CAHELP Guide of Professional Learning Courses

For more information or to register for this training, visit the CAHELP OMS Calendar: Nonviolent Crisis Intervention (CPI) Autism Spectrum Disorder Training BEHAVIORAL SUPPORTS

Interested in learning how to support Nonviolent Crisis Interventions (CPI) when working with learners with autism? Join our regional autism specific offerings of CPI, which include additional discussion topics and autism specific content embedded within the two-part course focusing on crisis prevention intervention. This course will provide participants with the skills to prevent, disengage and physically withhold (as a last resort) dangerous situations safely and effectively while keeping in mind the needs and differences of a learner with autism. Part/Day 1: This training will take place in person and will focus on the learning of non-verbal and verbal prevention and intervention of challenging behavior. Part/Day 2: For this in-person training, participants will have to dress safely. Upon successfully demonstrating competency of disengagement skills, physical interventions, and passing of a written evaluation, participants will receive CPI certification which will be valid for 2 years.

Intended Audience

Special Education Teachers, Paraprofessionals, General Education Teachers, Campus Security, Service Providers, Coaches, Behavior Staff

LCAP Priorities

 JENNIFER ROUNTREE PROGRAM SPECIALIST – (760) 646-8000 x288 # 12:00 Hours

© School Climate, Pupil Engagement, Pupil Achievement

For more information or to register for this training, visit the CAHELP OMS Calendar: Positive Behavioral Intervention and Support (PBIS) Team Work- group Day (Early Childhood - 12) BEHAVIORAL SUPPORTS

This working day provides teams with an opportunity to review their current implementation plans, discuss next steps, action plan, and receive support as teams move through implementation steps. The Desert/Mountain SELPA Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) team members will be in the room providing coaching and facilitation as requested by teams. Participants will build on existing relationships with their site PBIS team, identify their existing level of implementation, and design an action plan for growth.

Intended Audience

Special education teachers, general education teachers, paraprofessionals, site administrators, and district administrators.

LCAP Priorities


© School Climate, Pupil Engagement, Pupil Achievement, Parent Involvement

– (760) 646-8000 x333 # 06:00 Hours

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