CAHELP Guide of Professional Learning Courses

Enhancing Disciplinary Equity Through Data, Systems, and Practices BEHAVIORAL SUPPORTS

For more information or to register for this training, visit the CAHELP OMS Calendar:

Disciplinary equity honors student strengths through student voice, engages staff in self-awareness, and supports administrators in their efforts to address significant disproportionality by evaluating discipline policies and their explicit tie to equitable practices. This course will provide participants with a 5-point multicomponent approach to reduce discipline disproportionality in schools based on their unique culture and climate with strategies to enhance positive learning environments.

Intended Audience

Paraprofessionals, general and special education teachers, site administrators, and district administrators.

LCAP Priorities


© School Climate, Pupil Engagement, Pupil Achievement, Parent Involvement

– (760) 646-8000 x333 # 02:30 Hours

Implementing Culturally Responsive Systems and Practices BEHAVIORAL SUPPORTS

For more information or to register for this training, visit the CAHELP OMS Calendar:

To be effective in multicultural classrooms, educators must have the ability to relate respectively with people of their own culture as well as those from other cultures. This course is designed to guide educators through activities that distinguish the differences between culture and climate on their campuses, and strategies for implementing culturally responsive practices. Participants will learn the core components of cultural responsiveness and how to use Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) principles to change school cultures and systems to enhance educational equity. Intentional use of these strategies will support districts in reducing disproportionate practices.

Intended Audience

Paraprofessionals, general and special education teachers, site administrators, and district administrators.

LCAP Priorities


© School Climate, Pupil Engagement, Pupil Achievement, Parent Involvement

– (760) 646-8000 x333 # 07:00 Hours

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