Restorative Justice Conferencing SOCIAL/EMOTIONAL SUPPORTS
For more information or to register for this training, visit the CAHELP OMS Calendar:
This 2 day training provides information regarding a prevention and intervention approach to school discipline, Restorative Practices provides an alternative to suspension and can be integrated into a school’s multi-tiered system of behavioral support. Conferencing can be employed by schools in response to incidents of conflict, wrongdoing, truancy, disciplinary incidents, including violence, or as a prevention strategy in the form of role plays of conferences with primary and secondary school students. Restorative Justice Conferencing covers the fundamentals of facilitating a formal conference in response to an incident of wrongdoing or harm. You will then be able to utilize those skills to create deeper interpersonal understanding and repair relationships among those involved or affected.
Intended Audience
Special education teachers, general education teachers, site administrators, school counselors, school psychologists and district administrators.
LCAP Priorities
© School Climate, Pupil Achievement, Other Pupil Outcomes
(760) 646-8000 x333 # 16:00 Hours
Restorative Practices Overview SOCIAL/EMOTIONAL SUPPORTS
For more information or to register for this training, visit the CAHELP OMS Calendar:
This overview will provide educators with an introduction to the continuum of Restorative Practices. Participants will increase their knowledge of social emotional practices through classroom rituals and utilize specific questions to prompt discussions for healthy social emotional interactions whether in person or in a virtual setting. Participants interested in more in-depth skills and implementation may register for the two-day course offered, The Fundamentals of Restorative Practices.
Intended Audience
Special education teachers, general education teachers, paraprofessionals, site administrators, and district administrators.
LCAP Priorities
© School Climate, Pupil Engagement, Pupil Achievement
(760) 646-8000 x333 # 02:00 Hours
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