CAHELP Guide of Professional Learning Courses

For more information or to register for this training, visit the CAHELP OMS Calendar: Understanding Accessibility Resources within the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) ASSESSMENT

Equal opportunity for all students to access instruction and demonstrate learning is a fundamental principle of public education. Accessibility resources represent a set of tools that help a student better access classroom instruction. They are also provided in a testing environment so that students can do their best to demonstrate their knowledge and skills. The Smarter Balance Assessment System was designed to maximize accessibility for all students. An array of universal tools, designated supports, and accommodations are available to help ensure that Smarter Balance summative and interim assessments generate a fair and accurate estimate of each student’s achievement. The participants of this course will: • Understand the importance of accessibility resources. • Learn about the various universal tools, designated supports, and accommodation available within the Smarter Balance System.

Intended Audience

Special education teachers, general education teachers, administrators, school psychologists, and speech- language.

LCAP Priorities


PROGRAM SPECIALIST – (760) 955-3578 x # 02:30 Hours

© Pupil Engagement, Pupil

Achievement, Parent Involvement, Implementing State Standards

Desired Results Developmental Profile (DRDP) 2015 ASSESSMENT, EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION

For more information or to register for this training, visit the CAHELP OMS Calendar:

The Desired Results Developmental Profile (DRDP) is an observation tool utilized by educators to record individual progress towards the achievement of specific outcomes across many domains of development. This instrument was developed by the California Development of Education. All preschool special education programs are required to submit the DRDP Preschool Fundamental View for each student to CASEMIS, including students who receive Speech and Language services only. Beginning in August 2018, the requirement for training special educators to use the DRDP (2015) will follow a new procedure. Mandatory training will be delivered by the Desired Results Access Project directly to all special education teachers and service providers who administer the DRDP (2015). Participants have two ways to complete training: 1. In-person session: A half-day training session held in each of the 11 California County Superintendents Educational Services Association (CCSESA) regions. OR 2. Online course: A self- paced course consisting of seven brief modules offered in the learning center. After completing either training option, all participants must complete an online demonstration of rating skills exercise in the Desired Results Access Project’s learning center to receive a certificate of training completion. To register for a training, create an account through the learning center: There is no cost to attend. For assistance, contact the Desired Results Access Project: Phone: (800) 673-9220 Ext. 2 or Ext. 4 or Email: or

Intended Audience

Early childhood special education teachers and early childhood speech-language pathologists.

LCAP Priorities

 VERONICA ROUSSEAU PROGRAM SPECIALIST – (760) 646-8000 x267 # 02:00 Hours

© Pupil Achievement, Parent

Involvement, Implementing State Standards

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