CAHELP Guide of Professional Learning Courses

Responding to School Crises SOCIAL/EMOTIONAL SUPPORTS

For more information or to register for this training, visit the CAHELP OMS Calendar:

This course is a two-day training designed to prepare school staff and mental health clinicians for responding to crises that affect school communities. The three most common phases of a crisis (pre-crisis planning, acute crisis response, and post-crisis activities) will be reviewed. Special attention is given to the most common pitfalls associated with crisis response activities. Participants will be introduced to the Responding to School Crises utilizing Models of Support framework and specific intervention techniques that can easily be applied within the school setting for the emotional support of students, families, and school staff.

Intended Audience

Special education teachers, general education teachers, paraprofessionals, site administrators, school psychologists, counselors, and clinicians.

LCAP Priorities


© School Climate, Pupil Engagement, Other Pupil Outcomes

– (760) 646-8000 x323 # 07:00 Hours

Responding to School Crisis: Refresher SOCIAL/EMOTIONAL SUPPORTS

For more information or to register for this training, visit the CAHELP OMS Calendar:

This course is offered as a refresher to those who have previously attended the two-day training, Responding to School Crises. Participants of this course are provided a review of the Models of Support framework and specific intervention techniques that can easily be applied within the school setting for the emotional support of students, families, and school staff. Participants will be given opportunities to explore the elements of effective crisis management through multiple group activities. This is not a disaster preparedness course; this course is for crisis intervention and emotional support.

Intended Audience

Individuals that have previously completed the two required days of the Managing School Crisis: From Theory to Application training.

LCAP Priorities


© School Climate, Pupil Engagement

– (760) 646-8000 x323 # 02:00 Hours

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