Taming Your Wiggles and Jiggles Through Sensory Strategies FAMILY ENGAGEMENT
For more information or to register for this training, visit the CAHELP OMS Calendar: https://sbcss.k12oms.org/?gid=52
Participants will develop an awareness and understanding of sensory processing, learn about the function of sensory input, and how sensory challenges affect children day to day. This training will explore why senses are important for children’s learning, how they affect children’s behaviors, what sensory processing difficulties might look like, and ideas on how to help children who experience sensory issues. Participants will learn fun interactive strategies that assist with self-regulation and ways to meet their child’s sensory needs.
Intended Audience
Parents, guardians, and caregivers.
LCAP Priorities
JESSICA SOTO COMMUNITY OUTREACH LEAD SPECIALIST (760) 955-3687 x jessica.soto@cahelp.org # 02:00 Hours
© Pupil Achievement, Parent Involvement
Collaborative Approach to IEP Meetings INDIVIDUAL PROTECTIONS
For more information or to register for this training, visit the CAHELP OMS Calendar: https://sbcss.k12oms.org/?gid=52
The collaborative approach to IEP meetings involves the shared responsibility of all stakeholders. Parents/guardians, students, general education teachers, special education teachers, administrators, and other professionals work t6ogether to draft the IEP, set meaningful goals and provide the necessary support for the student’s success. Ongoing collaboration and communication are key to ensuring that the IEP goals are met and the student reaches their full potential.
Intended Audience
Special education teachers, general education teachers, administrators, school psychologists, and speech- language pathologists.
LCAP Priorities
PROGRAM SPECIALIST (760) 955-3578 x annette.rego@cahelp.org # 02:00 Hours
© Pupil Achievement, Parent Involvement
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