Effectively With English Learners With Special Needs ACADEMIC SUPPORTS

Requirements from the federal and state laws dictate that children who are English learners (ELs) with disabilities be provided with a linguistically appropriate IEP to achieve equitable educational outcomes. Referencing the California Roadmap and the California’s Practitioners’ Guide for Educating English Learners with Disabilities, these series of workshops will focus on the practices, tools, and supports for English learners. This workshop will focus on the moral imperative and on what the law says about the pre-referral process, identification. and assessment procedures; instructing English learners with disabilities; developing a linguistically appropriate IEP and writing linguistically appropriate IEP goals; and understanding of the reclassification process for ELs who are dually identified.

Intended Audience

General Education Teachers, Special Education Teachers, School Psychologists, Speech-Language Pathologists, Bilingual/ELD Personnel, and Administrators.

LCAP Priorities


PROGRAM SPECIALIST – (760) 955-3578 x # 06:00 Hours

© Pupil Engagement, Pupil

Achievement, Implementing State Standards, Course Access

For more information or to register for this training, visit the CAHELP OMS Calendar: The Basics of Accessing the Curriculum Through Assistive Technology ASSESSMENT

Assistive technology (AT) and accessible instructional materials can provide equitable opportunities for students to access the curriculum. The purpose of assistive technology (AT) is to identify what supports and options are required in order for a student to make progress towards his/her goals. This course will introduce participants to the SETT framework, a four-part model intended to encourage collaborative decision making for AT considerations. The SETT framework is a guideline for gathering data to make effective AT decisions. SETT is an acronym examining: Student’s abilities and concerns, Environments in which the student experiences barriers, Tasks which are difficult for the student to accomplish (IEP goals), and Tools that may be useful to accomplish the identified task(s).

Intended Audience

Site administrators, special education teachers, and paraprofessionals.

LCAP Priorities


© Basic Services, Course Access, Other Pupil Outcomes

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